
Gotta call and say it.

It's just that.

After making a call.

A layer of cold sweat appeared behind Tao Zhigang.

The guy who hit him before turned out to be the first God of War to protect the country?

He will go to the Han family in Jeju the day after tomorrow to destroy the Han family for the Tianxing Road.

Learned the news.

A strong fear rose in Tao Zhigang's heart.

He is going to threaten to destroy the Han family.

A village chief in Qingshan Gou is not even a chicken in his eyes, right?

Otherwise, I don't know how I died.


Is this important?

Tell the truth.

None of this matters.

It is important.

The day after tomorrow, Chen Nan came to the Han family, and he was destined to never return.


"These fish can also be rescued." "

On the dam by the reservoir.

An emerald green glow erupted from Chen Nan's body.

The light is centered on him.

It quickly surged in all directions.

Where it passes.

The polluted water source is instantly purified.

Those dying fish suddenly became vibrant.

Even the polluted good land has been repaired by fairy qi.

Not only that.

He had a hunch.

The crops grown in the good fields restored by fairy qi will definitely have a bumper harvest.

And the taste is amazing.

Xie Churan and the others all felt shocked after seeing Chen Nan's means.

In an instant, 3,000 acres of reservoir were purified.

Hundreds of thousands of acres of fertile land.

Is Chen Nan really just an ordinary person, and ordinary

people can have this kind of divine ability?


at the same time.

Han Feipeng was a great victory on the front line.

And the story of returning to Jeju to visit relatives also spread.

As one of the eight commanders under Mo Yuan.

Han Feipeng's strength is obvious to all.

In addition, in the past two years, there have been many successes.

It has a lot of support in the world.

The popularity alone is stronger than the first-line star, the king of heaven.


When the news came out.

Many Han Feipeng fans are traveling to Jeju by various means of transportation.


Another shocking news broke out.

The first god of war to protect the country, Chen Nan.

will go to the Han family the day after tomorrow to destroy the Han family for the Sky Walking Road.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused an uproar.

It's even more shocking than when demons invade.


my God, if he is still alive, why didn't he come forward when the demons invaded two years ago?"

"Yes, when the world was in chaos, he shrunk, such as today's peace dare to appear, this is not a deserter or what?"


Chen Nan became the finger of Qianfu.


want to know, who gave Chen Nan the courage to let him walk for 'Tian'


"A deserter who has been eliminated by the times, he Chen Nan clearly found some picture for himself through this matter.

"Just because of him, you also want to fight with Commander Han?"


"Two years ago, it was very difficult to fight with the cultivators of the Golden Pill Period in Wuyang City, how could he defeat Commander Han? "

Of course.

There are no absolutes.

There are also people who support Chen Nan.

For example, the people who were rescued in Wuyang City.

Huang Youde, the richest man in Wuyang City and now the first benevolent man in Wuyang City, spoke openly: "Although Chen Enren disappeared for two years.

"But his contribution to Wuyang City, the people of Wuyang City dare not forget."

"I don't

know why he disappeared for two years."

"Why didn't you come forward when the demons invaded?"

"But what I want to say is.

"We can't take him as a savior.

"We can't even impose our ideas on him."

"We don't have the right to kidnap anyone."

"Especially a hero who has made meritorious contributions to the world." "

We can't because he disappeared for two years."

"It denies his contribution to the Jiangshan community!"

the video came out.

It attracted the support of countless people in Wuyang City.


It also caused a lot of scolding.

Some supporters of Han Feipeng openly retorted: "Since Chen Nan is the first god of war to protect the country, then the family country is in trouble, and when the demons invade, he should be the first to stand up."

"The mere fact that he chose to avoid it negates all his previous honors." The

people of Wuyang City did not agree to this statement: "Although Chen Enren was named the First God of War.

"But did he ever attend the conferral ceremony

?" "Did he ever receive the honor of the First God of War?"

"He rescued Wuyang City just to understand and save Wuyang City

!" "He does good deeds, and only to do good deeds!" "

What I want to ask is, since he has not accepted the glory of the First God of War, why do you ask him to be the first to stand up when his family is in trouble?"


The last thing that is lacking on the Internet is some people who confuse black and white.

"Chen Nan is a cultivator, everyone knows this.

"He must have the ability to predict the prophet, and guessed that there would be a demon invasion."

"That's why he rejected the glory of the First God of War."

"The purpose is that when the demon invades, they can retreat with their whole body."

"Because he knows that with his strength, he is definitely not the opponent of those demons. "

That's the idea.

It instantly sparked a lot of support.

Treating him as a rat crossing the street attracted countless scoldings.

Han Feipeng spoke out in public.

At ten o'clock the morning the day after tomorrow, in Nanhu, Huxin Island to ask the first god of war for advice.

As soon as this video came out.

In an instant, it was popular all over the Internet, and it was on the top of the hot search of countless news media.

It is said that it is to ask the first god of war for advice.

But everyone knows.

This is a public declaration of war against Chen Nan.


Countless people focused their attention on Nanhu Lake Island.

It's not hard to know.

The day after tomorrow at ten o'clock in the morning.

There will be a vicious battle there.

A collision between the proud son of the old world and the proud son of the new world.


Chen Nan did not know what was happening online.

Because he himself is not used to wasting time online.

Even if I occasionally surf the Internet, I will only read books to enrich my spiritual world.



if Chen Nan didn't go online, Xu's group of Chen Nan's confidantes knew about his return.

I looked forward to it for two years, and finally came back.

When I came back, I didn't make a phone call to report that I was safe.

If it

weren't for the fact that they had swiped Chen Nan's news on the Internet this time.

I didn't know that Chen Nan was coming back.

To this.

Chen Nan said he was very depressed.

He originally thought of solving the Han family and going north, and then appeared in front of them to surprise them.

Which Cheng thought.

The coming back was exposed.


He pulled all the confidants who had an affair with him into a group: "Aunts, I was wrong, when I finish dealing with the matter at hand, I will go to Kyoto to plead guilty."

"At that time, I hope you will give some face, lightly abuse, okay?"

He received a response.

A leather whip emoji itself made his heart jump.

But... What the hell is the wind oil essence???

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