Nie Yao said impatiently: "Let you take it off, where is so much nonsense?" Chen

Nan subconsciously swallowed his saliva and quickly said: "Senior Sister Nie Yao, I'm not the kind of person you imagined, please respect me!" "

You really don't take it off?" Nie Yao was a little angry!

"Why should I take off my pants?" Chen Nan laughed angrily: "Also, I let you take off your skirt, will you listen to me?"

Nie Yao's eyes froze, and a red silk more than three meters long flew towards Chen Nan between her hands

! The red aya flashed away

! It was like a touch of a rainbow

! This is her magic weapon

! It can entangle enemies in the same realm

! But

! When the red aya flew in front of Chen Nan,

it fell to the ground lightly

! ???

Nie Yao showed a strange gaze!

Why did his red silk float in front of him but fall uncontrollably to the ground?

Chen Nan looked very calm

! Inviolability is a characteristic of the Desolate Ancient Holy Body!

Only Nie Yao's strength...

I can't restrain him at all

!"You forced me!" Nie

Yao flashed in front of Chen Nan, she poked out her palm and launched a not too violent attack towards

Chen Nan! She wants to defeat Chen Nan

! Look at his ass

! Yes

! Nie Yao has a hunch

! This man is most likely the person she is thinking about!

If this matter today hadn't been sealed against Chen Nan and forced Jing Tiancheng to stand up as a witness for Chen Nan, she wouldn't have known that Jing Tiancheng helped herself because of him!


all, the image of this man is too different from the

man in her mind! But, she has a way to verify his identity

! The man in her mind has a black mole on his butt

! This is what she has seen!

"Senior Sister Nie Yao, what do you want? Do you feel that you are really rude?" Chen Nan also had a trace of anger, raised his hand to hit the other party's shoulder, and beat her out more than ten meters

! This woman came up and asked him to take off his pants

! This is very impolite!

"I'm sorry, it's my gaffe!" Nie Yao's eyes were red, put away the red silk, turned around, and her voice choked: "I'm not a frivolous woman, I just want to..."

"Forget it

!" "But I still want to thank you for helping me invite Jing Tiancheng and help me become a sixth-level alchemist!"

Chen Nan doesn't know what is on his butt, but if there

is, Nie Yao must have determined her identity through

this! That is to say

! She doubts herself now

! It's just that

he can't see his ass at all!"

"Master, what is Senior Sister Nie Yao doing?" At this time, Xia Youwei came over!

Chen Nan smiled: "It's okay to wander around idle!" What


he say? saying that Nie Yao wants to take off his pants and take a look at his butt?

Although he is a little dissatisfied with Nie Yao's previous behavior, but he can't say such things

! This will affect Nie Yao's reputation and innocence!

Chen Nan diverted the topic: "What happened to that matter?" Xia

Youwei cleared her throat, looking a little embarrassed: "My grandfather looked for Dean Dai, but... It's complicated!"


Nan was amused: "What are you saying this?" Xia

Youwei said embarrassed: "You also know that the clue is worth 10 million contribution points, but after my grandfather's operation, it is now worth 1 million contribution points!"

But it's not too far away for

him! "Let's go, go to the Hall of Merit to see if there are any suitable tasks!" Chen Nan smiled bitterly, finally it was time to do tasks in exchange for contribution points!

Xia Youwei followed him and frowned: "The tasks of the Hall of Merit are very cheap, even if you are lucky and meet tasks with a lot of contribution value, most of them are very dangerous!" Chen

Nan said: "Wealth is in danger, this is also the common feeling of people!"


the same time

, the alchemist assessment on this side of the square also came to an end! Fifty-five alchemists

except Chen Nan had worked hard for many hours to refine their satisfactory weapons

! "Master, the apprentice has refined a medium-grade spirit weapon, and he has not lost your face!" Sun Yu ran to Cai Jian with a high face, like a primary school student who had won a double hundred in the exam!

Cai Jian will definitely be very happy

, because his apprentice has only been starting for

more than a month! He has refined a medium-grade spirit weapon in more than a month, which shows that his talent is extraordinary!


Think about the superb spirit weapon refined by Chen Nan

! What is this achievement?


Refining a medium-grade spirit weapon is complacent, what is the difference between you and waste?" Cai Jian snorted coldly, and then said: "Follow me back

!" "Oh!" Sun Yu obediently followed behind Cai Jian!

Because Chen Nan is in ruins

! If you don't cut him by a thousand cuts, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in his heart

! There are many

tasks in the ------Hall of Merit

! Mining! Hunting demon beasts, obtaining the minions and bones of demon beasts

! Most of them are such tasks

! Mining is relatively easy, but there are very few merit points, an average of about ten a day

! Of course!

"There are more than 10,000 disciples in our Sword Forging Academy, and each disciple will refine more than ten

immortal weapons every year!" "Over time, a lot of immortal weapons have been piled up!" "Although a lot has been sold over the years, there must be at least 5.6 million immortal weapons in existence!"

If I sell all these immortal weapons, wouldn't I be able to get five or six hundred thousand contribution points?" Xia

Youwei's bright eyes blinked, and then said, "You are right, but you can't sell all these immortal weapons!"


corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose, an intriguing smile, and then went straight to the second floor and found Elder Cheng!

The little guy is very good, and he has refined the ultimate spirit weapon in more than a month!" After

two pleasantries, Chen Nan opened the door to the point: "Elder Cheng, how many immortal weapons have not been sold in our Hall of Meritty?" Elder Cheng

thought for a while and said, "There are still 850,000 pieces!" Chen

Nan's heart beat faster

! Although there are not a million pieces

, but if they are all sold, they can also earn 850,000 contribution points!


of this, he said, "The junior of the task of selling these 850,000 immortal weapons has taken over!" Elder Cheng's pupils trembled: "Are you sure you can sell these 850,000 immortal weapons?

"Within three months, I promise to sell all these weapons!"

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