"Ge Ning and Qu Yin are disciples of my Sword Forging Academy, and if something happened to them, I will order someone to investigate the cause of their deaths

!" "Okay

!" "Before the truth comes out, this matter will be mentioned again

!" "It

seems that Dean Dai is also a smart person!" Jing Tiancheng chuckled, and then the figure disappeared in the Sword Forging Palace!

"Follow me!" Guan

Heng glared at Feng Yan angrily, and led him towards the residence of cultivation! Feng Yan kept silent along the way

! Lowered his head

! His eyes were full of frustration!

After arriving at the residence, Guan Heng spoke: "Are you very unwilling?" Feng

Yan clenched his fists and whispered: "Master, Chen Nan is really the murderer of Ge Ning and Qu Yin!"


Heng looked at him quietly: "Do you think you know that Chen Nan is the murderer?"

"Do you think the dean is willing to turn his face for Ge Ning, Qu Yin, and Jing Tiancheng

?" "Even if he wants to!" "


senior leaders in the Academy Palace and those young disciples are willing to see this ending

?" "You are not stupid!"

"You should know the importance of the Formation Academy Palace to our alchemists, right?"


also knew why so many people helped Chen Nan to commit perjury

! They didn't dare to offend Jing Tiancheng! Offending Jing Tiancheng

was equivalent to offending all the formation mages of the Yan Country! This was equivalent to

cutting himself off

! Thinking of this, a strong reluctance and anger rose in his heart: "Could it be that Ge Ning and Qu Yin died in vain?"

Feng Yan gritted his teeth

: "Master, I want to take revenge!" "I want to kill Chen Nan to avenge Ge Ningquyin

!" "No, you don't want to, you don't want anything!" Guan Heng's expression was serious: "Chen Nan has Jing Tiancheng as a backer behind him, although I don't know what the relationship between them is, but we can't afford to offend this backer!" "

If Chen Nan dies, you and my master and apprentice will not have a good end!"

No matter how secret you are, Jing Tiancheng is not a reasonable person

!" "With what I know about him

!" "If something happens to Chen Nan, he won't care if we are murderers, he will kill us in the first place!" Feng Yan's

eyes flashed with amazing killing intent: "Chen Nan already has the strength of a fourth-level alchemist, if he can find the divine fire, he will definitely be able to refine the immortal weapon!"

You say, if something happens to him in the process of searching for the divine fire, will Jing Tiancheng still blame us?" "


Chen Nan didn't stay in the square for too long

! He and Xia Youwei, Gong Jian and others returned to the gang room

! This is a good day

! It is worth celebrating

! After all, Chen Nan is also a blockbuster

! Chen Nan took out the last tiger whip in the storage bag!

It's about five catties

! This kind of baby can't be eaten as a meal

! Just taste and taste! The

tiger whip is a treasure

! With Gong Jian's superb cooking skills, it makes people excited

! "Brother Jian, Brother Dong, I respect you for this glass of wine, thank you for helping me speak before!" Chen Nan raised a glass of wine!

He felt the friendship that had been lost for a long time

! "You're welcome, isn't this all as it should be!" Gong Jian

grinned! "Junior Brother Chen, what is this piece of meat you took out? The taste is really amazing, I have never eaten such a wonderful thing!" Chen

Nan: "Tiger whip!"


Chen Nan nodded: "Yes!"

Xia Youwei's face changed! Her face was full of pain

! Then she covered her mouth and ran to the distance to vomit

! "Why didn't you say it earlier?" Xia Youwei's eyes were full of resentment, she never thought that she would eat tiger whip!

Children of the rivers and lakes, how can they be so delicate?" Chen Nan pouted, a little distressed, after all

, this is the only tiger whip! Gong Jianle said he: "Junior sister Xia, in fact, you don't have to be like this, the tiger whip is a great supplement, especially these taken out by Chen Nan, they are definitely the best in the tiger whip

!" "Well

!" "This kind of thing, men can't stand it when they eat women!" "

Women can't stand men eating men!"

But if men and women eat it, then..."

Xia Youwei didn't like Gong Jian's jokes, but she still subconsciously asked: "What happens if men and women eat it?" Gong

Jian laughed maliciously: "The bed can't stand it

!" "Hooligan!" Xia Youwei said with a red face

! The corners of Chen Nan's mouth twitched

! I didn't expect Gong Jian to be such a lewd guy

! Oh!

Think about the first meeting!

After eating, he proposed

to take him to the hook bar to listen to the music! There is no need to make such a fuss! Who

would take a stranger who meets for the first time to go to the hook bar to listen to the music?

"Junior sister Xia, not a senior brother and a rogue!" Gong Jianyu said seriously: "Actually, for you women, the best thing to eat is not a tiger whip, but..."

"And what?" Xia Youwei was as pure as a little red flower! she

couldn't understand what Gong Jian wanted to express

!" "Don't talk about this, don't talk about this!" Yue Dong quickly diverted the topic and said to Chen Nan: "What are you planning, looking for divine fire and refining

immortal weapons?" Chen Nan nodded: "I joined the Sword Forging Academy Palace to learn the art of refining and refining high-grade immortal weapons!"

In fact, refining is not a big deal, anyway, you have mastered the core knowledge

!" "It's just that if you want to refine an immortal weapon, you need a powerful

divine fire!" "Divine fire is very rare, it's not easy to find at all

!" Xia Youwei suddenly said: "I remember, there is a clue of divine fire in our Sword Forging Palace

!" "As far as I know, that kind of divine fire can rank in the top ten of the divine fire list!"

Chen Nan's eyes lit up!

Gong Jian said: "That clue is extremely expensive, so expensive that you can't believe

it!" "Moreover, it is just a legend that the divine fire ranks in the top ten of the divine fire list, and there is no specific basis at all

!" Chen Nan hesitated: "There is a one in ten million chance, I also want to fight for it!"

Gong Jian smiled and shook his head: "Ten million contribution points, do you have it?" Chen

Nan's scalp was numb: "How many contribution points?"


he had not completed the sect task, he also knew that it was

difficult to earn contribution points! 10 million contribution points is definitely a huge amount!

Xia Youwei had a confident smile on her face: "Junior Brother Chen don't worry, I'll go to my grandfather and let him negotiate with the dean, it shouldn't be difficult to get this clue!"

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