Chen Nan is not Liu Xiahui

! He can't sit still without chaos

! let alone a peerless beauty like

Nie Yao! However, he didn't take advantage of the danger

! He slapped Nie Yao unconscious

! There are two reasons

! He doesn't want to have too many emotional entanglements with Nie Yao


Secondly, Concubine Yu has just left him, and he can't get together with other women on the premise that the other party's bones are not cold!

Although he is a scumbag

, he also wants to have a lower limit for scum

! "Jade girl, you find her clothes to wear

!" Chen Nan ordered to the jade girl

! "It's the lord of the mansion!" At this time

, there was a rush of footsteps outside the Immortal Mansion

! "It's not good, the young master has disappeared

!" "

Go and call the master!" Chen

Nan looked at the outside world!

Several subordinates appeared in Fan Yun's room, and they all looked terrified

! Immediately after

! Fan Yun's father, Fan Zhentian walked in with a gloomy face! Although Chen Nan was hiding in the Immortal Mansion, he could feel the other party's breath was very strong

!" "He should be the second-level Immortal Emperor

!" Fan Zhentian looked into the room with a gloomy face: "My son's breath disappeared out of thin air, this is very abnormal!"

"If nothing else, someone should have used

a space magic weapon to kidnap him!" Chen Nan was shocked in his heart

! He never expected that Fan Zhentian would actually think of a space magic weapon

! It seems that he underestimated him

! "Master, could it be someone from the Sword Forging Palace?" An old man couldn't help but ask!

Fan Zhentian snorted coldly: "It doesn't matter if it is or not!"

A divine light instantly enveloped the entire Xingu City

, making countless people feel panic! The

next moment

! Chen Nan felt a terrifying soul power sweeping through the Immortal Mansion! Fortunately, the Immortal Mansion had turned into a small speck of dust

! Even if Fan Zhentian searched with the power of his soul, he couldn't find it

! "Damn!" Fan

Zhentian jumped like thunder!

He looked

around, his eyes full of killing intent: "I know you haven't left yet, in that case, I advise you

!" "Hurry up and hand over my son!"

Before the ruthless words were finished, two

corpses that had been beheaded appeared in the void

! That was Fan

Yun! "

Young Master!" The


of the Fan family all gasped! They beheaded Fan Yun, and even threw his corpse out under the threat of Fan Zhentian

! This is simply trampling on the dignity of the Fan family!

"Give me death!"


slammed his palm into the void

! Boom! Although he did not directly hit the Immortal Mansion, Chen Nan felt a terrifying

power! It made the entire Immortal Mansion tremble a little!

"This guy is strange


"I can feel a divine power in his body!"

If you want to have divine power, you must become a god

! Mo said that a second-level immortal emperor, even a ninth-level immortal emperor can't master divine power

!" "Don't care so much, hurry up and walk out of the Fan family and strive to leave Xingu City!" Chen Nan smiled bitterly, he didn't expect Fan Zhentian to be so terrifying

! If that palm fell on him just now!

But even if he doesn't die, he has to lose half

of his life! The power of his blow is no weaker than that of a ninth-level

immortal emperor!" "Look at your unproductive appearance, don't you want to find out the secret of Fan Zhentian's body?" Qinglong snorted angrily! "

I tell you, divine power cannot appear in a second-level immortal emperor

!" "It is impossible for anyone in the immortal world to arrange a god-level formation!"

"This is related to whether you can rebuild the Heavenly Court in the future!" Chen

Nan hesitated, and

finally compromised

! Controlling the Immortal Mansion fell on Fan Zhentian's shoulders

! It was dark under the lamp

! This would be the most able to paralyze the enemy

! After that, Chen Nan followed Fan Zhentian to the secret room where he was cultivating! The secret

room was very dark!

and there were countless skeletons!


addition, there is a statue of a god holding a pipa in the secret room

! The statue is about one meter tall!

His expression is hideous, and his body is filled with a kind of divine power

!" "It's the Heavenly King of the Eastern Holding Kingdom, Dorozha

!" "I really didn't expect that someone in the immortal world would worship him!"

Is there one of the four heavenly kings in myths and legends?"

Qinglong: "Yes!" "

He was originally a super strong man who was one of the four protectors of the Divine Realm, but..."

"I don't know why I rebelled!" "The reason why I was reincarnated and recultivated is because of their siege!" Speaking

of this

! Even after a long time, Qinglong's tone also revealed a strong killing intent

! Because it didn't understand why the other party rebelled!

Chen Nan said: "I've seen many people who worship gods and Buddhas, but why don't they have divine power in them?"

It is rare to worship the gods in the immortal world

, but there are countless on earth

, especially the gods of wealth

! Every month on the fifteenth day of the month, incense and offerings are offered!

Qinglong: "You worship gods and Buddhas, they can sense the power of faith, and the power of faith can cast a golden body when they are sanctified

!" "But if you want to obtain divine power, you need to have a

medium!" "As for what the medium is, there is no unified statement!"

Chen Nan was relieved!


Zhentian knelt reverently in front of the statue of Dorozha: " Heavenly King, the junior has already found the Dragon's Blood Stone Mine, and now he is ordering people to mine

it!" "In less than a month, we can find a large ore and shape your

body!" "Please wait for good news!" "

Why did Dorozha go to the Nether Realm? Could it be that he was looking for a pillar of merit?" The green dragon's tone was solemn

! Chen Nan's face also changed! The

dragon's blood stone is a raw material for refining the ultimate immortal weapon

! If you use it to shape Dorozha's body!

Who can kill him under the whole world?

Qinglong said, "We must stop Dorozha Nether!" "If not, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

Chen Nan looked at the outside world

! Fan Zhentian put three incense sticks on Dorozha and turned away

! "You say, I shouldn't notice Fan Zhentian when I go out now, right?" Chen Nan's eyes flashed with an intriguing light!


: "What do you want to do?"

Chen Nan grinned: "Play,

yes, just play

!" Qinglong said: "Don't worry, there is Dorozha enshrined here, Fan Zhentian does not dare to cover this place with soul power, this is the greatest disrespect to Dorozha

!" "Then I will be relieved!"

Chen Nan appeared in the secret room with a movement in his heart, he looked at the statue with a fierce face in front of him, and then unfastened his trouser belt!

The scalding liquid sprayed on the statue of Dorozha

! "Who are you, who dares to blaspheme the king of this heaven?" An

angry voice came from the mouth of the statue, even Chen Nan felt a great sense of oppression!

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