"This product is denigrating Brother Nan again, right?"

the saber waiting for the traffic light glanced at the mobile phone.

Although I haven't clicked on Yuan Kang's small video and the voice message.

But one thing is obvious.

He couldn't figure out how to corrupt Chen Nan.

Just when he wanted to click on it.

The phone suddenly fell into a black screen.

"Day, don't shut down in the morning, don't shut down at night, just shut down at this time!" muttered Pei Jian.

Although the mobile phone was fully charged when I went to the Chen Medical Center to queue up last night, the mobile phone that had been playing all night had long been dead.

In the group of classmates.

Seeing that Yuan Kang wanted to find the TV station to intervene in this matter, a burst of anger and unwillingness rose in everyone's hearts.

Even if Chen Nan really plagiarized and used Yuan Shuo's words.


all, it is not easy for him to have his current fame, how can he ruin him?

So, Tan Liangliang ate Yuan Kang, and said: "Yuan Kang, everyone is a classmate, there is no need for this." Don't worry, tomorrow I will also go to Pei Jian's hotel, and then I will ask Chen Nan to apologize to you.

Some students also said: "Yes, yes, it is not a big deal to let him pay your grandfather a writing fee."

"Yuan Kang, you don't remember the villain, let him go!"

many students persuaded.

Because they knew that Chen Nan and Yuan Kang had a bad relationship.

Now his handle was held by Yuan Kang, and his purpose was to make Chen Nan soft in front of him.

"Zheng, isn't it time for you to help Chen Nan scold me before? Aren't you not welcoming me, can't Xiao Ye withdraw from the group?" said Yuan Kang angrily, and then decisively withdrew from the group.

"Lying groove, this dog really doesn't miss the old love at all!" "

Scolded the next door, this product is a typical unreasonable person."

"He's just a mad dog!" "

Hey, this is also to blame Chen Nan, you said you can't get a plaque and just get a book?

"I also have this feeling, although Yuan Shuo has certain achievements in the affiliation, he is only a famous master in Jeju." However, these four words of Chen's Medical Hall have everyone's style, far above Yuan Shuo's achievements.

"Although I share this view, there should be no mistake in thinking about it." And we visited Yuan Shuo's studio three years ago, who dares to guarantee that he has not improved in the past three years?"

After Yuan Kang withdrew from the group, the group scolded.

"I'll call Pei Jian and ask him to inform Chen Nan that he will take off that plaque no matter what!" Tan Liangliang immediately dialed Pei Jian's phone.

But unfortunately, the other party's mobile phone is turned off.

"Lying groove, Pei Jian, this guy's mobile phone is turned off. Tan Liangliang was anxious like an ant on a hot pot: "Is anyone close to the shantytown?

"I'm not in Jeju

, I won't be able to rush back until evening."

Seeing this, Tan Liangliang said: "Forget it, I'll take a trip." "


"Do you dare to underestimate your husband in the future?"

Chen Nan looked at He Shanshan who was lying on the sofa with a bad smile, staring at the ceiling with dull eyes.

He Shanshan came back to his senses and said weakly: "Did you take Hercules Pill before you came up

?" Chen Nan put his hand on the waistband of his trousers, and his eyes widened: "You still dare to look down on me?"

He Shanshan quickly surrendered.

Conscience of heaven and earth.

This guy is simply a humanoid pile driver.

Wave after wave of offensive made it difficult for her to bear.

Right at this moment.

Chen Nan's mobile phone suddenly rang.

It shows Chen Hanlu's number.

Chen Nan's eyes lit up.

This was the first time Chen Hanlu had called him since he was released from prison.

Without much thought, he immediately connected the phone: "Three, why are you calling me at this time?

Chen Hanlu's tone was indifferent, but with some fatigue.

"I'll come down!" Chen

Nan didn't know why Chen Hanlu came to the medical hall.

But he still made a look at He Shanshan.

Gestured for her to get dressed quickly.

Don't let Chen Hanlu detect their relationship.

Then quickly come to the first floor.

No way.

He has to be enthusiastic.

After all, this was the first time the two brothers and sisters had spoken since the last time they quarreled with her.

Not to mention that Chen Hanlu came to the medical hall.

It's like...

This is the first time she has visited the door since she opened her business.

Seeing Chen Hanlu's haggard face and dull eyes, Chen Nan hurriedly said: "Three, why are you so bad?

Chen Hanlu hated Chen Nan because of his love and hatred, and she didn't like him herself.

Not to mention the last time he yelled at her because of Chen Xiazhi's affairs.

Chen Nan smiled awkwardly: "Other people come to see me here, they are patients in my eyes, and you are my sister!"

Even if Chen Nan was a cultivator of the Qi Refining Period realm.

But in front of Chen Hanlu, she was always calm, especially seeing her complexion so bad.

"Thanks to my concern, I just have a headache, and now that I have taken ibuprofen, I don't need to bother Chen Shen to heal. Chen Hanlu said and put the thermal bucket in her hand on the table, and said indifferently: "I don't want to, I don't want to, I don't want to come here to bring you food."

"But my mother asked me to come, and I didn't have a choice."

"Don't be sentimental and think I've forgiven you."

"I will never forgive you in my life!"

he said and turned to leave the medical hall.

Seeing this, Chen Nan chased out, his eyes full of unwillingness: "Hanlu, how can you forgive me?" Chen Hanlu

stopped and turned back with a smile: "In the next life?"

But it was that sinister, sneer without the slightest emotional fluctuation.

Chen Nan sighed deeply.

Just because of love, do you have to treat yourself like this

?" "You wrote these four words well, who did you write them?"

Chen Hanlu's gaze focused on these four words of the Chen Family Medical Hall.

Chen Nan's face was full of embarrassment.

Before writing these four words, he had found Chen Hanlu to ask her to mention these words to himself, but he was ruthlessly rejected by the other party.

If she said these four words at this time, wouldn't that have slapped her in the face?

With her personality, she will not take care of herself for the rest of her life.


accompanied by a sharp braking sound.

A white SUV stopped in front of the hospital.

Tan Liangliang ran over with a white face: "Chen Nan, Laozi can find you, quickly take off the plaque."

Chen Nan's face was full of surprise: "Tan Liangliang, why are you here? No, what am I doing with the plaque?" Tan Liangliang

said: "Aren't these four words of yours the stolen handwriting of Yuan Shuo? Yuan Kang is now coming with a reporter, and he wants to discredit you!" Chen

Hanlu was taken aback, and said angrily: "You actually stole Master Yuan's words?

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