"Father, I just received a summons!"

"Our disciples of the Flying Heaven Gate have already received Chen Nan, and they will arrive at our Flying Heaven Gate soon!"

Flying Gate!

Chu Yelan was wearing a holy white long dress, and her long hair was casually draped behind her!

The temperament is noble and sacred!

It gives a dusty smell!

Chu Xu smiled: "As long as Chen Nan dares to come, he will definitely let him come back!"

Chu Yelan nodded excitedly.

Chen Nan smacked her face in public!

And chop off her legs!

Even if he has now become the most influential young man in the immortal world!

But you must also die!

Otherwise, it will become her inner demon!

Right at this moment.

A powerful aura came from the north.

Chu Xu looked at it, and his eyes lit up: "Hurry up, the Great Priest of the Snow Country is here!"

Chu Yelan looked.

One wears a red tunic and a veil, and has an outstanding temperament.

The woman who fell into the country crossed the void and appeared in front of the Flying Heavenly Gate Hall in an instant.

Chu Yelan is one of the three golden flowers of the Sword Casting Palace.

Regardless of looks.

The temperament is different from ordinary people.


At the sight of this woman.

She actually gave birth to a sense of humility.

Especially the strength that the other party exudes from the inside out.

The pride in the eyes.

It's not something she can compare.


In front of Ling Yanran, she was nothing.

It was not even comparable to the two maids behind Ling Yanran.

Li Aohan followed behind Ling Yanran and quickly introduced: "Great Priest, this is the head of the Flying Heaven Gate, Chu Xu Chu is in charge, he has been a god to you for a long time. "

It is really my honor to come to my Flying Heavenly Gate." Chu Xu was excited.

Although his strength is also very strong.

Reached the seventh level of Immortal Emperor.

But the seventh-level immortal emperor was an ant-like existence in front of the ninth-level immortal emperor.

Moreover, Ling Yanran also cultivated the Ice and Snow Law.

A single thought can freeze a city.


This is the second strongest woman in the Terrans.

In first place was Ling Yanran's sister Female Emperor.

Li Aohan said again: "This one is my childhood sweetheart, Chu Yelan."

Ling Yanran nodded quietly.

She usually gives people the feeling of being high and smiling.

After all, identity and status are there.

Only in front of the female emperor and Chen Nan will show the appearance of a girl.

"Inside the Great God Hall, please, I have ordered people to prepare the special food of the Yan Country." Chu Xu made an invitation gesture and invited Ling Yanran and the two maids into the hall.

Almost half an hour later.

Chen Nan arrived.

Knowing that Chen Nan was coming, Chu Xu's father and daughter immediately got up to greet each other.

Although they prepared the Hongmen banquet.

But they also didn't want to kill Chen Nan directly.

According to Chu Yelan's words, it was too cheap to kill him directly.

You should play around first.

Wait until you vent the anger in your heart and get rid of him.

"Young Master Chen can come, it really makes Hanshe Pengxian shine!" Seeing Chen Nanqi Yuxuanang, striding over, Chu Xu greeted with a smile.

If it weren't for Chen Nan slapped his daughter twice.

Cut off her legs.

He didn't mind making friends with Chen Nan.

After all, the potential of such people is too great.

Whether it is the youngest formation grandmaster in the immortal world.

Alchemy Grandmaster.

Alchemy Grandmaster.

Any title is worth his friendship.

Not to mention that he holds three supreme titles at the same time.

It's just a pity.

He hurt his daughter.

What is even more hateful is that it also offended the snow country.

"Chu Zhangmen let Senior Yan Qing come to the door to intercede, and I should give him his face." Chen Nan smiled, Yan Qing had a good reputation in the Sword Casting Palace.

Otherwise he wouldn't have come at all.

"Thank you Junior Brother Chen for giving us this opportunity to fly to the Heavenly Gate, and I apologize to you for what happened before." Chu Yelan showed some nervousness and trepidation.

But more than that, it's embarrassing.

After all, she was flown by Chen Nan.

And he also cut off his legs.

Chen Nan said casually: "People who are not saints and sages can do nothing, as long as they are willing to reform themselves." "

Junior Brother Chen is magnanimous, please inside." Chu Yelan made an inviting gesture, but in her heart she cursed Chen Nan.

Dare to speak to Miss Ben in such a didactic tone?

Which green onion do you count?

For the sake of your imminent death, Miss Ben will not think about you for the time being.

Then the father and daughter took Chen Nan into the hall.

"Yo, Young Master Chen is here, hurry up, please take a seat."

Just entered the main hall.

Li Aohan got up with a smile.

He had a big smile on his face.

Very welcoming.

As if he were the master here.

Chen Nan glanced at Li Aohan.

He also looked at Ling Yanran, who was sitting there, noble and indifferent.

And then naturally take a seat.

"Brother-in-law, these people want to kill you."

"Little sister has nothing to do, so come and see the liveliness."

"Here, you can do whatever you want."

"It doesn't matter if you destroy the Flying Heavenly Gate."

"Of course."

"If you can't..."

"Xiaomei doesn't mind helping you get rid of them."

Ling Yanran's voice echoed in Chen Nan's mind, with a quirky and playful taste.

Although Chen Nan had the three supreme titles of Alchemy Grandmaster, Alchemy Grandmaster, and Formation Grandmaster.

But Xiu Wei is a bit weak.

And Chu Xu, the head of the Flying Heavenly Gate, was a seventh-level immortal emperor.

Of course.

There were also two fourth-level immortal emperors behind Li Aohan.


She didn't think Chen Nan could beat them.

"I thought you were going to get rid of me." Chen Nan's voice was still full of coldness.

To Ling Yanran...

He really didn't like it.

Because whenever he saw her, he would think of the shame, the dark time in the land of creation...

Tool man for up to half a year.

Let that shame melt into Chen Nan's bones and blood.


Feitianmen wanted to get rid of him, but he didn't expect it.

He thought that Feitianmen really wanted to turn Gange into jade.

Ling Yanran said sullenly, "Brother-in-law, how can you think like that?

"We are really relatives, why should I get rid of you?"

"Is it just because you helped the Yan Country defeat the Snow Country?"


"Although this result was unexpected to us."

"But it's not a bad thing."

"At least brother-in-law, you are famous in the entire immortal world."

"My sister must be very happy to know."

"And I said before that the friendly match between Yan Country and Snow Country is over."

"But the ultimate winner will be our snow country."

"Time will verify the truth of my words."

Chen Nan was upset: "Shut up, I don't want to communicate with your soul." Ling

Yanran: "Hee-hee, my brother-in-law looks so handsome when he is angry..."

Chen Nan no longer paid attention to her.


Chu Xu picked up the wine glass and said with a smile: "I can fly to the Heavenly Gate He De He can make the Great Priest of the Snow Country and the most famous Tianjiao in the immortal world come at the same time."

"Don't say polite words, I will toast you both with this drink."

Saying that, he craned his neck and drank all the wine in the glass.

Chen Nan also picked up the wine glass and said, "I respect the head of this cup, I hope you will go well on the Huangquan Road!"

Chu Xu's face changed, and he couldn't help but say, "What does Young Master Chen mean by this?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Chen Nan's mouth: "It's all this time, do you still want to act for me?" "

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