Chen Nan really wanted to control the laws of the soil system.

After all, he controlled the law of the five elements, plus his yin and yang law, he could create a small world.

He also wants to create a small world when he returns to Earth.

Let all the confidants move in.

Then live a life without shame and boredom.

But now.

The divine land is at hand.

He didn't know how to convince himself that he had the divine soil in his pocket.

After all.

He wants face.

You can't do such a precious thing as whitely prostituting others.

"Actually, we can change our strategy." Chen Nan said, "For example, if I heal you, won't it be once and for all?" The

Thunder Emperor smiled bitterly: "I said, my injury, you can't heal it."

Chen Nan: "There is one thing you don't know, in fact, my main business is a doctor." "



"Refinery... It's all a side hustle that I'm idle and have nothing to do. "


The Terrible himself was seriously injured.

After hearing Chen Nan's words, he couldn't help but spew out a mouthful of blood.

Qiu Xingbang and Lei Xia were also stunned.

Formations, alchemy, and refining tools are all side hustles that you have nothing to do when you are idle?

Your words are more or less conscionable.

Fortunately, it was not heard by alchemists, alchemists, and formation masters.

Otherwise, they will all suffer a huge blow.

"Come on, uncle help you see." Chen Nan walked to the side of the Thunder Emperor, as if treating ordinary people.

Cut the pulse.

Quietly felt the situation of the Terrible.

The next moment.

He frowned: "What kind of law are you cultivating?" "

The Law of Destruction."

Chen Nan withdrew his hand and said, "Are you sure that the collapse of your Daoji was caused when you fought with the Human Emperor?" Did you go crazy while cultivating? He

felt a force of destruction in the Thunder Emperor's body.

If that was the means of the human emperor, he could feel it.

After all, everyone's breath is different.


That power obviously belongs to the Thunder Emperor.

Thunder Emperor smiled bitterly: "I'm dying, do you let me and I still lie?"

"No, no, no... I'll give you another pulse. Chen Nan said and gave the Thunder Emperor another pulse.

He closed his eyes and quietly felt the power of destruction in the body of the Thunder Emperor.

This force does belong to the Terrible.

But for some reason.

But it is even more domineering than the current destructive power of the Terrible Emperor.

Chen Nan was at a loss.

He had never seen anything so weird and bizarre.

"I have a hunch."

"It's not the human emperor who hurt me."

"It's me."

The Thunder Emperor's expression became extremely solemn: "I have always wondered if I hadn't used the power of the law in that battle, would I not have been injured..."

"After all, I was the first to use the power of the law back then."


"Even if I used the power of the law, I couldn't hurt the human emperor."

"Fortunately, your master Cao Rufeng appeared in time and used the formation to end our battle."

"But I kept thinking about it afterwards."

"Who hurt my Dowki?"

"Human Emperor?"

"Or myself?"

He shook his head: "Actually, Emperor Yan doesn't believe that the Human Emperor hurt me, because the destructive power in my body obviously belongs to me.

"Normal people seem to be the result of my current situation."


"Will the ninth-level Immortal Emperor go crazy enough to destroy his Dao Foundation?"

"What do you want to say?" Chen Nan frowned.

He felt that there were words in Terrible's words.

It's just that.

He couldn't grasp what the Terrible wanted to express.

The Thunder Emperor said, "As we all know, cultivating to the realm of the Immortal Emperor, some people can feel it and master the power of the law. "


"It's also limited to one..."

Speaking of this, he seemed to feel that what he said was a little imprecise, looked at Chen Nan, and said with a strange yin and yang: "Eh, you are not a person, you can't generalize."

"How can you curse?" Chen Nan gave him a look of disgust: "How can you talk to your uncle like this?" Lei

Di Pi smiled and did not smile: "I have never seen someone control the power of five laws at the same time, and in the future he will control two, if you are a person, then we are still human?"

Chen Nan was speechless.

It seems...

I am indeed a little against the sky!

The Thunder Emperor continued, "I have always suspected that the Human Emperor controls the power of several laws.

"Is it really just the Law of Silence?"

"If, I mean if."

"If he controls the two laws, does that explain the origin of my injuries?"

Chen Nan touched his nose: "Even if the Human Emperor really controls the second law, this can't explain the origin of that destructive force in your body!"

The Thunder Emperor's eyes were solemn: "The law of time."

"I suspect that the Human Emperor controls the law of time."

"And I can borrow the power of destruction that belongs to me in the future."

"Borrow the power of the future?"

Chen Nan's face was shocked.

A monstrous wave rose in his heart.

He traverses the three realms of human demons.

I think I have seen the world.

But now.

Terrible's words really shocked him.

"Besides, how can I explain that the power that belongs to me in my body has destroyed my Daoji?" The Thunder Emperor also did not believe his own words, thinking that what he said was too fanciful.

But apart from this statement, there is no more reasonable explanation.

Chen Nan's face was shocked: "If what you said is true, how powerful is that person?" "

Borrow the power of others to defeat others.

This approach is terrifying.

Even he felt a strong sense of oppression.

The Thunder Emperor said, "The Human Emperor is not a mortal, it is very likely that he is the reincarnation of a saint.

"The strength of a person like him is simply not what we can imagine."

"But don't worry."

"If you control the power of the seven laws at the same time."

"It can completely become a realm of its own, isolating the time law of the human emperor."

Chen Nan tried to calm down his emotions and said, "Your injury is indeed tricky, but for me, it is not incurable.

"It hurts a little next."

"You bear with me."

Immediately, he controlled a wisp of meritorious power into the Thunder Emperor's body.

The power of merit can do everything.

It is not a problem to repair injuries.


This time, Chen Nan overestimated the power of merit.


To be precise, he overestimated the Terrible.

Thunder Emperor Daoji was damaged, and the power of merit became a powerful burden for him.

With his current physical condition, he couldn't withstand the power of merit at all.

Blood spat out of his mouth.

It gives people the feeling that the lamp is running out of oil.

"It's useless, what I cultivate is the Law of Destruction, even the power of merit can't repair my damaged Dao Foundation." The Terrible sighed.

If Chen Nan had appeared decades earlier, his injuries would definitely have been healed.

And now.

The power of merit could not heal his injuries.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Nan said, "Since you call me uncle, then I also have to give you a meeting gift!"

"Just send you a creation!"

Speaking of this, the Destruction Rune appeared in the hand.

Although the situation with the Thunder is bad.

But if fusing runes.

Should you be able to be reborn in Nirvana, right?

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