Jian Jianhua looked at Chen Nan blankly.

A mighty wave rose in my heart.

"I... Am I becoming a strong person in the meta-infancy period? "

Although the pattern of the world has been changed.

Although there are many more cultivators in heaven and earth.

But it hasn't reached the point of going everywhere.

Especially the strong in the metainfancy period.

He is still a master in the world.

It's just that.

He couldn't accept it.

With a single finger of his hand, Chen Nan could make a cultivator in the early stage of the refining period turn into an old monster in the Yuan Infancy Stage.

Is this something that people can do?

Jian Ning also felt numb in her scalp.

Chen Nan can make his father a strong man in the Yuan infancy period with a raised hand.

Can a peak powerhouse in the Mahayana period do this?

Chen Nan smiled: "It's all basic operations, why make such a fuss?"

"You stabilize the lower realm first."

"If you feel that the cultivation of the Yuan Infancy period is not enough to play."

"What's so hard about making you the peak of the Mahayana period?"

With Chen Nan's current strength comparable to that of a ninth-level immortal emperor.

It was really a trivial matter to let a mortal become a strong person at the peak of the True Cultivation Realm.


Jian Jianhua was a mortal before.

If he was directly made a strong man at the peak of the Mahayana period, it would not be a good thing for him.

There is a risk that it may be eaten back.


It is still possible to cultivate during the meta-infancy period.

Of course.

If it were in the Immortal Realm.

Chen Nan could make Jian Jianhua a ninth-level immortal emperor with one thought.

After all.

The Immortal Realm is his territory.

Jian Jianhua's scalp was numb by Chen Nan's strength shock.

Chen Nan raised his hand to make him a strong man in the Yuan Infancy Stage, and this method itself shocked him.

Not to mention, he also made himself a strong person at the peak realm of the Mahayana period.

This moment.

All his worries, concerns, all disappeared.

He sighed, his eyes complicated: "Although the relationship between our grandfather is not very good, I am not wrong about one thing, you guy is definitely not a thing in the pool." "

He's thankful.

did not join the Han family like his father.


How can he become a powerhouse in the realm of the Yuan Infancy Period?

Chen Nan smiled and asked, "So, you now believe that I can destroy the Four Directions God of War?"

Jian Jianhua was stunned and thundered: "Don't you just want me to admit that I'm a fool?"

"I dare admit I'm a fool."

"Then do you dare to admit that you are a stupid son-in-law?"

Chen Nan's face immediately turned green.

Although he is beyond strength.

But this time.

was completely mastered by Jian Jianhua.

Admit that he is a stupid son-in-law?


You don't want a face, but I have to!

"You guys talk first, I'll see if there's anything to eat in the kitchen." Jian Ning smiled like a flower.

It was the happiest day she'd had in two years.

Because her father had her in his heart.

And her man is also particularly powerful.

It should be celebrated by reason and celebrated.

Jian Jianhua lit a cigarette and looked deep in his eyes: "Chen Nan, I don't know how strong your strength is.

"But even if you have the strength to surpass the peak powerhouse of the Mahayana period."

"It is also a very difficult thing to bring down the Quartet God of War and restore the previous order!"

"After all, they won hearts and minds."

"There are a lot of advocates."

"If you directly erase them, it will cause a series of problems."

Domino effect.

Today, the pattern of the earth has been completely rewritten by the Quartet God of War.

If you kill them, it will definitely cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

At this point, Jian Jianhua is still very patterned.

Chen Nandao: "It's just a group of jumping beam clowns, I will slowly disintegrate their influence on the earth, and then kill them one by one." "

He loves the atmosphere on Earth.

That atmosphere two years ago.


Be a Guardian.

As the first God of War.

It is necessary for him to shoulder the heavy responsibility of restoring order.

Ten minutes later.

Jian Ning came over with two bowls of snail powder.

After all, the villa has not been inhabited for a long time.

It is already rare to find two packs of snail powder that have not expired.

"I can't eat this kind of thing, you guys eat, I'll go home!" Jian Jianhua scoffed, pinched his nose and left Villa 95.

After returning home.

He saw his father sitting on the couch with a majestic face.

Old man Jian spoke: "How did you discuss with that girl?"

"Did she agree to marry into the Han family a month later?"

Jian Jianhua sat in front of his father, hesitated, and said, "Dad, have you ever thought that this time you looked away?"

"Chen Nan once saved your life and took you back at the hands of the God of Death."

"I also used the talisman to save my life and Ning'er's lives."

"He even went to Kunlun Mountain and found the legendary warm jade."

"All indications are that he is not mortal."

Old man Jian was expressionless: "I don't deny what you said, but after these strong people came, the light on Chen Nan's body weakened."

"In front of those strong people, he is just an ordinary person."

Jian Jianhua smiled bitterly: "You have always taught me that you should be a person with great affection and gratitude to Dade."

"Besides, you like Chen Nan more than I do, don't you?"

"I really didn't expect our relationship to become what it is now."

Old man Jian snorted coldly: "Being a person really has to be serious and grateful to Dade."

"But man does not perish for himself."

"Why did I do that?"

After a pause, he said, "I asked you to call Jian Ning back, how did you help Chen Nan speak?" Could it be that you want the two of them to elope? He


Old man Jian suddenly stood up and said angrily: "Jian Jianhua, do you know what you are doing?" "

If you don't marry Ning'er to the Han family."

"The Han family won't give us the second half of the Xuanxin Exercise."

"We're all going to die."

Jian Jianhua was unmoved.

His gaze was pensive.

Seems to think.

A moment later.

He said, "Dad, there's something you might not believe when you say it.

"No, I don't believe it."

Old man Jian said impatiently: "Since you know that I don't believe it, then don't say it."

Jian Jianhua shook his head: "Whether you believe it or not, I have to tell you." "

Chen Nan's strength is very strong."

"As for how powerful it is, I don't know."

"But one thing is obvious."

"He can make me a strong person at the peak of the Yuan Infancy Stage in an instant."

"How can this strength be confronted by the four gods of war?"

Old man Jian was stunned, and an angry light appeared in his eyes: "How can you say such nonsense? Have you been brainwashed by Chen Nan?

"He also made you a peak powerhouse in the Yuan Infancy Stage in an instant, do you think he is a god?"

"If I believed you, I would be a big fool..."

The forced word was not finished.

Old man Jane's eyes widened.

Felt an unwanted palm choke his throat.

It almost suffocated him.

He clearly saw a palm-sized Yuan baby slowly flying out of his son's body.

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