Chen Nan was put in order.


Wang Mei is a carbon-based humanoid species of Zheng'er Bajing.

It's people.


It's just a physical feature of someone.

That's all.

But on a moral level.

She is not even as good as an animal.

What about people?

Back to the courtyard.

Dinner was also ready.

I learned that Lian Yan single-handedly let Wang Mei and others be arrested, and claimed to be a victim.

Yan Wushuang and the others were shocked.

I also like him more and more.


After breakfast, Chen Nan drove the car with the scales to Peking University to report to the elementary school.

Before Lian was born, his father died.

The mother died after birth.

There is only one dumb grandfather in the family.


No one gave him a hukou at all.

In desperation, Chen Nan let people leave their household registration in the Chen family.

It was his brother.

Because of the greeting.


The scales were directly placed in the second shift of the first grade.

Although I was placed in the first grade, I didn't feel any sense of discord.

After all, because of stunted growth, the scales are not as strong as some first-grade children.

After instructing some things.

Chen Nan turned around and went to Peking University.

Speaking up.

He is also a student of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at Peking University School of Medicine.

Although I haven't come to class for a long time.


The vaccine for monkeypox and the vaccine for the radical treatment of hepatitis B were both developed by him.

Because there are previous documents.

Plus the school's security guard also knew him and directly chose to let him go.

The reason why Chen Nan came here was to visit Chen Xia Solstice, Chen Hanlu.

After all, the two of them went to school here.

Except for them.

There is also an old acquaintance, Ye Wanzhi.

When the two developed the hepatitis B vaccine together, they had a relationship, and then got together.

Although the feelings are not very deep.

But several times it almost reached the stomach.

Away for two years and not allowed to see each other when you come back?

Chen Nan went to Li Muya's laboratory first.

"Idol, please hug!"

Li Muya was wearing a black professional dress, with a big wave, flaming red lips, and a royal sister breath.

Seeing Chen Nan appear, he threw himself into his arms excitedly.

She met her brother Li Mu yesterday.

Knowing that Chen Nan will definitely come.

Different from others.

She knew that Chen Nan was the first god of war.

Chen Nan couldn't help but ask: "Wanzhi is not there?" Li

Muya showed a resentful expression: "Do you still have a conscience, if I hadn't brought you two together, would you two be able to get together?"

Although she has always had that in mind.

But he didn't boast about that step.

Chen Nangan smiled and touched the tip of his nose.

Although Li Muya is excellent.

But he didn't dare to think anything wrong with her.

He was afraid that Li Mu would chop him up...

Li Muya sighed lightly: "Wanzhi left and is now an executive in a pharmaceutical company in Modu.

Chen Nan didn't say much.

But now I can't pull away and go to the magic capital to see Ye Wanzhi.

I can only wait until I finish my affairs around me to see her again.


He called Chen Xiazhi, Chen Hanlu.

Asked the sisters to have a meal together.

One or two years.

The sisters have changed significantly.

Regardless of size.

Or appearance.

It's all one of a million.

It has even become a school flower level existence.

After all, the Chen sisters themselves are two flowers in the shantytown.


After two years of absence, the sisters were extremely dependent on Chen Nan.

Even when he walked, one person held him by the arm and talked about what had happened in the past two years.

As if there are endless words.


in the blink of an eye, it was the eighth night of the first year.

Chen Nan and Li Mu came to the mass grave in the west of the city.

In front of Qin Hongyu and Mengguo's tombs, there are two fine jade coffins.

It was Chen Nan who asked Li Muhua to build it at a high price.

"It's half an hour before the wee hours of the morning.

"I feel that the Fan family should not come." Li Mu lit two cigarettes, one of which was placed in front of Mengguo's grave.

"The Fan family will definitely come.

"I just don't know how many will come." Chen Nan looked at the huge city in the east.

Although tens of miles apart.

But the colorful neon in the city still made a dark red over the city.

He doesn't like to kill.


Some people have to kill.


Mu's expression was heavy: "I heard that Fan Chi has mobilized a large number of experts to protect the Fan family. If you really want to destroy the entire Fan family, it is equivalent to being an enemy of the cultivators of heaven and earth.


Nan smiled and said, "You mean, I'll pull the egg?" Li

Mu sighed: "I know that your strength is very strong, but the Truth Cultivator Association is deeply popular, and acting rashly will cause a lot of chain reactions."

Chen Nan: "I also have this concern, but apart from going to war with the Truth Cultivator Association head-on, what else do you say I can do?" After Chen Nan

returned, he also thought about using a safe way to get rid of the Truth Cultivator Association and disintegrate the influence of the Truth Cultivator Association.

Thus restoring order two years ago.


It was a lot harder than he thought.

"You should remember that I was a doctor, right?" Chen Nan looked at the night sky and muttered, "There is a word in medicine 'fierce medicine to remove boils', have you heard?"

Chen Nandao: "In the face of a seriously ill patient, it is necessary to increase the dose and give strong medicine, only in this way can the patient's condition be cured!" Speaking of this, a cold light flashed in Chen Nan's eyes.


Fan's family.

A middle-aged man came to Fan Chi's study and said respectfully: "President, our people have sent a message.

Chen Nan and Li Mu went to the mass grave in the west of the city.

"Moreover, they also bought a tomb for Qin Hongyu and Meng Guo in the cemetery. "

Knock! Knock!


Without warning.

The old-fashioned wall clock in the living room made a banging sound.

It's already early in the morning.

A sneer spread on Fan Chi's face: "Now there are thirty-five people in my Fan family, except for Jackie Chan who is locked up in the fourth courtyard, everyone gathers in the family, I want to see how Chen Nan destroys my entire clan!"

Chen Nan was hit by Mo Yuan and did not die, which made him dare not underestimate.

That's why.

He recalled all his clansmen.

Let them gather at the Fan family.

Not only that.

There were even a large number of masters transferred from the Truth Cultivator Association.

To put it bluntly.

Today's Fan's home is the safest place on earth.

If Chen Nan didn't come, it would be enough.

Once he dares to show up.

There will definitely be no return.


Without warning.

A white lightning bolt appeared outside the window.

Then a deafening sound exploded in the air.

Thunder suddenly sounded after the wee hours of the morning.

This made Fan Chi feel a sense of foreboding in his heart.

He walked to the balcony.

I saw that the night sky was still full of stars.

But for some reason.

In the void, however, there was a Dao lightning dancing wildly.


A middle-aged man came out of the balcony next door: "Third brother, why is this strange situation occurring?"

Is this Chen Nan's means?" Fan Chi's

scalp was numb.

Is this

a human means

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