Si Ning came to the land of creation three days ago, and

found this miracle medicine when building a residence

! I thought about picking it after a while, but I didn't expect it to wither for no reason

! This made her heart full of a big question mark

! Don't say a million-year-old miracle

medicine! Even a spiritual medicine of more than 100,000 years will not wither innocently



Existence is reasonable!


figure slowly levitated into mid-air and flew towards the east,

because she knew that there was still a miracle medicine there!

"What's going on

?" "

Why did this miracle medicine also wither?" "

Could it be that someone absorbed the medicinal effects of these two miracle medicines?"

"If someone appears, it will definitely leave his breath!"

"But here, apart from my breath, there is no breath of others

!" "Forget

it!" "Although miracle medicine is rare, it is not so dazzling in the place of creation!" She

turned and left,

but the mystery in her heart did not disappear!

That woman has already left, let's leave quickly!" The green dragon spoke, and when it finished absorbing the second divine medicine and was about to leave, it detected the appearance of

the female emperor! He immediately decided to let

Chen Nan hide in the grass! and then helped him hide his breath

! If not

, the female emperor would definitely find

Chen Nan! "Go!" Chen

Nan performed the Dapeng technique, and the next moment appeared on the mountainside dozens of miles away!

There's a natural cave here

! The mouth of the cave is narrow

! It's hard to be found when you get into

it! It's a small lake outside

! It's almost the size of a basketball court

! The surface of the lake is wafting with rising fairy qi

! "Little dragon, do you say this is the so-called creation pool?" Chen Nan spoke!

The green dragon was furious: "Call me Long Ye!"


Your uncle..." Qinglong gritted his teeth angrily: "This is at best an immortal pool, and it's not a creation pool at all

!" Chen Nan sighed lightly:

"I will try to refine the merit pillar first, and then look for the creation pool as soon as possible!" If he is the only one in the creation land, it

will be enough! Now there is a female emperor!

Then the matter of finding the creation pool must be hurried

!" "You refine the merit pillar, I will help you protect the Dharma!"

Chen Nan entered the cave!

sat cross-kneeled, silently removed the black long stick on his back, and a wry smile appeared in his eyes: "I once tried to refine it, but I didn't succeed!"

Under the rendering of the power of merit, the pitch-black long stick actually faded its dark color

! revealing its original golden yellow

! It looked like it was cast with gold

! It gave people a sacred breath

! Especially the three words [Pillar of Merit] were extremely eye-catching

! But it was just that!

It was like a piece of 10,000-year Xuan Bing!

Even if Chen Nan has the power of

merit, he can only melt the outermost part!"You can try to drip blood!"

Qinglong spoke! In fact, he didn't know that the merit pillar could deny Chen Nan as the master

! After all, this is a holy relic! A congenital holy relic

! To be precise, it is not even a weapon

! Chen Nan can only do what Qinglong said



Nan obviously felt that he had established some kind of

subtle connection with the merit pillar! But

when his blood was absorbed by the merit

pillar, that subtle connection disappeared! Qinglong

: "Young man, your blood can indeed cause the merit pillar to react, but... The amount is too small!" Chen

Nan asked: "Then what should I do

?" Qinglong: "You can cut your wrist and stain it red with blood!" "

Are you sure you're not pitting me?" Chen Nan always felt that Qinglong's words were a little unreliable! Qinglong

said disdainfully: "You and I coexist in life and death, why should I harm you?"

Immediately cut the wrist, light golden blood sprayed out

! dyed the entire merit pillar golden red

! The next second

! The merit pillar did not enter Chen Nan's

body! But it was just

stored in his body, and it did not merge with him!

It would take a long time to completely refine!

Qinglong was overjoyed: "If you can take it in, it means that it has recognized you!"

"Refine seriously, with me, it will give you a face

!" "After all, it knows me

!" ------

a month later

! Chen Nan completely refined the pillar of merit

! After refining, it can be easily controlled!

Qinglong said: "You can try to engrave a person's name on it!" Chen

Nan felt his heart pounding wildly: "And then?"

Qinglong: "The merit pillar is a higher-grade god list, if you can engrave other people's names on it, they will become omnipotent

gods in an instant!" "This is also the first step in rebuilding the Heavenly Court

!" "Because there are talents who have a family!" "If there are

gods, there will be a heavenly court!" Chen

Nan swallowed wildly

! He never thought that he could create gods

! Unfortunately!

No matter how he tried, he could not leave any trace

on the merit pillar! Obviously

, he is not qualified to create gods now

!" "I think when the Heavenly Court was prosperous, there were 1.8 million names on it

!" "Densely

!" "But when Lingxiao was broken

!" "Those immortals have fallen, and their names have disappeared on the merit pillar!"

The green dragon is a supreme existence of one of the four divine beasts

! There are also too many emotions for the divine world

! Speaking of this, his voice can't help but feel a little sad!

Chen Nan looked at the merit pillar in his hand: "One day, this merit pillar will regain its original glory

!" "Okay

!" "Don't talk about this

!" "It's been a month since I came to the land of creation!"

You must get the Creation Fruit and the Creation Water in the remaining time

!" Qinglong: "These things can break the curse on your body, if you can open that Immortal Mansion, rebuilding the Heavenly Court will also save some things!" The

green dragon was attached to Chen Nan's body, and he had already sensed that he knew the Immortal Mansion in the sea

!" "Go take a bath first, this month, I feel that the whole person is about to get dirty!" Chen Nan said as he put away the merit pillar, and jumped into the lake with a pop after coming outside!

Not only that! He also

found that there were some extremely rare

crabs living in the lake! "Doesn't it mean that there are no living creatures in the land of creation? These crabs should also be created, right?" Chen Nan was overjoyed, dived directly into the bottom of the lake, and began to collect crabs frantically!

But at this moment

, the voice of the green dragon sounded, and he was very anxious: "The female emperor is here, hide at the bottom of the lake and don't move!" "It's

not good, she took off her clothes!"

"She is coming to take a bath..."

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