Lu Jian's mentality collapsed.



To be precise.

It was his mentality that exploded.

He was cold all over, and his hair stood on end like steel needles.

The deeply contracted pupils could see how shocked he was inside.

Chen Nan casually made himself a peak powerhouse in the Mahayana period.

What is this means?

Is this something that the average person can do?

Even immortals don't have this magical ability, right?

A sense of foreboding sent him chills.

He thought.

He can completely crush Chen Nan.


Now this situation is unexpected.

Chen Nan could make him a peak powerhouse in the Mahayana period with a lift of his hand.

What's so difficult about destroying an ant in his infancy junior?


"He casually pointed to you, and you became a peak powerhouse in the Mahayana period?"


"I don't believe it."

Sun Sihai seemed to be crazy and could not accept this matter.

"Then you will also become a Mahayana monk!" Chen Nan casually fingered, and Sun Sihai felt that there was True Qi in his body, True Qi Condensation Pill, and then turned into a baby.

Less than ten seconds.

He went from being a mortal to becoming a strong man at the peak of the Mahayana period.

And not only him.

Even Sun Cheng beside him became a super powerhouse at the peak of the Mahayana period.


Exceptionally fast.

It was so fast that it didn't even attract a heavenly calamity.


Sun Sihai knelt directly on the ground and cried bitterly: "Mr. Chen, I was wrong, please raise your noble hand and let me have a life?" "

How arrogant he was before.

How embarrassing it is at the moment.

The mentality also collapsed.

After seeing Chen Nan's strength so terrifying.

He knows.

To live.

Only kneel and beg for mercy.

Lu Jian also knelt on the ground and said with sincere fear: "Mr. Chen, I was blinded by lard before.

"As long as you let me have a way to live, I, Lu Jian, am willing to change my mind and follow you as a cow and a horse."

They really regret it.

I already knew that Chen Nan's strength was so terrifying.

Even if they lent them a hundred dog galls, they would not dare to treat He Shanshan like that.

Chen Nan's heart moved.

The unconscious young models in the villa were all gone.


He and He Shanshan sat on the sofa.

Place your feet on the coffee table.

He Shanshan took out a lighter and helped Chen Nan light a cigarette.

They are calm.

It was so calm that Sun Sihai and the others' hearts beat faster.

They very much hoped that Chen Nan would be furious.

Just vent the anger in your heart.


Chen Nan was so quiet, which was definitely not a good thing for them.

Chen Nan gently spit out a mouthful of smoke: "I am a nostalgic person."

"Although you are ungrateful."

"But I also want to give you a chance."

"I just don't know if you can grasp it."

Sun Sihai's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said, "Don't worry, Mr. Chen, we will definitely be able to seize the opportunity you give."

Lu Jian also said: "Yes, yes, whether it is up the sword mountain or the sea of fire, we are obliged." "



A black cat quietly entered the villa.

There was a cold glow in his eyes.

The sudden black cat frightened Sun Sihai and the others.

They are now strong at the peak of the Mahayana period.


But I don't know when the black cat entered the villa.

What scares them even more.

This turned out to be a demon beast.

A demon beast in the realm of the Mahayana period.

"It's a stray cat."

"I just made it a demon beast in the Mahayana realm."

Chen Nan said lightly: "As long as the three of you join forces to kill it, you can survive."

"With three against one, that should be fair, right?"

"You can get started!"

As soon as the words came out.

The cat demon turned into a black afterimage and instantly appeared in front of Sun Cheng.


It raised its cat's claw and slashed across Sun Cheng's chest.

A terrifying demon qi instantly split Sun Cheng's chest in two.

Even if Sun Cheng is a strong man at the peak of the Mahayana period.

Nor does it use the power in the body.

Death is his only destiny.

Sun Sihai's scalp was numb.

I didn't expect the strength of this cat demon to be so terrifying.

Although he is now a cultivator at the peak of the Mahayana period.

But he simply couldn't control the power in his body in a short period of time.


Lu Jian turned his palm into a knife.

The true qi in his body was as fast as lightning and slashed towards the black cat.


Black cats are faster.

It instantly appeared in front of Lu Jian.

Raise the cat's paw and swipe it around his waist!


Accompanied by a red blood mist.

Lu Jian's body was as if his waist had been chopped.


Fragmented internal organs.

And the dull Yuan Baby fell to the floor with a bang.

The scene was extremely bloody.


"Why is that..." Lu Jian's eyes were full of unwillingness and despair.

He didn't expect that.

He was no match for a stray cat.

Next second.

He saw the stray cat bite his dull and irrelevant Yuan baby, chew it a few times and swallow it.

This moment.

Lu Jian's pupils lost their luster.

The Yuan Infant is the life of the Truth Cultivator.

His yuan babies have all been eaten by stray cats, can he still live?

"Chen Nan, you are a despicable and shameless villain!"

Sun Sihai let out a heart-rending scream: "You keep saying that you give us a chance."

"But how can we kill this stray cat?"

"If you want to kill, we can say clearly."

"Why give us hope and let us die in despair?"

"Is murder fun?"

An intriguing smile appeared at the corner of Chen Nan's mouth: "It's clear that you didn't seize the opportunity, why did you blame me?"

"If you really think so, I can tell you very responsibly."

"It's really fun to kill."


The black cat raised its cat's claws and directly shattered Sun Sihai's head.

Let him disappear into heaven and earth.

Chen Nan misses the past.

But there is also revenge.

Especially the enemies who had hurt his woman.

Don't even think about living!

"Let's go!"

Chen Nan took He Shanshan and left Sun Sihai's house.


He called Li Mu's phone: "Sun Sihai is dead, donate all his assets to the country!" "

To his point.

Money has no temptation for him.

Instead of this, it is better to donate all of Sun Sihai's assets to the country.

After all.

This guy has been crazy to amass tens of billions in the past two years.

"Also, help me investigate the evidence of the Han family's crime."

"I'm going to take the Han family."

The Han family controls Jeju's economic lifeline.

And there is a northern background as a backer.


Even if you want to remove the cancer of the Han family.

It is also necessary to be famous.

Only in this way can the influence of the Northern God of War be dismantled.

in order to win the hearts and minds of the people!

in order to gradually restore the order of two years ago!

Li Mu said: "The rise of the Han family itself relies on threatening the major giants.

"A family of billions of billions, if you can't take it out, you will destroy the door."

"As long as the major giants identify the Han family, this handle can completely bring down the Han family."

"It's just..."

Chen Nan frowned: "Just what?

Li Mu said in a low voice: "Before, at the engagement scene, those wealthy people regarded you as a rat crossing the street and spoke viciously to you.

"Do you really want to get justice for them?"

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