Seeing this, Chen Nan quickly confessed: "Give it, don't kill me, I'll hand over the divine fire to you!"

Although it is said that

if you get the divine fire, you can not die or die!

but those are all rumors! He

doesn't believe it at all

! However, if he can get this divine fire, his strength will definitely increase by leaps and bounds

! He can even become a ninth-level alchemist!

Just when he was full of anticipation and reached out to touch

it, his right hand was instantly ignited and turned into ashes

! And the divine fire was rapidly spreading towards his arm

! "No!" Feng

Yan let out a hysterical scream

! I don't understand that the divine fire is very docile to Chen Nan, but it is so terrifying to himself!


Nan grinned and gloated: "The divine fire was given to you, but you didn't grasp it

!" Feng Da shouted angrily: "You cheat?"

"Kill him, kill him!" Feng Yan's heart rose with monstrous anger: "If you don't kill him, you can't eliminate the hatred in my heart!"

"I'll come!" Bao

Xinghe's eyes froze, holding a long sword and stabbing at

Chen Nan! "Give me death!" With

Chen Nan's roar, he smashed a punch on Bao Xinghe's chest!

He actually tore Bao Xinghe in half with his bare hands

! Extremely cruel

! Like a demon

! Feng Yan, Uncle Bai and Feng Da were all shocked

! That was a ninth-level true immortal!

He was brutally killed by Chen Nan like

this? Is this guy's strength so strong?

"True Immortal Realm peak?"


you?" "Do you really think that Xiao Ye is a bully?" He

was covered in blood, but his eyes were extremely hot: "Senior Brother Feng, I already knew that you were not kind to me

!" "

So, this is what informed you of the clues of the divine fire!"


If it weren't for your escort, would I have been able to come to Funeral God Ridge in such a short time?" He

himself was using the other party

! Now they have lost the value of use!

Chen Nan sneered

: "Otherwise?" "The surname Chen, do you really think that you can kill a strong man in the Immortal Emperor realm?" Uncle Bai roared, he slammed his palm towards Chen Nan, wanting to obliterate Chen Nan on the spot! Chen Nan

lightly threw a punch: "It's not that you haven't killed, what do you think you are?"

"How can your strength be so strong?" Uncle Bai's arm was numb, and a monstrous wave rose in his heart

! This is definitely not the strength that an Earth Immortal Realm cultivator should have

! Uncle Feng Yan and his nephew even exploded their scalps

! Although Chen Nan killed Bao Xinghe just now! But Bao Xinghe

only has the peak realm of True Immortal Realm! Although it is only one step away from the Immortal Emperor,

there is a world of difference in strength!

Chen Nan

laughed unkindly: "The strength is not strong, how can you kill a strong person at the level of the Immortal Emperor?"

Feng Da said: "Brother Bai, I use the power of the law to trap the other party, you find an opportunity to kill him!" Speaking

of this, he used the power of the law

! A small tornado roared out, directly towards Chen Nan!

Chen Nan exclaimed: "Good fellow, it turned out to be the law of the wind system..."


!" "Trash

!" "Nothing!" "

The strongest law power in heaven and earth is the law of yin and yang

! followed by

the law of the five elements! This is the strongest law

in the world! The others have to be behind

! The law of the wind system does not know how much to rank

! Let him down

! Look at the oncoming tornado

! Chen Nan clenched his fists in the air!


! The tornado strangely disappeared between heaven and earth

! Only the flowers and plants blown by the wind around proved that the tornado had come

! Poof

! Feng Da subconsciously spewed out a mouthful of old blood

! His eyes were full of horror

! He never dreamed that the

power of his own laws would be broken by an Earth Immortal Ant!

Uncle Bai and Feng Yan also had numb scalps!

What is the situation

, how can an ant in the Earth Immortal Realm be so powerful?"

The reason why the black dragon apologized to you is not because he is afraid of Jing Tiancheng behind you, but because he can't beat you?" Feng Yan's face was gloomy, and he figured out why the black dragon was afraid of Chen Nan!"

The white eyes were indifferent, and a blood-black array flag appeared in his hand between raising his hand

! He waved it casually

! In an instant, the sky turned blood-red

! The pungent smell of blood filled this small world

! There was a ghost crying wolf howling in the air

! "Blood Cloud Array?" Chen Nan frowned!

Uncle Bai's face was full of pride: "Very eye-catching, I actually recognized this is the Blood Cloud Array!"

This is the formation I arranged with the blood of thousands of people

!" "Even if your strength is comparable to

the Immortal Emperor!" "But my formation has killed the third-level Immortal Emperor

!" "Fight with

me?" "Can you fight me?"

Chen Nan's face was expressionless, as if he was frightened by the formation

! "Die!" Uncle

Bai waved the formation flag! In

an instant, countless powerful ghosts roared and rushed towards Chen Nan!

He stood there quietly

! did not


, did not resist

! In the next second

, something happened that made everyone stunned

! Those powerful ghosts actually stopped roaring

! and flew behind Chen Nan, quietly suspended in midair!

Uncle Bai subconsciously swallowed his saliva

: "What is the situation, why did these powerful ghosts rebel?" Uncle Feng Yan and his nephew even felt cardiac arrest

! They knew that Uncle Bai's hole card was this Blood Cloud Array

! But no one expected that these powerful ghosts refined by Uncle Bai would actually defect!

Chen Nan smiled slightly: "Actually, the reason why the black dragon is afraid of me is not because of my strength!"

"Oh, that's right


"Jing Tiancheng wants to call me Senior Brother

!" Uncle Bai was stunned, and then let out a scream: "Are you Cao Rufeng's disciple?" "

Yes, Cao Rufeng is my master

!" "So, don't play formation in front of

me!" "Because you can't play me at all!"

Chen Nan snapped his fingers, and countless powerful ghosts swallowed towards the three!

Uncle Bai turned around and ran: "The blood-eyed demon wolf is outside, as long as we can run out, we can let the blood-eyed demon wolf get rid of Chen Nan!"

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