Chen Nan sat at the table calmly: "I know that you are not optimistic about me.

"After all, the Han family has the northern territory behind it as a backer."


"If any of you are willing to report the Han family."

"Even if the Han family has a big backer behind it, I can help you get justice."

"Help you get back your wealth."

"And dignity."

Liu Jun sneered: "Who said that the Han family didn't give us dignity?" Who said that the Han family owes us justice?

Chen Nan frowned: "Didn't the Han family force your family to contribute 500 million?" "

After Han Feipeng rose.

Han Feiyang invited thirty-six rich people from Jeju.

According to their worth, the lowest one took out five hundred million.

Up to two billion.

Everyone knows this.

Not only that.

The Han family also integrated the resources in the hands of these thirty-six rich people.


How could a single Han family rise so fast in a short period of time?

A middle-aged man named Qu Zongsheng smoked a cigarette and said, "We did give money to the Han family, and I gave the Han family one billion."

"But this money is my initiative to honor them."

"At that time, the demons invaded and gave money, and the Han family would save our lives."

"Excuse me, what's wrong with us doing this?"

"They are obviously our benefactors, why do you want us to be ungrateful and bite them back?"

Another middle-aged man said angrily, "Chen Nan, I really respected you before.

"But I didn't expect that your heart would be so vicious."

A wry smile appeared on Chen Nan's face: "Is that money really given to the Han family by you filial piety?"

"Actually, you all have the answer in your hearts."

"I just don't want to admit it."


"If I was forced to hand over a large sum of money, I would definitely not admit it."

"After all, everyone is a big man with a head and a face."

"Who would admit that someone else rode on their own head and pulled a bunch of?"

"Instead of that, it is better to comfort yourself, a donut has fallen from the sky."

"Although that donut is made of."

"But as long as you don't say it, who knows what it smells like?"

Chen Nan's words were like a big slap in the face, and he slammed into the faces of the fifteen rich people.

They were furious.

Eyes full of hatred.

But they don't know how to fight back.

Chen Nan picked up the kettle in front of him and poured a cup of tea: "I know that you all have a grudge against me.

"Think, I should step up when the earth needs me most."

"Just like when we rescued the people of Wuyang City, maintain peace in the world and save the world."

"But a lot of times, we can't help ourselves."

He wanted to say that he went to the immortal world.

But in the end, he gave up on the idea.

Even if you say it yourself, will these people believe it?

"The world has become like this..."

"To the surprise of many people."

"After all, our ancestors relied on flesh and blood."

"Repelled the enemy by immortal will."

"In order to hope that we will not be enslaved."

"Free from the poison of war."

"To be able to live freely in heaven and earth."

"Actually, they did, didn't they?"

"When the cultivators did not appear between heaven and earth, we have been living in a peaceful and prosperous world."

"But now."

"What has the world become?"

He endured his anger and tried his best in a flat tone: "The gods of war in the four directions are above the law, and they are mighty and blessed, and they do not put the life and death of the common people in their eyes at all."

"Even you billionaires have been suppressed and persecuted."

"Have you ever wondered how hard life is for ordinary people?"

"If I didn't come back, it would be fine."

"Now that he has returned, he will definitely not allow the Quartet God of War to be above the law."

Speaking of this, he stood up and bowed to everyone: "I also hope that you can report the evil deeds of the Han family, I, Chen Nan, am willing to overthrow the rule of the four gods of war for the Tianxing Dao."

Liu Jun snorted coldly: "What if you report the Han family?" "

The old law has been rewritten."

"The new law has been implemented."

"With Han Feipeng's influence, even the law can't treat the Han family as such."

Chen Nan said in a low voice: "Although the new law has been implemented, I believe that the old law will win the hearts of the people!" This

was a topic that made Chen Nan feel heavy.

He had always had a hard time accepting it.

In just two years.

The Quartet God of War is not only rising rapidly.

There were even some iron laws tampered with.

And the bane of all this originated from the Cultivator Association.

Who else among today's young people can study hard and defend their home and country?

Don't say study well to defend your home and country.

No one even wants to be an influencer.

Because they firmly believe that as long as they can become a member of the Cultivator Association.

In the future, you can become immortals.

This is the rise of the four-way God of War, which subtly changed the values of many people.

An old man sighed lightly: "Chen Nan, you can say such words, which shows that your conscience is not clear."

"But there's one thing you need to figure out."

"It's not two years ago."

"Two years ago, you were very famous and won the hearts of the people, and countless people will definitely support you when you give an order."

"And now."

"The four peak powerhouses of the Mahayana period sit in all directions and have countless followers."

"How can you shake them alone?"

Chen Nan: "There are some things that you know the answer after doing it, don't you?"

"If you want to die yourself, then die, so that we will not go to Huangquan with you." A middle-aged man in his fifties got up angrily and left the private room angrily.

Everyone else scattered.

He was not willing to cooperate with Chen Nan at all.

Not unwillingness.

Rather, do not dare.

Because reporting the Han family is equivalent to being an enemy of Mo Yuan in the north.

The four gods of war share honor and disgrace.

Unless Chen Nan can defeat the four God of War, they will definitely not have a good end.

Chen Nan bowed in the direction where everyone left: "I hope everyone can seriously consider this matter, I bow to everyone for the sake of the world."

"If any of you would like to come forward, feel free to call me." Saying that, he imprinted his number in the depths of their souls.

Of course.

All this, they do not know.

Because this number is a hidden number.

Unless they are willing to report the Han family.

Otherwise, the number would not have appeared in their heads.

Chen Nan looked at the mountain and sea delicacies on the table, and forced a smile: "You can't blind this table of good dishes, come, let's eat." "

At the same time.

Han Feiyang also received a call from Qu Zongsheng and learned of Chen Nan's intentions.

A disdainful smile suddenly appeared on his face: "He is difficult to protect himself from crossing the river, and he still wants to overthrow the rule of my Han family?"

Qu Zongsheng smiled and said, "What Mr. Han said is very true.

"It's just."

"In addition to me, there are fourteen people who violated your orders today and intersected with the previous people, what should these people do?"

A cold light flashed in Han Feiyang's eyes: "You continue to lurk among those people, and you can tell me at any time if you have anything."

"As for the fourteen who eat inside and out, they don't deserve to live in this world."

Say and hang up the phone directly.

And at this time.

Jian Jianhua called the phone in, and after connecting it, his expression instantly became hideous: "What did you say?" Your Jane family wants to withdraw from marriage? "

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