She has a noble temperament

and is elegant; she is like a goddess living in the nine days;

although her veil covers her face, it is still difficult to hide the beauty of the city

! For a while

! Many people were foolish

! This woman is only in the sky, and it is rare to smell it a few times in the world?

Chen Nan subconsciously swallowed her saliva

! Like! Too similar!

If not for her development, it would not be so terrifying!

Chen Nan once thought that she was the

female emperor! Whether it was height

, facial features

, temperament,

especially those azure blue eyes

! They were all the same as the female emperor

! Seeing her

! Chen Nan thought of that humiliating memory again!

"I really didn't expect her to come!"

Dai Yuan's face flashed a trace of solemnity, and he said in a low voice: "Her name is Ling Yanran, she is the great priest of the Snow Country, and she has the cultivation of a ninth-level Immortal Emperor!" "

Moreover, she is also the sister of the female emperor!"

Everyone else's hearts beat faster! I didn't

expect this woman to have such a big origin!

He subconsciously touched his head, vainly hoping to get the attention of beautiful women in this way

! After all, if he could soak in this kind of stunning beauty

, then he would have no worries about food and clothing in this life

! But Ling Yanran didn't look

at him! Chen Nan withdrew his gaze

! Unwilling to look at the other party!

After all, that humiliating memory is really difficult for him to let go!"

Great Priest, the people of the Yan Country made a bad remark and insulted Senior Brother Li! Senior Brother Li couldn't be angry, so he would make a move!" A disciple of the Snow Country complained to

Ling Yanran! "Is there such a thing?" Ling

Yanran frowned slightly, and a trace of displeasure flashed on his face

! But even if he is angry, it gives people a heart-pounding look!

Ling Yanran looked at Dai Yuan with a chill: "The Snow Country and the Yan Country have been friends for generations, and the friendly match between the two countries once every thousand years is the best witness!"

"Although the young man is proud and does not put others in his eyes!" "

But the disciples of your country have spoken ill of my

Snow Country disciples, how does Dean Dai explain this?" Dai Yuan said politely: "Great Priest, this matter is not a provocation by my Yan

Country disciples!" Ling Yanran snorted lightly: "Could it be that my Snow Country disciples provoked first?"

In other words, Dai Yuan would definitely not go online like

this! No matter what, the other party is a distinguished guest of a friendly country

! As a landlord, you should be generous

! There is no shame in apologizing if you are aggrieved

! But this time things are different

! Chen Nan is a person that Emperor Yan appreciates! If

Chen Nan is asked to apologize to the people of the Snow Country at this time, Emperor Yan will definitely be furious!

Ling Yanran looked at Li Aohan, and there was no trace of emotion in his eyes: "What Dean Dai said is true?"


Aohan was cold all over, and quickly said: "Great priest, Chen Nan cut off my childhood sweetheart's legs, I feel hatred, this is why I made that move!" "I'm sorry, this matter is my fault!" Li Aohan


want to admit his mistake

! But he knew Ling Yanran's character!

Even his aunt can't keep him

!" "Chen Nan?" Ling Yanran seemed to remember something, her beautiful eyes showed a trace of memory, and then looked at Dai Yuan: "Who is

Chen Nan?" Chen Nan

knew that he couldn't dodge, and took a step forward: "I am

Chen Nan!" Ling Yanran looked at Chen Nan!

The power of frost erupted

! The fierce impact hit

Chen Nan's chest! Blasted him out more than ten meters

! After landing

! A trace of blood spilled from the corner of

Chen Nan's mouth! The whole person looked very weak

! "Great Priest, what do you mean by this?" Dai Yuan was furious, he didn't expect that Ling Yanran would suddenly attack Chen

Nan! Even if he knew that Chen Nan's strength was very strong!

But the other party is a ninth-level immortal emperor after all

! Even if you look at the entire immortal world, it is also a first-class powerhouse

!" "Dean Dai don't need to worry, I have my own measure!" Ling Yanran showed an inexplicable smile

! Said and looked at Chen Nan: "It's pretty good!" Chen Nan

wanted to curse

! But considering the gap between the two!

After all, this is a ninth-level Immortal

Emperor! It really can't be beaten

! Then

! Formation Academy Palace, and Tianjiao of the Alchemy Academy Palace also rushed

in! Almost half an hour later!

"Your Majesty arrived!" With

a loud voice, Emperor Yan appeared in the Hall of Nourishing Hearts in the crowd

of everyone! After Emperor Yan appeared, everyone saluted!

Ling Yanran said: " After seeing the Yan Emperor, the family sister was physically ill and could not come, so she specially asked Yanran to apologize to you!"

"The Yan Emperor's face was full of surprise: "What happened

to the female emperor?" Many people felt incredible like the Yan

Emperor! After all, the ninth-level Immortal Emperor is invincible

! Ling Yanran said that the female emperor complained physically

! This has to cause people to reverie!

Ling Yanran said apologetically: "This matter is inconvenient to disclose, and I ask Emperor Yan for forgiveness!" Emperor

Yan nodded slightly: "Our two countries have been friendly for generations, and I admire the female emperor even more, if your country has any needs, you can raise it

!" Although Emperor Yan is high, he is very easy-going at this time: "The Yan Country and the Snow Country have been friends for generations, and this friendship has been passed down for more than 100,000 years!"

Otherwise, there would not be a friendly match once in a thousand years!"

"I wonder what

the rules of this friendly match are?" "The rules of the last friendly match were formulated by the Yan

Country! And this time it was the turn of the Snow Country

! So! Even the Yan Emperor was very curious

! Ling Yanran spread out his right hand!


tricks appeared in the air!

There are the rules

of the competition of the three forces of the Sword Casting Palace, the Formation Palace, and the Alchemy Palace! In fact, this kind

of competition is not fair! Because the question is the snow country, they must know the content of the assessment, so they prepared early

! However,

the rules of the last competition were formulated by the Yan

country! It was not fair to the snow country at the beginning!

When it is unfair to both countries, it becomes the greatest fairness

! Of course

, ordinary people think it is very unfair

! However, the two countries have never leaked any rules

of the competition! This is respect for each other

! It is precisely because of this respect that the friendly match between the two countries continues to this day!

The two Tianjiao have three days to discuss the rules of the competition, and three days later they will compete in the palace, during these three days, no one is allowed to contact outsiders

!" Emperor Yan nodded slightly: "Then see you in three days, I hope you young people can impress Xuan!" Then he drove away from the Yangxin Temple

! Chen Nan and the others were also arranged into an independent area, one room for each person!


soon as

Chen Nan's front foot was brought to the room by the palace maid

, there was a knock on the door! He opened the door

! A beautiful figure came into view!

Who was it not Ling Yanran?

With a shallow smile in her bright eyes, she asked politely: "Can I call you brother-in-law?"

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