This question stopped Chen Nan.

He can't say, because you're a reincarnation of the god of fire, right?

That's too purposeful.


You can't tell the scales about his past life too early.

The memories of his previous life had to be slowly awakened by him.

If you inform in advance, it is tantamount to pulling out seedlings and promoting growth.

"You know, I'm a cultivator. Chen Nan said, "The reason why you let you follow me is mainly because you can control the fire. Speaking of which, we are considered to be the same.

"Things are clustered together, people are grouped, can you understand that?" Lian

Yan's face was full of self-blame: "Although I can control fire, my grandfather died because of me." "

Look at him remorseing himself.

Chen Nan was overjoyed in his heart.

When he learned that it was Lian Yan who wanted to kill Wei Dong.

He was worried that Lian Yan was a murderous person.

If that's the case, it's undoubtedly a long time to get it on the right path.

Now he blames himself for his grandfather's tragic death, which shows that he still has a conscience.

He said softly, "Did you deliberately want to burn him?"

Chen Nan: "Since you didn't deliberately want to burn him, then you should try to come out, instead of living in pain and self-blame."

"If your grandfather had a spirit in heaven, he wouldn't want to see you like that."

Lian Yan couldn't help but ask: "If my grandfather had a spirit in the sky, what kind of person would he want me to become?" Chen

Nan cleared his throat and said, "Actually, I came to you mainly because of your grandfather." "

Huh?" the

scales were a little confused.

Chen Nandao: "I had a dream last night and dreamed of your grandfather.

"Your grandfather said to me in a serious way, I hope you can live a better life and become a person who is useful to the country and the people."

Lian Yan's eyes were resentful, and he looked at Chen Nan like a fool: "My grandfather is a dumb!"


He did not panic at all: "It was your grandfather who made sign language and told your father what he meant, and your father relayed it to me." "

My dad was dumb too."

Chen Nan looked loveless.

Just wanted to talk.

The weighing voice sounded again: "My mother is deaf and dumb."

Chen Nan did not continue to ask the question of dreams, but looked at Chen Nan seriously: "Are you really not for my

waist?" Chen Nan asked rhetorically: "Why should I do Karma your waist?" A

trace of fear appeared on Lian Yan's face: "I heard from the villagers that there are bad people who come to the countryside to catch children, and then Karma their waists to sell them for money."

"It is said that a waist can be worth tens of thousands."

Chen Nan smiled: "Do you think that a cultivator will be poor enough to make money by cutting people's waist?"

Chen Nan's eyes lit up: "So, are

you willing to live somewhere with me?" "You don't dislike me dirty, don't dislike me as a lone star, of course I am willing to leave with you." The words came from the heart.

Although he lived in the village for ten years.


In the past ten years, he has not said much to Chen Nan.

And he can see it.

Chen Nan really didn't dislike him.

Chen Nan smiled: "Go and pack up your things, and we'll leave tomorrow."

"Good. "

Although the family is poor.

But Chen Nan believed.

No matter how poor the family is.

This home has something to remember.

A moment later.

He walked out holding a tablet made of three pieces of wood.

It was the tablets of his parents and grandfather.

Young but filial piety.

Chen Nan still likes this very much.

"Why did I fall asleep just now?" Wei Dong also woke up, but.

Chen Nan erased the memory of the appearance of the alien demon in his mind.

Then the group of three came to the edge of the reservoir.

At this time, Xie Churan and the others had already grilled a lot of grilled meat, fish and shrimp.

Don't look at the scales, the whole body is dirty, but before going to the table to eat, he asked Chen Nan to take him to a shallow place to take a bath.

It hurts to be sensible.

Because he knows that dirtiness in front of people's eyes can be disgusting.

Chen Nan asked: "Are you afraid of water?"

"The scales don't hide their thoughts.

Chen Nan felt that his question was a little redundant.

Fire and water are incompatible.

The fire god Zhurong and the water god did not work together, but the battle of Zhou Shan is a well-known story in mythology.

Even if he was reincarnated and rebuilt, it could not stop the obsession in his heart.

"You are still too young to control the flames in your body, so I'll set a confinement for you first. Chen

Nan set up a confinement in the scale.

Only when danger comes, when life and death are at stake, can it be broken.


Setting up a confinement prevents alien demons from finding him.

The next morning.

Chen Nan and the others left Qingshan Gully.

It's just that Xie Churan tied her fish pond and orchard to her and did not leave with her.

According to her words, there must always be a place where Chen Nan can feel relaxed.

In the future, when Chen Nan is tired and tired, he can return to Qingshan Gully to relax and relax.

For the idea.

Chen Nan clapped his hands and exclaimed.

Nor Versailles.

If Xie Churan followed him, he would be more or less uncomfortable.

After all.

It's not that the bed can't stand more women.

He couldn't stand it.

And the most important point.

He likes freedom.

But having more women around will make him very uncomfortable.

To put it more colloquially, he is scum!

Go to Jeju.

Chen Nan, Jian Ning, He Shanshan, took the scales to the mall for lunch.

Bought a lot of stuff again.

Then returned to the mid-level villa.

Just got off the bus.

Jiang Jiancheng greeted him, knelt on the ground with a pop, and said with tears streaming down his face: "Mr. Chen, I was wrong, you have a large number of adults, can you give me a way to live?"

Chen Nan did not have the slightest good impression.

Although Jiang Jiancheng helped him.

But he saved Jiang Jiangcheng several times.

The two have long been indebted to each other.

Jiang Jiancheng hugged his leg: "Mr. Chen, I practiced the exercises given by the Han family, and if I don't practice the second half of the scroll, I will die."


Nan sighed softly, and all his compassion and pity turned into one sentence: "Then you should die farther away, okay?"

When Jiang Jiancheng presided over the engagement ceremony of Jian Ning and Han Jian.

It is already doomed, the two are on the same page.

Jiang Jiancheng's eyes were torn, and he shouted loudly towards Chen Nan's back: "I have already apologized to you, why don't you forgive

me?" "Are you trying to force me to death?" "Do you believe that I will crash to death at the door of the villa right now?" A

trace of anger flashed in Chen Nan's eyes: "Are you threatening me?"

Jiang Jiancheng felt Chen Nan's anger, but clenched his fists.

He knows.

Without Chen Nan's help, he would have died.

Chen Nantou did not reply, and said angrily: "Vine, open the meal!"

Just before he could react.

A green vine bloomed on the land in front of him.

Jiang Jiancheng gasped.

At the moment when he got up and fled.

The green vine pierced his valley and penetrated his body, and a large section came out of his mouth...

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