King Wu laughed maniacally: "Human Emperor, your end will come soon."

"Although you regard Chen Nan as your pawn."

"But you never know how terrifying the energy contained in this piece is."

"There is no regret in falling, I hope you don't regret your choice."

He was the first to spy on the intentions of the Human Emperor.

It was uneasy at first.

But now.

He had a blind confidence in Chen Nan.

"Baili Aotian, do you know that Laozi looks down on you very much?" Emperor Qian held the Excalibur: "Men should be upright, not hide in the dark like you and make some despicable means." "

Don't talk nonsense, eat me a sword."

He squeezed it with both hands.

A thick immortal qi poured into the long sword.

Excalibur erupted with the power of annihilation.

Tear the void.

Slash at the human emperor.

Everyone else joined the fray.

After all, with the assistance of the female emperor, their injuries have recovered as before.


day thunder landed.

The terrifying Tianwei instantly turned the female emperor's palace into ruins.


A faint medicinal fragrance seemed to permeate the nine heavens.

It soon spread throughout the snow country, which was very pleasant.

Yanzhou Dingnei.

A black and white elixir emitted a milky white halo and slowly soared into the air.

Sansheng Creation Pill.

Nurture creation.


Chen Nan's heart moved.

The elixir landed in his palm.

Immediately, he flew out of the female emperor's residence.

I saw the long-awaited Ling Yanran, Nie Yao, Bai Yao, Chen Jin and others.

"Baby, you take this pill."

Chen Nan put the Three Lives Creation Pill into his daughter's mouth and urged the immortal qi in his body to melt it.

The little girl yawned and said sleepily: "Father, I'm a little sleepy."

Chen Nan reached out and took his daughter in Ling Yanran's hand, and said softly, "Father is holding you to sleep." "

He really wants to go to the Human Palace as soon as possible.


He wanted his daughter to fall asleep in his arms.

Because he didn't know if Ichibetsu would come back alive this time.

The little girl fell asleep in Chen Nan's arms with a happy face.

"Take care of her."

Seeing his daughter sleeping, Chen Nan gently kissed her on the forehead.

Then reluctantly gave it to Ling Yanran.

"Brother-in-law, take care!"

Seeing that Chen Nan was leaving, a trace of tears appeared in her eyes: "You must come back alive."

Chen Nan nodded solemnly: "I will."

Chenjin: "Sir, I'll go back with you."


Chen Nan's soul power wrapped Chenjin, tearing the firmament and disappearing over the snow country.

He flew in the Void Dark River at maximum speed.

Half an hour later.

He tore the firmament.

Appeared over the Human Palace.

The Imperial City of Man has been reduced to ruins.

Inside the city came the groans and wails of countless people.


Blood is like a rainbow.

Dyed the sky red.

Qinglong was seriously injured.

Even if it is parasitic in Ao Lie's body, it is still dying.

There was a terrifying sword wound that almost split Ao Lie's dragon body in two.


King Wu.

Qian Di.

Stone Emperor.


Emperor Yin.

Dapeng Demon Emperor.

White Tiger Demon Emperor.

The Kirin Demon Emperor.

Eight-eyed demon spider.

They were all seriously injured.

Even if the female emperor controls the Avenue of Life.

But after all, he is not a saint.

With her strength, it was not enough to heal the injuries of these people again and again.

When Chen Nan came out in the void.

Everyone's eyes became hot.

I saw him stepping on the divine light.

There is a true fire blooming on the body.

It was like a god descended.

His appearance was like a light lit up in endless darkness.

Illuminates the darkness.

Let people see the flame of hope.

See that the crowd is still alive.

Even if you are seriously injured.

Chen Nan's hanging heart also landed.

He looked at the Man Emperor, who was covered in blood.

A shallow smile appeared on his face: "Master, long time no see." "

Hear this Master.

Everyone except King Wu and Cao Rufeng gasped.

The strong shock made them all ignore the pain in their bodies.

They never expected it.

Chen Nan actually called the Renhuang Master.

The Renhuang also smiled: "You seem to have already guessed my identity."

Chen Nan sighed lightly: "Although I guessed your identity, I always hoped that my guess was wrong."

He recalled the past: "You and I met in prison.

"I remember when I first went to prison, I was often bullied."

"If it weren't for you, I might have died a long time ago, right?"

He smiled: "At that time, you had to let me worship a teacher, and said that you would pass on my immortal learning."

"You said that as long as I learn it, I can become a dragon and phoenix among people."

"It can even make me an immortal and a god."

"It turns out that you didn't lie."

"I did everything you said."

"But I really can't accept it, I think in my heart, the respected master is actually the human emperor."

"And all you have done to me is to take me away."

"Let me make you a wedding dress."

"I can't bear this stab from you!"

The Renhuang smiled and said, "You rose faster than I expected."

"Especially forcibly breaking into the Immortal Realm, after all, I underestimated the weight of Nangong Wan in your heart."

"There's just one thing I'm curious about."

"When did you suspect my identity and know that I was Wushan?"

Chen Nan lit a cigarette.

The few cigarettes left in the storage space.

The Renhuang said softly: "Smoking is not good for the body.

Chen Nan looked at the cigarette in his hand: "Yes, when you were in prison, you also said that smoking was not good and affected your health." But..."

"People have to have their own preferences for a lifetime, don't they?"

"Maybe these preferences affect your health, but they can delight you."

"As for doubting your identity..."

He spat out a puff of smoke: "After you died, I have been wondering, no, to be precise, I have never understood, why did a worldly master like you die?"

"And why go to jail?"

"Why is it that after death, it seems that the world has evaporated, and even my apprentice does not know where you are buried?"

"Are you hiding something?"

"Until hell collapsed and the people of Small World No. 18 escaped."

"That's when I learned your other name, Pheasant."

Speaking of which.

An immortal mansion appeared in his hand.

"If I'm not mistaken, this Immortal Mansion should be called Qingjian Immortal Mansion."

The emerald green Immortal Mansion towers between heaven and earth.

That touch of green diluted the blood mist between heaven and earth.

"At first I thought it was a coincidence."


"The cultivators in hell say they don't know where you came from or how long you've existed."

"You appear in hell as if you are hiding from someone."


"Are you really evading attention?"

"Or do you want to look for someone in prison?"

"Until I discovered the flesh of Wushan in the Yin Yang Feng Shui Bureau of Qinglong Mountain."

"Until I bury Wan'er there."

"Until you let people take Wan'er's body away."

"At that time, I had a vague premonition."

"The man you are looking for in prison is me."

"You took Wan'er's body away to lure me to the Immortal Realm."

"Of course, I didn't connect the clues in the first place."

"Until I met the soul of Luo Yuan's senior in the Immortal Mansion."

"He told me that you use all living beings in the world as a chess game, let me be wary of the people around me."

"I seriously think about it."

"Who else can change the trajectory of my destiny, besides you, my beloved Master?"

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