Five days later

, a group of six people came to the eastern part of the Funeral God Ridge

! Looking to the west

! Countless heavenly trees stood tall into the clouds

! It gave people a strong visual impact

! Although Chen Nan crossed the entire demon realm, he also saw a lot of lush primeval forests

! But nowhere are the trees more lush than here!"

Fifth Uncle, how can the forest here be so luxuriant?" Feng Yan's face was shocked, after all, he was also here for the first time! Feng

Da said: "How do you think the name Funeral God Ridge came from?"

"It is said that a long, long time ago, a gap appeared in the sky

!" "Then a heavenly god fell and died on this

mountain!" "The flesh of the heavenly god decayed and nourished the grass and trees on this mountain range!"

If it weren't for the accompaniment of an Immortal Emperor-level powerhouse, ordinary cultivators would be attacked by demon beasts when they entered it

!" Feng Yan was relieved, and then said with a smile: "We have two Immortal Emperor powerhouses on this trip, you and Uncle Bai, as well as two ninth-level true immortals Qi and Senior Bao

!" "Even if you are unlucky enough to meet a demon beast, you can retreat with your whole body!" The

other four had honey confidence on their faces!

"I will protect Chen Nan after encountering danger!"

In fact, he didn't care about Chen Nan's life or death

, but he also knew his value

! So, he can't die yet

! "Qi Daoyou, Bao Daoyou, if you encounter a demon beast attack later, you will protect Feng Yan!" Feng Da explained, and then he was on guard, feeling the wind and grass around him!

Because the No. 7 ruins are on the edge of the waterfall, it is also convenient to find

! "Yo

!" Without warning,

a high-pitched bird chirped through the heavens and earth

! A huge bird flew

in the air! "Roll!" Qi

Shenbing slashed out with a sword

! Poof! Blood spilled into the air

! The bird was directly cut in half!

"Just entered the Funeral God Ridge and met a demon beast comparable to the realm of true immortals, this Funeral God Ridge really deserves its name!" Qi Shenbing put away his long sword with a smile

! Although it was said that the Funeral God Ridge was just that! but everyone

in the group was very relaxed! The Funeral God Ridge was very large

! Even if they flew in the air for a day, they could not find the whereabouts of the waterfall!

Because night fell!

They didn't dare to fly

in the air at all! So they landed in the mountains and forests to rest

! Uncle Bai took out the fairy stone and arranged a

formation! Because the time is limited, the level of the formation is not high

! But it can also let them spend the night safely

! Even if there are monsters attacking, they can be alerted in advance

! The funeral god ridge at night is very quiet

! You can even hear your own heartbeat!

Under the night, there was suddenly a

sound of footsteps like thunder

! "A demon beast appeared

!" Uncle Bai suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a trace of jealousy in his

eyes! "There are many of them, and the strength is very strong!" Feng Da looked at the night, and subconsciously sacrificed the immortal weapon

! The next moment

! A pair of scarlet eyes appeared around him!

Every eye is as big as an adult's fist

! Immediately after

! A blood-eyed demon wolf with a head comparable to an adult elephant appears in all directions

! They are grinning and exuding

a powerful demon aura! The one at the head has the strength of a second-level

demon emperor! "Damn, I actually met the blood-eyed demon wolf!" Uncle Bai's face was full of jealousy, he knew that this was the most powerful race in the Burial God Ridge, and it was sent out in groups!

In the face of so many blood-eyed demon wolves, even if he is a first-level immortal emperor and proficient in formations! But if these blood-eyed demon wolves

rise up and attack

! they will definitely be able to break this formation!

Although he can


he can't protect others at all!"

If not, don't blame me for not thinking that heaven has the virtue of a good life!" Uncle Bai roared lowly, instantly urging

the formation to the extreme! He arranged a fifth-level trapped

formation! The formation was activated, and the white light illuminated all directions

! It also made the wolves restless

! They croaked their teeth, their eyes were full of fierce light! Everyone

who looked at them with a pair of eyes felt numb!

"This group of evil beasts doesn't seem to understand people!" Feng Da held the hilt of the sword, if the wolves attacked, he would kill the other party as soon as possible!

At this time

, Chen Nan, who had no sense of existence, walked out: "Don't give a face

!" "Senior Bai is a strong man at the level of the Immortal Emperor

!" "He is also a seventh-level formation mage!" "He

can kill a race of you with a single spell of his fingers

!" "If you don't want to die, quickly kneel!"


Uncle Bai and the others all looked at Chen Nan with a puzzled expression! Is

this guy a fool

? The wolves didn't even put Uncle Bai in their eyes!

How could they listen to him?

"The surname Chen, are you trying to deliberately provoke the wolves?"

After all, Chen Nan will definitely die if he falls into their hands! Chen Nan's

tone was alarmed: "Senior Brother Feng Yan misunderstood, I didn't do this at all..." You see, the wolves are all lying down!" All


looked around! The picture in front of them made their scalps numb, unbelievable! The

wolves around them were really lying on the ground!

And they were very tame

! like...


scene shocked everyone

! They didn't expect that

the wolves would admit it! "Presumably the wolves knew Uncle Bai's terrible, and this would recognize the Lord!"


order to test whether the wolves really recognized the Lord, he looked at the Wolf King: "I'm a little hungry, you go and help me catch a beast!" The Wolf

King showed a suspicious look, and then looked at one of his clansmen and ordered it to catch the beast

! Almost a quarter of an hour later,

the blood-eyed demon wolf came with an antelope!

Uncle Bai, the Wolf King must have been shocked

by your strength!"

"Otherwise, I won't obey your orders

!" Uncle Bai's face was full of pride: "It's not so much shocked by my strength, but impressed by my personality charm!" Chen

Nan almost didn't spew out a mouthful of blood after hearing this!

Although Chen Nan's strength is very weak,

he has a dragon soul in his body

! The green dragon is a super divine beast at the head of ten thousand demons! It

is expected that the blood-eyed demon wolf feels the breath of the dragon soul and comes to worship

! But Chen Nan did not say this

! He also asked these people to take him to the No. 7 ruin!

After obtaining the divine fire, let the blood-eyed demon wolf rebel!

Let them attack Feng Yan and the others

! You don't need to think about it!

That picture should be very interesting, right?

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