
so hard!" "I'm really too hard

!" "I've been here for about a year!" "I've

always lived in misery and slavery!" "Now it's finally liberated!" Chen

Nan was in a complicated mood

! He wanted to cry without tears!

For a while,

he didn't know what to do!

After all, for such a long time, he hadn't done something according to his own wishes

!"Let's take medicine first!" Chen

Nan still had a few magic medicines in his hand, and he had to eat them all before leaving

! After all, no one could leave with the medicinal herbs here in the land of creation!" "Wait!"The

Tower of Babel is a rare treasure, can you put the medicinal herbs in it and take them out?"


Nan's eyes were eager!

He quickly

returned to the wooden house, found the medicinal herbs he had collected before, and tried to put them in!


No matter how hard he tried

, he couldn't include

the magic medicine in it! Chen Nan sighed

! He could only give up the idea of leaving with the magic medicine

! Then he sat cross-kneeled, closed his eyes and

felt the supreme yang law in the mouth of the female emperor! At this moment

! He clearly felt the supreme yang law in space

! Like spider silk!

Extremely subtle!"

Heaven and earth are composed of countless laws

!" "I just don't know how to control the Yang Law!" Chen

Nan was puzzled! If

he hadn't taken the Yang Fish

! With his current strength, he would not have been able to touch such a profound and mysterious topic of rules

! Moreover, the female emperor had never said how to control the law

! At this time, he was equivalent to crossing the river by feeling a stone!


Nan's soul power quietly gushed out, controlling a wisp of

the Supreme Yang Law! "Can I be considered to have mastered the Supreme Yang Law?" "

It's not difficult to master the Highest

Yang Law!" Chen Nan was overjoyed

! Then he did the same

! and controlled the other Supreme Yang Laws to fuse together

! Looking at it, it was like a sewing thread

! It seemed weak!

But it was formed by the fusion of hundreds of wisps

of the Zhiyang Law! "Chop!" Chen

Nan's heart moved, controlling the Zhiyang Law to slash towards the towering trees in the distance! The Zhiyang Law

quietly penetrated those few heavenly

trees! Then those big trees began to tilt

! Fell to the ground with a bang

! "It's terrifying!" Chen

Nan was secretly shocked

! The power of the law disappeared without a trace!

Apart from him, others can't see it at all

! This in itself is unpreventable

, not to mention that the Supreme Yang Law has such a terrifying attack power!

"After stepping into the Earth Immortal Realm, my strength has skyrocketed a lot

!" "Now I have the strength comparable to the powerhouse of the late Spirit Immortal Stage!" "In terms of physical strength, I can also compete with the Immortal Emperor!"

Chen Nan's mind moved, and that wisp

of the Supreme Yang Law came to him! He controlled this wisp of the Supreme Yang Law to slash at his wrist

! In the next second

, a blood-colored mark appeared on his wrist

! Even if his physical body was terrifying

, it was difficult to withstand the power of the rules!

"With my current strength, if I encounter the Immortal Emperor, I will definitely not be able to defeat!"

But using the power of the law, you can quietly kill the powerhouses of the True Immortal Realm

!" "After all, their bodies are not as strong as mine!" Chen

Nan's heart beat faster! Mastering

the Law of the Supreme Yang can also be regarded as a powerful means

! It is a great creation!

He is very happy! At

the same time, he is a little distressed! The

reason why he mastered the Law of the Supreme Yang is, in the final analysis, because he took the Yang Fish!


didn't want to think of the female emperor

! But! He knew! As

long as he was alive,

he couldn't forget

that woman!

The bits and pieces of being with that woman had already affected his future destiny

!" "Wait!" "Except for the Law of the Supreme Yang!" "

Why did I see the Law of the Supreme Yin?"

Chen Nan sat cross-kneeled on the ground, his eyes revealing a trace of doubt!"

Is the reason for combining with the female emperor?" Chen Nan shook his head

! Although

he had a lot of relations with the female emperor

, but for him, it could only be counted once

! "Could it be the reason why I cultivated the Yin Harvesting Technique?"


Nan thought of his cultivation method!

If it is because of the Yin Harvesting Technique

, it can also explain why he can see the Ultimate

Yin Law!"I don't know if I can master the Ultimate Yin Law!" Chen Nan took a sip of the magic medicine, and the originally depleted soul power instantly returned

to its peak! He calmed down and concentrated his mind, controlling the Ultimate Yin Law as he had mastered the Ultimate Yang Law before

! But for some reason!

The Highest Yin Law seems to reject him!"

"The Supreme Yin Law repels me, is it because I control

the Supreme Yang Law?" Although at the beginning the Supreme Yin Law was repelling

Chen Nan! But in the end

, he recognized Chen Nan! Then Chen Nan spent nearly three days

! Each controlled a thousand wisps of the Supreme Yang Law and the Supreme Yang Law

! And at this time

, he is about to leave!

"Yin and Yang are not harmonious, but they can be compatible!"

"If these two laws are combined

, what will be the result?" He couldn't wait for time to stop,

because Qinglong had said before that cultivating in the land of creation was relatively simple!

But if you can't

fuse the two laws here, it will be much more difficult to fuse in the outside world

!" "There is still more than an hour before leaving, you have to make good use of this time!" He

took a deep breath

! Then raised his hands and controlled the power of the two laws in front of him to merge with each other

! It's just that

when the power of the two laws approached, the

void trembled slightly!

It seemed that it would be annihilated at any moment

! There was a fierce wind blowing around

, blowing countless leaves floating in the air

! "Just like I thought, the forces of the two laws repel each other and resist!" Chen

Nan's expression was solemn

! But all this was within his expectation

! He gritted his teeth and controlled the power of the two laws to forcibly merge

! Boom!

When the forces of the two laws were almost fused together

! Chen Nan could no longer control these two forces

! A small mushroom cloud rose up and appeared above the land of creation

! With the wooden house as the center

! The grass and trees and stones within ten miles around all turned into powder and floated in the air

! Chen Nan was blasted out for more than ten miles, his chest was sunken, and several ribs were broken!

This force is too terrifying!

Chen Nan

summed up the experience of failure

! "I should take advantage of the fact that these two laws are unaware of them and fuse them in an instant!" "

It is impossible to succeed in slowly fusing!" After

recovering from his injuries, Chen Nan immediately began to fuse the two laws

! Because he

knew that

he would soon return to the outside world!

Now every minute and every second is precious to him

! "Together!" Chen

Nan let out a low roar like thunder

! Two laws that were originally far apart collided together in an

instant! This instant

! The two laws kept colliding! Tearing

! As if no one could tolerate the other

! The whole process lasted almost five seconds!



Chen Nan clearly felt that in the area where the two laws disappeared, space seemed to fall into eternity! Time seemed to

stop passing

! However, this situation lasted less than five seconds!

"Is the fusion of the two laws eternal?"

Even if it lasts less than five seconds

, it can also reflect the horror

of the fusion of the two laws! Just imagine

! When eternity covers thousands of meters, ten thousand meters, under

the whole world, who else can be his opponent?

At this moment

, the bronze token bloomed a cyan light, wrapped him and floated into the air!

"This place of creation is also worth the trip!"

Chen Nan grinned

! And at this moment,

a beautiful figure fell in the air

! and met him who was floating into the air

! The moment when the four eyes were facing each other!

Chen Nan only felt his scalp explode: "Wan'er?

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