The person who came was no one else.

It was Lu Xiaojia, who used magic to kill Pang Zhen's family before, who came to the house to investigate the case.

It's just that.

Isn't she a member of the criminal police team

, how did she become a nearby film policeman?

"Chen Nan, what else do you have to say now?" Lu Xiaojia had an intriguing smile on her face.

Because the case of the last time was not broken.

She was punished.

From the criminal police to the film police.

When the old leader asked her where she wanted to go.

She was obligated to come to Nancheng.

Because she always believes.

The death of Pang Zhen's family of three is related to Chen Nan.

"If you have nothing to say, then come with us!" The corners of Lu Xiaojia's mouth rose, as if he was saying that he could let me catch you.

Chen Nan didn't understand: "Officer Lu, I didn't start beating people, why did you let me go with

you?" Lu Xiaojia frowned: "Didn't you start beating people?" Sun

Sihai said: "Comrade police, you are mistaken, Dr. Chen did not beat people."

"That is, we can prove for Dr. Chen that he did not hit anyone." "There are residents nearby who speak.

Lu Xiaojia looked at Li Tong's uncle and nephew: "Then what are the injuries on their bodies?"

Tan Liangliang said: "Just because I drove speeding before, which may have affected his girlfriend's driving accident, he wanted me to compensate two million." Let's just say yes, should this kind of person be beaten?" "

I hit Li Tie." Sun Sihai also spoke: "Li Tie brought dozens of people to make trouble, as the captain of the security brigade of the shantytown in Nancheng, I must think about the people of the shantytown in Nancheng."

Lu Xiaojia frowned again.

She had just come to Nancheng, but she had heard the director say that there was an external security captain in this area.

Although she also dislikes this kind of person.

But I also know that with him, the security of the shantytown has been significantly improved.

Not to mention the illegal behavior of fighting and collecting protection money.

Even the thieves did not dare to come here to spread wilderness!

Lu Xiaojia was a little disappointed.


Comrade police, don't care why I came here, but it's true that this guy started beating people." Li Tong's face was full of anger.

Lu Xiaojia looked at Tan Liangliang: "Then you come with us!"

He went to the police station because of fights, which was a common occurrence for him.

"You also go back with us for investigation!" Lu Xiaojia looked at Li Tong expressionlessly, she hated this kind of bullying rich second generation the most in her life.

"No, if I don't go to the police station, no one can take me away!" Li Tong seemed to be crazy, directly picked up the kitchen knife on the ground, his eyes were full of killing intent: "Who dares to take me to the police station, Xiaoye God blocks the killing god, Buddha blocks the killing Buddha!" "Li Tong

, what are you doing? Quickly put down the kitchen knife in your hand!" Li

Tie was taken aback, but he didn't expect his nephew to wield the kitchen knife in front of the law enforcement team.

Lu Xiaojia and the others also protected the surrounding masses behind them like a great enemy, for fear of accidents.

"Li Tong, quickly put down the kitchen knife in your hand!" Lu Xiaojia shouted angrily.

She came here because she was punished.

If Li Tong hurts people in public under her nose today.

Then her career will also come to an end...

"Why do you stinky bitch let Xiaoye put down the knife?" Li Tong's eyes were scarlet: "Not only do I not let go of the knife, I also want to kill in front of you!" "Li Tong,

are you crazy?

He didn't know why his nephew was like this.

But if he really dares to kill in public.

Even the eldest brother Li Gang can't save him

!" "Second uncle, once I hold this knife in my hand, it must be stained with blood!" Li Tong showed a creepy smile: "We don't have outsiders, or will my nephew send you to die?"

Under everyone's shocked eyes, he appeared in front of Li Tie.

The kitchen knife in his hand slashed across his neck.

Yin red blood gushed out on Li Tie's neck.

He looked at the strange nephew in front of him with dull eyes.

When he was dying, he did not expect that he would die at the hands of his beloved nephew.

Not only that.

He even said that taking care of his wife

, what is the difference between you and Cao Thief

, Li Tong's murder of his own uncle on the street, which made the onlookers numb and creepy.

No one expected him to be so crazy.

He actually committed the murder in public in front of the people of the law enforcement team.

Moreover, the victim is still his uncle

! This person is really cruel and bloodthirsty!

"Hurry up and take him!" Lu

Xiaojia's eyes were quick, and he directly snatched the kitchen knife in Li Tong's hand, and at the same time pressed him to the ground.

The people from the other law enforcement teams also rushed forward and directly captured Li Tong.

"No, no, no!"

"What the hell is going

on?" "Did I kill the second uncle?"

His eyes were full of horror.

"Li Tong, you killed people in public, and now you still want to quibble?" Lu Xiaojia's face was full of frost: "I really didn't expect that you actually stabbed your own uncle, and now the evidence is conclusive, so you can't quibble!" "

There are ghosts, ghosts, ghosts are manipulating my body, it's not me who killed the second uncle!" Li Tong cried, he did remember that he killed the second uncle with a knife.

But at that time, his body was not under his control at all.


But no one believes in an evil person.

He just wanted to use this rhetoric to clear his name.

But he killed in

full view!

When Lu Xiaojia heard Li Tong's words, his scalp suddenly exploded, and a thick layer of goosebumps rose on his body.

She turned her head to look at Chen Nan.

The other party was looking at him with regretful eyes.

"Chen Nan, you manipulated Li Tong's body and killed his uncle, right?" Lu Xiaojia's eyes were full of frost.

She has always believed that Chen Nan is related to the Pang family annihilation tragedy.

And now.

It strengthened her conjecture.

The two cases may seem unrelated, but they are inextricably linked.

Because it is the Pang family.

Or here.

Chen Nan chuckled: "Officer Lu, you want to talk about evidence."

"There were hundreds of ordinary people gathered around, and they saw with their own eyes that this was Li Tong's murder in public, how could the murderer become me

?" Lu Xiaojia clenched his fists: "What if you used some secret method to control Li Tong's body?"

Chen Nan laughed: "Officer Lu, you have seen too many myths and stories, right?

Lu Xiaojia was powerless to refute.

Especially the criticism pointed by the surrounding masses made her feel hot on her face.


No one believes that one person can override another person's body, but her instincts can't go wrong!

A cry sounded: "No, it wasn't Li Tong who killed his uncle, it was me who killed Li Tie!"

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