King Wu had nineteen sons! I want to ask who of these nineteen sons

is the most brainless and the most arrogant! It is Wu Sheng

! and who is the most strategic! Wu Di! But

! He never dreamed that

the most strategic, the smartest self! would

be struck by a guy who looked the most brainless------

He knew that

everything before Wu Sheng was an illusion! The

purpose of this was to cover people's eyes and ears,

so as to deliver a fatal blow to them at a critical moment

! And this blow

! He could not prevent

it! Although he ambushed the master on the way to the summer resort

! But they couldn't get here in a short time

! Of course!


the strategy Wu Sheng showed today, he must have guessed that he would ambush the masters

! How could he let those people come here alive?

Only when he ------

knew himself and the other side could he fight a hundred

battles! He knew his plans well

! He could guess all his layouts!

but he knew nothing about him!

In an instant

, Wu Di's cultivation was abolished

, and he was thrown in front

of Wu Sheng like a dead dog! "Actually, I gave you a chance!" Wu Sheng slowly pulled out the dragon sword, and the sword body was cold and creepy!


If, you didn't admit that these people are your people just now

!" "I will think of brotherhood and let you live!"

He is my lifesaver!" Wu

Di vomited blood, and a bitter smile appeared on his face: "Nineteen, ask you something, when did you learn to disguise yourself?" Born

in an imperial family

! He knew that

brotherhood was the cheapest

! He also knew that if he failed, he would definitely be in a different position!

"It's just

that you don't recognize me!" Wu

Di smiled bitterly: "Having said that, you are not suitable to be an emperor, a good brother!"



"You can't kill me

!" "If I die, no one will be able to stabilize

this great river and mountain!" Wu Sheng whispered: "I never thought that this great

river and mountain was the private property of the Wu family!" "This mountain and river is the mountain and river of all the people under the world!"

He was ready to accept death

, and he didn't have the slightest fear

! But hearing Wu Sheng's words, he felt a kind of uneasiness from the depths of his soul! Wu Sheng

: "The Wu family has ruled this mountain and river for hundreds of thousands of years

!" "I feel that it is time to return the people

now!" "Although this move is very unfilial!"

"But, this is the meaning of your existence, third brother!"

If you can see the ancestors and the Emperors after you die, tell them, I have abolished this imperial system!"

He didn't know why

Wu Sheng opposed the imperial system! Obviously he was the biggest beneficiary

of the imperial system! "Brother Chen, if the imperial system is abolished, can it really make this place look like your hometown?" Wu Sheng put away the dragon sword

! He knew that Chen Nan came from the mortal world! Although the people in the immortal world disdained the mortal world,

he learned the good of the mortal world in Chen Nan's mouth!

Although there are cultivators there, there are also cultivators

, but cultivators and mortals are in their own realm and do not bind each other

! This alone makes him fascinated

! Because he does not like the appearance of the

immortal world! Here immortal cultivators and mortals coexist! For mortals

, this is not the yang world

! This is crueler than hell!

"The question is, if you do this, will King Wu agree?" A wry smile appeared at the corner of Chen Nan's mouth

! When he came to Zhongzhou City with Lightning Leopard and

Wu Sheng, he had said that he was from the earth! and also talked about the development of the earth

! However,

he did not expect to subtly change Wu Sheng's world view! As for Wu Di's


He was not surprised

! Because when he went out of the city, he received a summons from Ao Jiu! The

other party sent a large number of masters

! Although the motive is unknown

! But anyone with a brain will guess Wu Di's thoughts

! Kill himself to seize his own wealth and treasures

! By the way, kill Wu Sheng, shame before the snow

! But he didn't expect it

! Even Wu Sheng was watching out for the other party!

Wu Sheng pouted: "The old man will definitely not agree, after all, this river and mountain were laid down by the ancestors of the Wu family!"

"It's not a big problem

!" "The old man is dying anyway

!" "When he dies, this river and mountain are destined to belong to me!" "

Who will dare to disobey my orders then

?" A rare smile appeared on his face

! A smile yearning for a better life

! "Your Highness, how to dispose of the body of the Third Highness?" An old man couldn't help but ask!

Wu Sheng said lightly: " After all, it's a brother, just bury him here

!" "Good

!" The twelve people began to move, burying Wu Di's body in Snake Mountain!

Looking at the grave that appeared on the hill, Wu Sheng said: "I know the secret of the third man, but he doesn't know that I know the secret!" "

Remember the chef we said earlier that the imperial dining room was good at cooking snake meat?"

"He was jealous that I was favored by my father

!" "So, put a few poisonous snakes in a group of ordinary snakes

!" "In order to make me unable to eat snake soup!" "

I began to guard against him from

that time!" "Although I was only three years old at that time!" The

corners of Chen Nan's mouth twitched!

"Let's go, let's go to the summer villa!" Wu Sheng diverted the topic and said with a smile: "Brother Chen, that hot spring in the summer villa is a good thing

!" "It has the effect of nourishing yin and yang

!" "It is said that the father can give birth to twenty-three children, which is related to

that hot spring!" "I promise

!" "As long as you and your sister-in-law have soaked in that hot spring, it won't be long before you can hold the big fat boy!"

She always wanted to have a child with Chen

Nan! Because of this, the two of them worked extra hard when they were together

! However, she didn't know if Chen Nan

couldn't do it,

or she couldn't do it herself! After

working hard for so long, she didn't have the slightest reaction

! Then

! The group walked with their swords! and

arrived at Wu Sheng's summer villa before the sun was about to set!

Looking south

! The blue sea is dyed a pale golden color by the setting sun

! Sparkling, beautiful and moving

!" "Meet Your Highness Nineteen, Your Majesty, waiting for

you!" As soon as he arrived at the gate of the summer villa, a servant ran over quickly

! "Brother Chen, go, take you to meet the old man!" Wu Sheng said with a smile!

Chen Nan inexplicably raised a sense of nervousness!

Entering the summer villa, Chen Nan saw King Wu dressed in a golden dragon robe, and couldn't help but exclaim: "Lying groove, are you King Wu?"

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