Mozo's scalp is numb.

He didn't expect Chen Nan to dare to come to the Mixed Yuan Sect.

That's a lot of daring!


Well done.

Zheng Chou can't kill him.

Isn't now a godsend?

Mo Nancheng frowned, and he stared at Chen Nan, as if he wanted to see through his depth.

It's a pity.

The man in front of him was full of calmness.

Even in the face of him, this fourth-level immortal emperor had a disdainful look in his eyes.

As the saying goes, when things go wrong, there must be demons.

In vain, a sense of foreboding arose in his heart.

But I think this is his home base.

The uneasiness in his heart disappeared without a trace in an instant, and he asked angrily to the disciple who rushed to hear the news: "What is Xu Qixian doing with that dog thing?" "

Why did you let this guy get in?"

Xu Qixian is a formation master of the Mixed Yuan Sect.

There is the ability of a seventh-level formation mage.

Looking at the entire formation world, it is also a mainstay.

It was the protector he hired at a high price.

In order to guard the Mixed Yuan Sect's Sect Protector Formation and prevent the enemy from sneaking attack.

Now pour well.

Chen Nan swaggered into the Mixed Yuan Sect.

This is clearly a lack of due diligence.

"Chief, Master Xu fell into a coma for some reason." A disciple of the Mixed Yuan Sect ran over with a panicked face.

Mo Nancheng frowned.

Although I don't know why Xu Qixian fell into a coma.

But the most urgent thing is to solve Chen Nan.

"Young man, did you eat bear heart leopard bile?" Mo Nancheng looked at Chen Nan with indifferent eyes: "It is said that you injured the people of my Mixed Yuan Sect, and you should have fled Wushuang City overnight."

"But why did you come to my Mixed Yuan Sect?"

"Are you provoking my Mixed Yuan Sect?"

Chen Nan asked rhetorically: "I have injured your disciples of the Mixed Yuan Sect, do you say that I provoked the Mixed Yuan Sect?" "


"Young man, if you don't want to die, quickly kneel down and repent!"

"Yes, my Mixed Yuan Sect is the number one sect in Wushuang City, even if you look at the entire Yan Country, it can rank in the top thirty. You despise my Mixed Yuan Sect, it is really an unforgivable sin. The

disciples of the Mixed Yuan Sect shouted angrily.

Of course.

There were also opposing views.

"In my opinion, this person cannot be killed."

"I think this guy's head might be in water."

"It may also be a neuropathy, otherwise it would not have been possible to injure our people and come to our base camp to shout."

"We are the number one sect in Wushuang City, if others say that we bully a patient, it will definitely damage the reputation of my Mixed Yuan Sect."

As soon as these words came out, many people nodded in agreement.

"Yes, judging from what this guy does, he is definitely not a normal person."

"There must be some serious illness."

"Our Mixed Yuan Sect must not bully a patient, otherwise it will become the laughing stock of the world."

The corner of Chen Nan's mouth twitched.

Am I like a sick person?

Never mind.

Let's prove it with actions.


A terrifying aura was like a volcanic eruption, surging in all directions.

In a flash.

The disciples of the Mixed Yuan Sect all felt numb in their scalps and had the illusion of almost suffocation.

Although most of them are immortals.

Golden Fairy Realm.


They couldn't withstand Chen Nan's breath at all.

They have no doubts.

If Chen Nan wanted to kill them.

Just using the breath alone can crush everyone.

"Why is this guy's aura so strong?"

"Is this the strength possessed by the powerhouse of the Earth Immortal Realm?"

"You say that he is an Immortal Emperor, and I will not deny it."

The eyes of the disciples of the Mixed Yuan Sect looking at Chen Nan were full of horror and unease.

"Big brother, did you see it?"

"I didn't lie."

"I'll just say it's weird."

Mo Zhuo's face was sallow, and he whispered to Mo Nancheng beside him.

Although he has the strength of a second-level immortal emperor.


In front of this breath released by Chen Nan, he also had a feeling of humility like an ant.

He knows.

When he was at Old Master Nie's place in the afternoon, he had already left his subordinates merciful.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have come back alive.

Mo Nancheng looked at Chen Nan with solemn eyes: "What kind of person are you?"

"Have we ever had a grudge or conflict between us?"

"Why did you come to my Mixed Yuan Sect to provoke trouble?"

Chen Nan: "It's not a big deal, it's nothing more than this afternoon."

"However, I heard that Mo will report it."

"I thought to myself, instead of you going to the trouble of Old Master Nie, I should serve you a pot."

"This is also a once and for all!"

Hear this.

A strong anger rose in Mo Nancheng's heart.

As a result, his jealousy of Chen Nan also dissipated.

His face was full of anger, and his eyes were torn: "Too much deception, you really deceive people too much!" "

Today it is clear that you hurt my Mixed Yuan Sect's people."

"Now I still want to destroy my Mixed Yuan Sect."

"Do you think my Mixed Yuan Sect is a soft persimmon that you can bully at will?"

If Chen Nan had a deep hatred with them, he would not be so angry when he came to destroy the Mixed Yuan Sect and Mo Nancheng.

However, he destroyed the Mixed Yuan Sect because he was worried that the Mixed Yuan Sect would go to the trouble of Old Master Nie.

This infuriated him deeply.

It was as if destroying the Mixed Yuan Sect in his eyes was as casual as pinching an ant to death.

And he saw an ant while walking, and crushed the ant to death when he saw it was not pleasing to the eye.

This is a punch in the face.

Trample on his dignity!

A terrifying anger erupted in Mo Nancheng's body.

He opened his mouth and spewed out a sword light that slashed directly at Chen Nan.

As a fourth-level immortal emperor.

His strength is beyond doubt.

Even if Chen Nan's strength is very strong.

He also had no worries.

The other party has bullied to the base camp of the Mixed Yuan Sect, he can't be indifferent, right?

The long sword slashed through the void.

Tear the space into a huge opening.

As if a glimpse of the shock, it instantly appeared above Chen Nan.

"You want to destroy me with just one mid-grade immortal weapon?"

"You're really self-defeating."

Chen Nan's face flushed with disdain.

When the long sword comes at you.

He stretched out his right hand and flicked it on the sword body like a brain.


Accompanied by a crisp and pleasant sword sound.

The long sword that Mo Nancheng spit out instantly changed direction and was directly nailed to the stone pillar on the main hall.

The scene is silent.

But a huge wave rose in everyone's hearts.

What happened?

He flicked his finger and flew the long sword of the master?


Is this an illusion?

If it wasn't an illusion, who could believe that an Earth Immortal Realm ant actually flicked a fatal blow from a fourth-level immortal emperor with his finger?

"Who the hell are you?"

Mo Nancheng's scalp was numb.

With his strength, the entire immortal world is a master.

But today he realized that he didn't even seem to be a fart.

Chen Nan's strength made him feel hopeless.

The opponent could resist his attack so easily, how could he resist the strength?

"Boss, don't do anything with him."


Xu Qixian, the formation master of the Mixed Yuan Sect, flew over with a sallow face.

Mo Nancheng's eyes lit up: "You old thing is awake, why do you need the head of this to personally take action?"

"Hurry up, hurry up and suppress him with formations!" I want him to know that he is the enemy of my Mixed Yuan Sect..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Qixian bowed to Chen Nan with a respectful face: "Junior Xu Qixian meets the three grandmasters. "

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