
Chen was furious

, and with a team of blood floating slaughter, he arrived in front of the Star Picking Tower!

"Lord Hou, which gust of wind blew you here?"

Blocks the dust.

Hou Chen shouted angrily: "I want to enter the Star Picking Tower to arrest people, I don't want to die, just get away!" Lu

Youcai was not angry, and said with a smile: "Lord Hou, you have your duties, but villains also have villains' duties."

"It's okay if you want to enter the Star Picking Tower. "

Anyone is welcome to stay in the Star Picking Building!"

"However, these people under you can't enter. Hou

Chen was furious: "You want to stop me?" Lu

Youcai's smile remained unchanged: "The villain is also acting on orders."

"Don't you meet the villains like villains, okay!"

"After all, the rules are there.

"If the villain breaks the rules, the fifth master is afraid that he will be unhappy!" The

two words of the fifth master were like a thunderbolt!

Hou Chen knew that there were big people behind the Star Picking Tower.

But he never knew the exact information.

Now the two words of the fifth master made him think of that ruthless existence.


if he was followed by a group of Blood Futu

, even if he was the prefect of Zhongzhou City

, he didn't dare to lead someone into the Star Picking Tower to arrest people!

"Then I'll go in by myself, right?" Hou Chen's face was gloomy.

Lu Youcai smiled and said, "All guests are welcome in the Star Picking Tower, as long as they don't do it here!"

Facing a weak person like

Chen Nan! Is he qualified to let himself do it?

Because Hou Yuan sent someone to stare at Chen Nan before, so he knew his room number.


Waiting dust directly broke into the door.

For some reason.

An inexplicable coolness, like a cold steel needle piercing into his body!

Like a great enemy.

But soon.

The cold feeling disappeared.


A figure at the table came into view.

Dressed in a white robe, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes.


The whole person exudes an elegant aura from the inside out.

Especially his action of making tea, it gives people a pleasing feeling.

This is seriously inconsistent with the image he imagined of hurting people on the street and destroying his son's arms.

He thought that Chen Nan would be a man of five big and three thick.

A shallow smile appeared on Chen Nan's face: "Lord Hou, please use tea!" "

Do you know I will come?" Hou Chen's face was gloomy, he wanted to see through Chen Nan.

only to find.

The other party is calm.

It's like a fog.

The only thing he could see through was his cultivation.

Chen Nan smiled: "I had a conflict with Young Master Hou on the street last night, and he suffered an accident today!"


"I don't think you're going to let me go.

Chen Nan took a sip of tea, put down the water cup, and asked puzzled: "Why should I escape?" Hou

Chen gritted his teeth and did not hide his inner killing intent: "Because, I will kill you to pay for my son's life

!" "I want you to go to Huangquan Road to accompany

my son!" "Even if you are not the opponent to kill my son."

"I also want to avenge him."

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth flashed with disdain: "I'm not surprised that you would have this idea, after all, if it weren't for your connivance and doting, your son would not have become the notorious Yannei that everyone shouted at."


"I don't think you can kill me. Hou

Chen laughed angrily: "My master of the Immortal Realm, I can't kill you an ant in the Mahayana realm?"

"As for the reason..."

"You're about to die!" The

moment Hou Chen pushed the door in, Chen Nan punched that bad luck magic array into his body.

This bad luck formation directly changed the fate of Hou Chen.

The official air above his head before was very majestic.

This is the momentum of soaring.

But now.

Those official spirits have been polluted by the bad luck array and eaten away.

The polluted official atmosphere makes the moldy atmosphere more vigorous.

The yang that has covered up the dust.

"Laozi is lazy and you talk nonsense, give me death!" Hou Chen grabbed Chen Nan with a palm.

Chen Nan clenched his fists and struck

! Boom

! Fists collided!

A terrifying energy suddenly erupted in the room, and

the surrounding furnishings also turned into powder and floated in the air.

"Who are you, why is your strength so strong?" Hou Chen's eyes were full of incredulity, his arms were trembling, he didn't expect Chen Nan's strength to be so terrifying.

Chen Nanyun smiled lightly: "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that if you escape now, there is still time

!" "If not, I'm afraid you won't be able to send your son to the earth for peace

!" Hou Chen raised his hand and sacrificed his long sword: "Give me death!"

Chen Nan quickly dodged.

Although he can defeat the other side.

But now.

Hou Chen is still an official of the imperial court.

If you kill him yourself.

I am afraid that it will cause unnecessary trouble.

The sound of fighting upstairs attracted Lu Youcai.

"Master Hou, you can't do this!" Lu Youcai blocked in front of Chen Nan, his eyes flashing with a coldness.

Hou Chen's face was hideous: "Lu Treasurer, Chen Nan will die today."

"Don't worry, when he dies, I will go to the fifth master to apologize!" Lu

Youcai: "My duty is to protect every guest of the Star Picking Tower, as long as I am there, I will never allow you to hurt Young Master

Chen!" "In that case, then I will kill you together!" Although Hou Chen was afraid of the fifth master, he couldn't care so much at this time.

Even if he killed Lu Youcai, he offended the fifth master.

But he also has a backer behind him.

No matter what, today he will kill Chen Nan to avenge his son.

Hou Chen

cast a sword technique and slashed at Lu Youcai.

Lu Youcai squeezed the trick with both hands, and the Origin Immortal Sword appeared in front of him, fighting fiercely with Hou Chen.

But he was a Golden Immortal Peak Immortal Cultivator.

In terms of strength, it is not an opponent of Houchen at all.

A moment later.

The long sword in Hou Chen's hand pierced Lu Youcai's shoulder, and then kicked him out!

The long sword in his hand was still dripping blood.

It looks like a killing god.

He walked towards Chen Nan murderously: "I don't know why your strength is so strong

!" "I don't want to

know!" "I only know a little

!" "Anyone who hurts my relatives will die

!" "No one can be an exception!" Chen

Nan stood quietly at the window, looking at the approaching Houchen.

An intriguing smile appeared on his face.

"What are you laughing at?" Hou

Chen was furious.

Chen Nan was dying, kneeling down to him and begging for mercy, and his heart would be more comfortable.

But the other party not only did not ask for mercy.

Instead, she looked at him with a smile.

This is unbearable for him.

Even if Chen Nan is cut by a thousand cuts, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in his heart

!" "Ten!" "Nine!" Seeing

Chen Nan counting down, Hou Chen's face also showed a sinister smile: "Are you counting down your life?"

When Hou Chen stabbed towards Chen Nan, a

golden giant palm suddenly popped out from the Immortal Palace above the Nine Heavens.

As soon as he grasped Houchen, he caught it in midair, and

then a mighty voice echoed in the sky: "Houchen, are you guilty?"

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