After a

while, a touching melody sounded! Concubine

Yu told Chen Nan her answer with practical actions! She was as gentle as

water! The whole person seemed to be made of water

! Let Chen Nan indulge in gentle township

! When night falls

! Concubine Yu came out holding the wall, her eyes were shy, and there was a trace of anger

! Dissatisfied with Chen

Nan's rough behavior!

As soon as she came out, she found that Yu Weiwei had returned, which startled her a lot: "When did you come back

!" "When did you say that baby I was about to die!" Yu

Weiwei was a puppet after all!

"Knock on the door when you come back in the future!" Chen Nan walked out of the bedroom disheveled.

Yu Weiwei: "It's the master!" Whew

! Without warning,

there was a strong wind outside the window! The blown window creaked

! Chen Nan's eyes froze sharply

! He felt a mysterious and powerful aura

! It was like a strong man approaching

! But the next moment!

The bad luck array on the window was absorbed!

At the same time

, the other six bad luck arrays also disappeared one after another

! The shadow wanted to quietly enter the room and capture Chen Nan, but

for some reason

! A strong uneasiness rose in his heart

! As if something ominous was about to happen

! Out of professional instinct

! He knew!

If you go in and arrest someone at this time, it is very likely that an accident will occur

! Even if Chen Nan opened the window, but he did not dare to appear

! "Gone?" Chen

Nan looked out the window, with an intriguing smile in his eyes: "It's still alert, but if he hits my formation, he can't have a good end!" The

shadow felt that Chen Nan was a little inexplicable!

Instead, secretly monitoring their every move

! "Master, this is the jade card you asked me to buy!" In the room, Yu Weiwei took out a hundred jade cards and placed them on the table

! Chen Nan looked at the quality of those jade cards: "Not bad, buy some tomorrow, buy as much as you can!" The quality of

these jade cards can be used to arrange the formation!



some reason, a sense of unease rose

in his heart! He did not stay too long

, and returned to the Immortal Palace at the first time! He came to the Liufu

! At this moment, Liu Sifang was standing in the backyard

! Looking up at the night

sky! The Immortal Mansion is located above the nine heavens, and the stars are within reach on a sunny day

! But tonight!

There is lightning and thunder in the sky!

This kind of scene made him curious and puzzled

! "Sir, his subordinates are ineffective in doing things, and they have not found an opportunity to attack Chen Nan!" The shadow lowered his head

! Liu Sifang was a little surprised

! You must know that the shadow has followed him for many years

! This is the first time that he has not completed the task he arranged

! But it is not a big deal

! After all, it is the Star Picking Tower!

He looked at the night sky and said softly: " There is no need to take this matter to heart, there will definitely be a chance to capture Chen Nan alive

!" The shadow gritted his teeth: "I'm afraid, there is no chance!" Liu

Sifang couldn't help but say: "What's wrong with you, why do you feel so painful?" The

shadow raised his head with difficulty

! He felt as if an invisible big hand was holding his head!

I have a sense of foreboding, and this premonition is very strong

!""I may be dying soon

!""You listen to me first

!""Chen Nan is letting people buy good jade cards

!""Although I don't know the use, it's better not to let him succeed

!" "No, no, no!"

At this moment,

he thought of what Chen Nan had said!

[ It's quite alert, but if he hits my formation, he can't end well!"

"No, no, no, don't talk to Chen..."

He originally wanted to say not to become an enemy with Chen

Nan! After all, Chen Nan's means were really terrifying

! But the words were not finished

! The night sky suddenly turned into day

! It was caused by the heavenly thunder coming to the world! The heavenly thunder devoured the shadow! The power of the explosion almost flattened the Liufu to the ground

! If it weren't for the rapid reaction of the four sides of Liu, he would definitely be affected by the heavenly thunder


"What's going on?"

"Why did the shadow suffer such a catastrophe

?" "What does his unfinished words mean?" Liu

Sifang's face was sallow

! The tragic death of the shadow was unexpected

! After all, this is a third-level immortal emperor! Proficient in assassination methods

! He even helped him assassinate a fourth-level immortal emperor!

Although he didn't know exactly what Shadow was trying to say.

But one thing is obvious:

he has to stop Chen Nan from buying the jade card

! ------

"What happened to that thunder just now

?" "Shouldn't it kill the person who came to kill me?" Chen

Nan looked at the night sky

! He could feel

that the bad luck array he had arranged had disappeared

! This made him have to sigh at the horror of the bad luck array!

This kind of formation arranged by bad luck is really incredibly powerful! It is

not comparable to ordinary formations at all

! ------

the next day

! Chen Nan arranged the jade cards that Yu Weiwei bought yesterday into the formation

! All of them have corresponding numbers

! As long as you call the other party's number, you can conduct a transmission

! Of course!

You also need several transmission formations!

Only in this way can the signal cover the entire

Zhongzhou City! Then he spent a day and arranged ten transmission arrays in Zhongzhou

City! After doing this

! He went to the West

City! Concubine Yu went to the East City

! The two tried to talk! The effect

was remarkable!

It was not much different from talking with a mobile phone on Earth!"

Brother Chen, your dream is about to become a reality!" Yu Fei was overjoyed: "As long as you refine more transmission jade cards, you will definitely be recognized by the cultivators

of Zhongzhou City!" There are communication jade cards for sale in Zhongzhou City

! But the price is expensive

! Each one requires ten top-grade immortal stones

! This is something that not everyone can have

! Moreover, that kind of communication jade card dialogue is very single

! It is not very convenient!

But Chen Nan's transmission jade card is different! As long as you have a communication jade card, you can contact others! "Go, go back

to the Star Picking Tower!" Chen Nan was in a good mood, and

returned to the Star Picking Tower after interrupting the communication! Not long after Chen Nan's front foot arrived, Concubine Yu also returned to the Star Picking Tower: "Brother Chen, how much do you plan to sell the message jade card?" "

Let's price two top-grade fairy stones first!"

Because the wealth in his hands now is amazing

! What he wants to do is to let the transmission jade card enter the hands of more cultivators

, so as to deal a dimensionality reduction blow to the Liu family

! After all

, information is more precious than anything

! Of course,

it will also make him famous! and

even be summoned by King Wu!

At this time

, Yu Weiwei also returned to the Star Picking Building and said to Chen Nan: "Master, I don't know why, all those jade cards on the market disappeared overnight

!" "I ran all the jade shops in Zhongzhou City, and I didn't buy a single jade brand!" Yu

Fei frowned: "How do I feel, we have been targeted?"

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