Watch as Willow Yingying puts the long sword on Yu Fei's neck.

Chen Nan's pupils trembled violently.

Obviously, he didn't expect that Liu Yingying would aim his long sword at Concubine Yu.

Concubine Yu's face turned even pale: "Yingying, what are you doing?" "Can't

you see it, the person who wants to kill you is her!" Chen Nan's face was gloomy.

"It seems that I can't hide it." Elder Qu showed an intriguing smile and stopped fighting with that Immortal Emperor-level powerhouse.

Liu Yingying did not hide the killing intent in her heart: "Yes, it was I who sent someone to attack Concubine Yu."

"I should have thought it was you. Chen Nan clenched his fists.

This time it was his mistake

! Think about it

! Not long after they returned to

the Star Picking Tower last night, Willow Yingying appeared in front of them by chance! This

is strange everywhere

! After all, he also lived in the Star Picking Building for a while!

Why did the other party appear last night?

After all, she has always been thinking about them.


even sent a strong man of the Immortal Emperor level to escort them to Yandang Mountain

! He thought he was quite smart! He could play the enemy in the palm of his hand

! This time

! He was really deceived by the other party

! Can he be blamed for this?

Who would have thought! He

had suffered together!

At the

same time

, Chen Nan also understood why the attack on Concubine Yu had something to do with himself!

"Yingying, we have no wrongs and no hatred, why did you kill me? Concubine Yu's face was pale, and she couldn't forget what happened when Yingying had just been caught in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave.

When she first entered the Ten Thousand Demon Cave, she panicked.

Targeted everywhere.

I can't even eat.

If she hadn't come forward, the other party would most likely starve to death

!" "Don't mention the Demon Cave with me!" Liu Yingying's face was full of frost, and she gritted her teeth and said: "That's my greatest shame, it's a nightmare that I don't want to wake up in my life!"


You've seen me embarrassed at its best!"

Concubine Yu smiled miserably: "I thought that our common suffering would make us good sisters, but I didn't expect that it would lead to the scourge of killing!" "

That is, apart from Nie Yao, the tragic deaths of the other five people are all related to you?" Chen Nan clenched his fists.

Liu Yingying's words can't be believed

, naturally including an accident when five people crossed the demon realm

!" "Yes!" Liu Yingying's eyes lit up: "I wanted to kill everyone, but Nie Yao's strength is stronger than mine, and she escaped, otherwise she would have to die

!" "It's just, I didn't expect you to come back alive!" "Don't

blame me for being too cruel, if you want to blame, blame you for your bad luck!"

"Since you know, naturally I won't leave

you in the world!" "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it!" Chen Nan laughed angrily: "It was obviously you who took the initiative first, but now you want

to kill us!" "Why don't you go to the demon world when you are so capable?"

"Why don't you kill all the masters of the Light Bird Clan?" "

Have you ever thought that only in this way can you keep that secret!"

But she has never seen such a vicious woman as Liu Yingying

! She just wants to keep that secret

! But

! That thing is a shame in their hearts!

Who will be okay to talk about?

"Do you know why you are still alive?" Liu Yingying looked at Chen Nan, and a sneer flashed in her eyes: "The reason why I didn't let Qu Lao kill you is to see how strong your strength is!"


strength impresses

me!" "For your sake, I can make you my Liu family's

son-in-law!" "But the premise is that you have to kill Concubine Yu

!" "Only then can you live!" "

Let me be married to you?

Lao Tzu will not marry a femme fatale woman like

you!" "You don't pee to see what virtue

you have!"

"What qualifications do you have to be my woman

?" "Shut up!" Liu

Yingying was embarrassed and angry, her eyes full of killing intent: "Why? Why do you hate me so much?"

"Am I not as good as Concubine Yu?"

Looks, figure, temperament

!""Family lineage, social status

!""""What can she compare to me?" Liu

Yingying roared hysterically! As

the pearl of the Sifang Chamber of Commerce,

she is the goddess in the hearts of countless wealthy disciples of Zhongzhou City

! If it weren't for the accidental exile in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!

Her life would not have had any intersection with Chen Nan!

Even if Concubine Yu is a former saint of Xuanyu Gate

, she is just an ordinary person in her eyes

! The reason why she wants Chen Nan to be involved is firstly because she sees his potential! Second, she

does not want to marry the son of Shangshu of the Criminal Department!

Chen Nan: "There is no

reason to love someone!" "Similarly, you don't need any reason to hate someone!"

"Then I can only tell you that I don't like the birthmark on your ass!" "

Are you satisfied with this answer?" Liu

Yingying's face turned green

! She thought of what happened in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave! The demon

clan forced them to unite, otherwise they would kill everyone

! In order to survive,

she could only combine with Chen Nan

! and she was very active!

Because she'd heard that kind of thing would

be much more likely to be conceived

if it had been reciprocated! At


time, Chen Nan told her that he would not dislike it, and even felt very cute

! But now, he used the excuse that he didn't like the birthmark on his body!

How could she not be angry?

"In that case, then I will kill Concubine Yu in front of you!"

Liu Yingying became angry and raised her sword and slashed at

Concubine Yu! At this moment

, Concubine Yu's heart was like ashes

! She even felt the chill emanating from the long sword in the other party's hand! It

made her feel cold all over

! However, she was not afraid,

because dying in front of her beloved man was a happy thing!

For her, this is a bad thing

! "No one can kill my woman in front of me!" "

Heavenly King Laozi can't!"

A roar sounded in Chen Nan's mouth!

Eight tornadoes, devouring heaven and earth

! In all directions, Liu Yingying and those two Immortal Emperor-level powerhouses crushed away

! A flash of disdain flashed in Qu Lao's eyes, and he raised his hand to punch out a talisman paper

! In an instant

! The fierce wind disappeared! The

trembling void also returned to calm!

Qu Lao grinned and showed a cruel smile: "Young man, do you have any other means?"

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