Wait a minute!

Chen Nan each sent out ten peak powerhouses of the Mahayana period to guard the Demon Domain?

The four gods of war came back to their senses.

The eyes that looked at each other were filled with deep shock.

There are indeed some peak powerhouses in the Eighteen Square Small World.

But there is only one person in each small world.

How did so many peak powerhouses of the Mahayana period appear in heaven and earth?

The peak realm powerhouse of the Mahayana period is the ceiling of the world's combat power.

Why are there so many dogs everywhere?

"Guys, things are more serious than we thought." Mo Yuan spoke: "If I'm not mistaken, Chen Nan should be an immortal."

"Only immortals can lock up all the cultivators in the mundane world in the small world overnight."

"Only immortals can make mortals become peak powerhouses in the Mahayana period."

As soon as the words came out.

The other three gods of war all nodded.

Su Zhibai even sighed: "I really didn't expect that in just two years, Chen Nan had grown to such a terrifying realm.

"If nothing else, he should have other creations in the past two years."

Dai Wei's face turned pale: "The most urgent thing at the moment is how to deal with Chen Nan's covenant battle."

"If we go to the appointment on Mid-Autumn Eve, who can guarantee survival?"

"Even if we have runes, we can only borrow a little rune power."

"Not enough to kill a strong person in the immortal realm."

They had never met Chen Nan.


The sense of oppression that Chen Nan brought them was too strong.

Feng Ye hesitated and said, "Actually, it's not impossible.

The other three looked over in unison.

Feng Ye grinned: "We all have a sect inheritance, as long as we contact the seniors of the Immortal Realm and let them go to the lower realm, why is it difficult to kill Chen Nan?" The

three of them lit up their eyes.


They all have a lineage.

Within the sect, there are seniors of the Ascension Immortal Realm.

They have been cultivating for thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years.

Once they come from the Nether.

How could Chen Nan be their opponent?

Even though Chen Nan is extremely talented and has a profound cultivation, he is a young man in his twenties after all.

Think of this.

The four hit it off.

Each take out an ancient sandalwood stick and light it.

This is the means of summoning the ancestors.

For them.

In fact, it is enough to summon one person casually.


They couldn't understand Chen Nan's depth.

In order to prevent trouble, they planned to summon their respective ancestors at the same time.

Smoke rose into the air.

With a dull thunderclap.

Each of them transforms into the appearance of a human face.

"Meet the ancestors." Mo Yuanxing bowed down and said excitedly: "The junior met a powerful guy in the world, and he must have come from the lower realm of the ancestor to kill this son." The

ink-dyed voice sounded: "I will come to Earth in the evening, and you will do your reception work."

"Yes, the junior will definitely do a good job of reception." Mo Yuan was overjoyed, he never expected that the ancestor would come to the earth in the evening.

Mo Ran said again: "This time there will be an Immortal Emperor-level powerhouse coming, you gather the juniors in the clan to catch the wind for the Immortal Emperor-level powerhouse, and if you are lucky, you can also get the order and creation of the Immortal Emperor powerhouse."

Mo Yuan's heart was beating wildly.

The Immortal Emperor level powerhouse is also coming?

Oh, my God!

That's the strongest person in the immortal world!

How could that kind of big man come to the world?

Although I don't know why.

But Mo Yuan didn't ask more.

Anyway, those big guys are coming in the evening.

When they come, they naturally know the purpose of their coming to earth.


Su Zhibai, Dai Wei, and Feng Ye also completed the summons.

The same as in the case of Mo Yuan.

Their ancestors will come to the earth.

And this time in the Nether, there are Immortal Emperor-level powerhouses following.

"Let's see if Chen Nan is dead or not!"

Dai Wei's eyes were full of killing intent.

His son was once the president of the Truth Cultivators Association, but he was killed by Chen Nan last night.

Not just his son.

In addition to him, all the relatives of the three clans also died at the hands of Chen Nan.

Mo Yuan sneered: "There are also levels in the immortal world, but the immortal emperor is the strongest in the immortal world, comparable to the strong of the Mahayana period on the earth. Just one person can erase Chen Nan.

"I'm curious now, why did the great people in the immortal world come to the world?" Su Zhibai's eyes were full of confusion.

To know.

Immortals rarely go to the Nether.

Not to mention this time.

In fact, they are like Spiegel in their hearts, even if they do not transmit information to their ancestors.

They will also go to the Nether.

This time it was just a coincidence.

"Could it be because of the runes?" Feng Ye spoke.

Each of the eighteen small worlds has a rune.

Countless people covet runes.

But no one has been able to succeed.

They also snatched their hands two years ago when the runes fell.

And through the power of the runes, he improved his cultivation.

Mo Yuan said, "Although we have obtained the divine rune, it has not been completely refined. "

If you can really contribute to those big people, you can get more substantial benefits."


at the same time.

The outside world also announced that the Sifang War God Gong was highly skilled and had sent someone to take over the task of guarding the Sifang Demon Domain.

This message blew up the Internet.

There was an uproar.

To put it nicely, it is to send someone to take over the task of guarding the Sifang Demon Domain.

The ugly point is that it weakens the status of the Quartet God of War!

This happened to many people's surprise.

But it also makes sense.

The Truth Cultivator Association has all changed its name to the Dao Academy, and the four war gods behind them will definitely be affected.

The common people do not deny the merits of the four gods of war.

But there is one thing to say.

Too much work is greater.

In particular, the Truth Cultivators Association they created has influenced many people.

A lot of people are speculating.

Why this change.

Could it be related to Chen Nan?


public opinion for the outside world.

Chen Nan didn't know.

At this time, he was catching up on sleep at the promised home.

After all.

Last night, all the Truth Cultivators were locked up in Small World Eighteen.

It's also tiring for him.

Not to mention.

After returning, there was still a lingering warmth with the promise.

At noon.

Chen Nan woke up in his sleep.

It's just that the promise is not there.

Chen Nan remembered what Xu had said before, and left him at home for dinner at noon.

I think I should go to the supermarket to buy vegetables at this time.

He didn't think much about it either.

I got up and walked to the first floor and took a glass of water.

Then I went to the living room and turned on the TV.

He already thought about it.

After eating, I went to see Xu Qianxin.

After all, the other party has been waiting for him.

If you stay with the promise all the time.

It will make him feel a strong sense of guilt.

Right at this moment.

The sound of the car door closing was heard outside.

Immediately, the fingerprint lock of the villa is opened.

Just as Chen Nan got up and prepared to help Xu Nuo carry something.

But shocked to find.

It is not a promise.

It's Xu's heart.

The moment the four eyes were facing each other, Xu Qianxin was directly dumbfounded.

Even the ingredients in his hand fell to the ground.

She looked at Chen Nan with a stunned face: "You... Why are you at my aunt's house? "

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