"Dad, you

are simply unreasonable!"

Jian Ning was angry in front of her father for the first time: "We are all from the grassroots, but why should you be superior

?" "Just because you have made some money over the years, do you have a sense of superiority?"

"Moreover, Chen Nan is obviously right, why are you always unwilling to admit this?"

As for your grandfather's illness, I have already invited experts from the province, they are on their way here, and they don't need him to make a move!" Jian Jianhua was expressionless and shouted to the driver: "Drive faster." Jian

Jianhua himself did not like Chen Nan.

This quarrel between father and daughter also started because of him.

So he blamed the source of all this on Chen Nan.

The speed of the ambulance is fast.

After coming to the hospital, I was arranged into a VIP single room as soon as possible.

Then experts from the two major hospitals in Jeju conducted consultations and tests.

But the result was the same as that in Taoyuan Town.

The old man's physiology is normal, and no one knows why he is unconscious.

"Jianhua, come over, let's have a few words."

Dean Gao called Jian Jianhua outside.

"Lao Gao, what do you want to talk about?" Jian Jianhua and Dean Gao were also acquaintances, and they spoke more casually.

Dean Gao asked in a low voice: "Have you ever thought that Lord Ling Zun is most likely not a disease?" Jian

Jianhua frowned: "What do you mean?"

Dean Gao sighed: "I have practiced medicine for most of my life, and I have seen many strange diseases." Uncle Jane's situation had happened before.

"Have you ever wondered if the reason why Uncle Jian is unconscious is that he provoked something unclean?" Jian

Jianhua looked displeased: "Do you believe this statement?"

Dean Gao shrugged undeniably: "Some things I haven't experienced must not believe it, but I have worked in the hospital for many years and have seen some strange diseases."

"I know you don't believe that, but it seems to me that even the experts in the province come over to no avail." "

In my opinion, you should find someone to 'prescribe the right medicine' for Uncle Jane as soon as possible."

"If you don't have a way, I know a place, which is in the shantytown of the South City..."

Jian Jianhua directly interrupted Dean Gao's words: "I believe in science!" Dean Gao's

face spread with a wry smile.

I believed in science when I first graduated in my twenties,

but the end of science is metaphysics!


two o'clock in the morning.

Professors from four provincial hospitals rushed to Jeju First People's Hospital overnight.

They come from different hospitals and are senior practitioners in the field of neurology.

In order to please them, Jian Jianhua used all his connections.

They first gave Mr. Jian a comprehensive and systematic inspection, and then read the previous two inspection reports.

"The patient's physiological indicators were in line with normal standards, but the heart rate, blood pressure and blood oxygen showed signs of decreasing. An old man gave a result that was difficult for Jian Jianhua to accept.

Another old man had a solemn expression: "Yes, according to this momentum, the patient will die in less than three days."

Jian Jianhua panicked: "Then what to do?"

Jian Ning and Jian Jianjun also held their breath.

"Although we are doctors, we are not omnipotent. The old man who spoke first smiled bitterly: "Doctors pay attention to the right medicine to save people, but now we don't know why the patient is unconscious."

Jian Jianhua was anxious: "Can't you watch my father die, right?"

The old man frowned and asked curiously: "Dean Gao, what is the method you said?" Dean Gao

did not dare to hide it, and said respectfully: "Back to Ren Lao, we have an evil doctor in Jeju, and that person should be able to wake up the patient." Elder

Ren was interested: "Evil doctor?"

Everyone else also looked at Dean Gao curiously.

"Yes, that man is called an evil doctor. Dean Gao replied, "Although the title of evil doctor is not good, people really have skills. Don't hide from everyone, my wife has had a head disease for many years, and she has not been cured after seeing many doctors.

"But after being briefly pricked by that evil doctor with two stitches, hey, miraculously healed!"

"Ren Lao is a professor of neurology, and he knows that head wind disease is difficult to cure and is prone to recurrence.

Even he has not cured a person with a head disease.

After a pause, Elder Ren then asked: "Dean Gao, what you said can only prove that person's medical skills, what does it have to do with evil words?"

"So, if you want him to see a doctor, you have to go to the queue before dawn."

A middle-aged man spoke: "There are some barefoot doctors with strange temperaments in the rivers and lakes, and the number of people who heal every day is limited, which is not evil."

"It's different!" Dean Gao said, "Other barefoot doctors charge expensive, but this evil doctor in my mouth only charges a consultation fee of one dollar."

"No matter how serious the illness, you only charge one dollar."

"Moreover, he only had half an hour to see a doctor.

"It's not that there's a rule to only show patients for half an hour."

"But he can heal twenty patients in half an hour!" As

soon as these words came out, everyone showed a skeptical expression.

Whether it's a charge for a dollar.

It's still half an hour to heal twenty patients, which is unbelievable!

"I want to visit this evil doctor!"

If what Dean Gao said is true, then this person must be a chivalrous person who saves the world.

This kind of person is worth learning from!"

"Where's that person? I'll ask someone to bring him over." Jian Jianhua's face was full of excitement, as if he had grasped the last life-saving straw.

Dean Gao gave him a roll of his eyes: "Do you think you can invite people? People don't put money in their eyes at all, so don't think about inviting him over to see the old man!" Hearing

this, Ren Lao and the others were full of embarrassment.

Aren't we invited by Jian Jianhua

? You mean that we only have money in our eyes?

Don't be so implicit, just report our ID number...

Dean Gao also realized that he had said the wrong thing, and hurriedly said: "If you want to treat the old man, you should hurry up and take the old man to the queue, if it's late, you won't be able to get the number today!"

"That place is easy to find, just at the intersection of the shantytown in Nancheng, the Chen Family Medical Center is there!"

Jian Jianhua quickly said yes, and immediately let the old man carry him to the ambulance, and then went straight to the Chen Family Medical Center in the shantytown.

In the car, Jian Jianhua looked at his daughter with a sinister smile: "This world doesn't just revolve around Chen Nan alone, see?

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