Chen Nan's scalp was numb

! Why did this woman come?

The ghost is not dispersed

! Don't think about it!

He put on his clothes for the first time, and looked at Nie Yao with anger on his face: "Senior Sister Nie, please be respectful!" Nie Yao

stopped in front of Chen Nan: "Why don't you let me see your ass?"

Chen Nan was unable to complain

! He can be sure, Nie

Yao must have doubted his identity, and there must be something on his ass

! "This is the portrait that my cousin Zheng Cong gave me!" A picture scroll appeared in Nie Yao's hand, and the picture scroll was exactly what Chen Nan looked like before he turned fat! Chen Nan's

heart trembled

! An

inexplicable tension surged into his heart!

Nie Yao already knew his origins

! "Why don't you want to recognize me?" Nie Yao's eyes flashed with puzzlement

! Chen Nan was her first man! He had a transcendent position in her heart

! After returning from crossing the demon world, she kept thinking about Chen Nan! and

even regretted it!

She found

Zheng Cong during the day, and let Zheng Cong draw what Chen Nan looked like before he became fat

! At that moment

, she knew that this guy was the man she was thinking

about! She just

didn't know why Chen Nan refused to recognize her!

Chen Nan sighed in his heart and said softly: "Senior Sister Nie Yao recognized the wrong person, I don't know you at all!"

Nie Yao's face turned slightly red

! She thought of the absurd things that happened in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave

! Can't forget the picture of Chen Nan watching from the side when he and Concubine Yu were together

! She clearly saw a black mole on Chen Nan's right butt! Chen Nan

was speechless!

"Are you worried that I will kill people and kill people?" Nie Yao shook her head, and crystal tears slid down her face: "I'm not a willow Yingying, I didn't take that memory as a shame!"

Not only that, but it was also the most unforgettable memory of my life

!" Chen Nan sighed: "Even if it is a memory, put it in the bottom of your heart!" said and turned around and disappeared into the night

! For Chen Nan, that memory was not bad

! But what happened in Wu Guo made that memory painful


Because his soft heart killed Yu Fei!

He doesn't want to think of it,

let alone have too much intersection with Nie Yao

! After all,

he is just a passerby in this world! He

will leave the Yan Country

when he refines the high-grade immortal weapon!

Nie Yao originally wanted to chase after him

! Although Chen Nan did not admit his identity

, but they all knew each other

! It's just! Looking at Chen Nan's lonely figure,

she didn't take a step

! "What did he go through?

", "Why don't you want to remember that past?" Nie

Yao didn't know

! But she felt that Chen Nan's back was a little lonely!


The next day

! Evening! Formation Palace

!" "Don't miss it when you walk by

!" "All come to open the blind box!" "Only ten top-grade fairy stones are needed to experience the fun of opening a blind box!" Xia

Youwei shouted in front of a stall! At

first, no one cared

! But

it still attracted some people!

After all, the blind box is strange to people in this world

! It's just that one

of the ten upper-grade fairy stones is not cheap for many people! After all

! The lower-grade fairy ware is also worth ten top-grade fairy stones

! Isn't it simpler and more direct to buy directly than opening the blind box?

But there are also a small number of people who are willing to try

! Addicted to it!

Can't extricate themselves!

Not only do you want to buy your favorite long sword

, but also the more sultry

hidden model! Many people want to know what kind of weapon

is in the hidden model! Two hours

! 800 storage bags were sold in the Formation Palace alone

! Although it is a long way from selling 850,000 weapons in three months!

But it turns out that the blind box marketing model works!

"Just the ability of the two of us is limited, we need to find some people to help sell blind boxes!" On the way back to the Sword Casting Palace, Chen Nan said to

Xia Youwei! Xia Youwei: "You can post a bounty task in the Sword Casting Academy Palace and find some people to help sell

!" "It's just

!" "You only have a hundred merit points

!" "This merit point alone is not enough!"

Chen Nan performed well in the previous alchemist certification and got a hundred contribution points

! Although this contribution point can also be exchanged for some ore

! But if you issue a bounty and ask someone to help sell blind boxes, it is far from enough!

Chen Nan: "Can you pay for fairy stones?" Xia Youwei: "If you pay by the day, you will get at least a thousand top-grade fairy stones a day!" Chen


pupils trembled, and then a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: " Immortal stones are really worthless in the Yan Kingdom!" "

Although he has 700,000 top-grade immortal stones on him!"


this time

, he finally understood why King Wu refused his kindness

! Before coming to the Yan Kingdom, Chen Nan proposed to give King Wu the 700,000 top-grade fairy stones on his body!

After all, this money was earned in the Kingdom of Wu!


Youwei said, "Although I have never left the national capital

!" "I heard my grandfather say that a top-grade fairy stone can live in ordinary people in other countries for decades!"

A piece of top-grade immortal stone may only be enough to go to a restaurant for a meal

!" "And you can't drink

!" Chen Nan smiled bitterly! The

prices here are really ridiculously high

!"Tomorrow, hire ten disciples of the Academy Palace first to see how the effect goes!" Chen

Nan also thought about spending 700,000 immortal stones to buy those long swords!

But even if you spend all the immortal stones, you can only buy seven thousand long swords

! Instead of that, it is better to hire someone to help sell blind boxes

! The next day

! Chen Nan went to the Hall of Merit and issued a reward mission

! Soon people came one after another

! These are all young disciples who have just joined the Sword Casting Academy

! I want to earn some pocket money!

What Chen Nan didn't expect!

Nie Yao, one of the

ten great Tianjiao, a

sixth-level formation mage who was one of the three golden flowers of the Sword Forging Palace

, would actually receive such a cheap task?

"Hello, my name is Nie Yao!" She smiled and greeted Chen Nan like a stranger meeting for the first time!


if Nie Yao has no malice towards him,

he doesn't want to have too much entanglement with

her! Nie Yao's face is full of embarrassment

! I didn't expect Chen Nan to ignore her existence

! This made an inexplicable bitterness rise in her heart!

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