
The impact was like thunder.

Pedestrians on the road were frightened.

They clearly saw a heavy muck truck crashing into a commercial vehicle.

But because the speed is too fast, it is directly crushed on the commercial vehicle.


High-end commercial vehicles are directly turned into scrap.

"Hurry up and save people!"

exclaimed an enthusiastic citizen.

Someone rushed up at the first time.

Calls were also made to await rescue.

But there are also people who are not optimistic about the people in the car.

This commercial car has been deformed, and the people inside cannot have any hope of survival!

"Hurry up, come quickly, there are two survivors in the car!" Someone saw the surviving Jian Jianhua father and daughter, dancing excitedly.

After all, there are still well-wishers and enthusiastic people in this world.

Especially at the critical moment of life and death, this warmth can be reflected.

"What? And the survivors?" many

people were taken aback.

"Their father and daughter are trapped in a small space, we can't rescue them alone, let's wait for the comrades of the fire brigade to come and save people

!" "Yes, yes, they are professional in saving people, let's not cause them trouble

!" "Uncle Firefighter is omnipotent and the most beautiful retrograde!"


half an hour later.

The father and daughter were rescued by the fire brigade.

The medical staff waiting here immediately examined the father and daughter, and the answers they came up with were deeply shocking to all of them.

All physiological indicators are normal, and not even a single abrasion remains.

Many people lament that it is the blessing of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

After all, compared to their father and daughter, the driver's end is very miserable, and the wheels of the muck car run over the driver's seat, directly turning him into meat sludge...

As for why the father and daughter fell into a coma, it was caused by fright.

Then the doctor pinched the middle of the father and daughter.

The father and daughter woke up, saw each other unharmed, hugged each other and cried.

People from the traffic police team also asked about the cause of the accident.

Because there were many onlookers around, they learned the cause of the incident among those people, mainly because the muck car ran a red light and hit a normal commercial vehicle.

As for the driver who caused the accident, it was also controlled by people from the traffic police team.

"Mr. Jian, you must also know the cause of the accident, this is a complete accident. However, we regret that this accident also killed your driver on the spot.

"But rest assured, we will definitely severely punish the perpetrators for running red lights and ignoring people's lives." The

head of the traffic police team expressed his position to Jian Jianhua.

Probably because of the fright.

It could also be the dead driver.

Jian Jianhua looked a little decadent: "I have called my lawyer, what is the matter to hand over to him!"

said and helped his daughter, whose legs were weak, into a Mercedes-Benz car and drove towards his hometown.

No matter what happens, I have to go back to celebrate the old man's birthday today!"

"Ning'er, are you all right?" Seeing her daughter's bloodless face, Jian Jianhua asked with concern.

Jian Ning spread out her hand, her lips trembling: "Dad, this piece of jade is cracked..."

"Isn't this just an ordinary piece of white jade?" Jian Jianhua smiled, and then added: "I think it should have helped our grandfather block the disaster!"

He has dealt with jade for half his life, and naturally believes that jade has a spirit and can help the master block the disaster.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to explain why the wheels of the muck truck crushed Zhang Ye, while their father and daughter were unscathed.

Jian Ning's face was sallow: "But... This was given to me by Chen Nan, and it was Chen Nan who saved us.

"Why is it related to Chen Nan again?" Jian Jianhua disliked the name Chen Nan very much.

Jian Ning was terrified: "When we met at the gate of the antique market before, he said that this is a talisman that he personally refined, and it can save his life at a critical moment."

"It also made me see that the feelings of my classmates must be worn on my body."

"Dad, do you say that Chen Nan knew that we were going to get into a car accident

?" "Otherwise, why did he have to let me wear this jade pendant

?" Jian Jianhua smiled angrily: "Do you think he can predict the prophet?" Jian

Jianhua asked: "Is there any other explanation?" Jian Jianhua

took a deep breath and said patiently: "Girl, I know that you and Chen Nan are classmates, and I also know what he confessed to you in public."

"However, I can tell you very responsibly.

"The main reason why we can survive is that we don't deserve to die."

"As for him finding you, giving you Yupei, and saying that he can save your life, he actually wants to attract your attention." "

This is a common means of chasing girls, very pediatric."

"It's just that we happened to have a car accident."

"It just so happens that we survived

!" "That's why you subconsciously think that the talisman that Chen Nan gave you saved us both

!" "But it actually has nothing to do with him!" Jian

Ning shook her head, as if she was possessed: "No, no, no!"

"Dad, things are definitely not what you think.

"There's something you probably don't know. "

At the moment when that muck truck hit our car.

"I clearly felt a mysterious power gushing out of the jade pei enveloping the two of us.

"If it weren't for that force, we would definitely die!" At

first, she didn't believe Chen Nan, and even regarded him as a divine stick.

But now.


Nan is not a divine stick

, nor is he a moody pervert

! but a real master

! He can not only predict prophets, but even make amulets that save people's lives!

What is it in front of such a master?

She figured it out.

Chen Nan's confidence was not afraid of the Cao family at all.

Seeing her daughter so abnormal, Jian Jianhua sighed secretly, this girl was frightened!

Jian Jianhua looked solemn, hoping to ease her daughter's fear in this way.

But is that really the case

? If a strange man would accept him a check of 200,000

? Would he be humiliated and afraid to speak?


Jian Jianhua's mobile phone rang.

After seeing the number above, a light smile appeared on his face: "Your second uncle called, it must be to ask where we were."

"Also, the car accident was delayed for more than half an hour before, the family should not be able to wait for the banquet to open soon, right?"

"Ning'er, today is your grandfather's eighty birthday, don't mention the car accident after you go back, don't let his old man worry."

"Okay, I know, hurry up and answer the phone!" Jian Ning's mood was inexplicably a little irritable.

She has always regarded Chen Nan as a moody pervert.

Today, I learned that he is a real master.


this moment, her father's exclamation was heard in her ears: "What?

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