The other side.

Savor dinner at Cloud Palace Restaurant.

Chen Nan drove Xu Xu home.

Then took Xu Qianxin to a five-star hotel.

Although in the afternoon at Promise's house also played.


Not seen for more than two years.

Have fun once?


And this time.

Chen Nan earned a tip of sixty-six thousand six hundred yuan...

Why so much?

Can I get the same price for a night package and a single time?


Chen Nan was very tormented last night.

Because he knew what kind of terrier the wind oil essence was.

Even if he is the master of the immortal world.

But the coolness of the wind oil essence almost didn't let him die.

Sixty-six thousand six hundred yuan in tips, it is not easy to earn at all.


Chen Nan and Xu Xuxin came to the restaurant for breakfast.

Chen Nan's walking posture was still a little strange, and he looked slightly stiff.

To this.

Xu Qianxin was also very distressed and helped him pick up the breakfast he wanted to eat.

Then he said, "I'm going abroad next week, will you come with me?" "

She's a producer now.

Previously made a movie.

Want to go into Hollywood.

But it.

It is very difficult for a yellow man to enter Hollywood.

Although there are also some superstars who have made it to Hollywood.

But he only starred in some films, and he only played a supporting role.

Not to mention, a film made by a yellow man about oriental themes.


This is also Xu Qianxin's dream all along.

She is different from Chen Nan.

She is unable to protect her home and defend the country and save all the people from fire and water.

But she can make a contribution in her field.

If the films she makes can enter Hollywood, it is tantamount to opening the curse that oriental themes cannot enter Hollywood!

"Don't go!"

Chen Nan didn't think about it, and directly rejected her.

"Do you think I used wind oil essence last night? Don't worry, as long as you go with me, I promise not to use the wind oil essence! Xu shook his arm: "Please, you just go with someone!"

"We've known each other for so long, and we haven't hung out together, so let's just go out on a trip, okay?"

"I don't admire foreign countries, but there are many interesting things abroad."

"Don't worry, as long as you go with me, I will buy you whatever you want!"

Chen Nan looked resentful.

Is this treating yourself like a little white face?


He received a call from Li Mu.

Li Mu's tone was excited, saying that he had obtained a clue from Jiuding.

So Chen Nan told the other party the location.

Chen Nan had Yanzhou Ding in his hands.

The Truth Cultivators Association also has five dings.

However, it is necessary to completely protect the world.

It is necessary to gather nine dings.

Now there are Liangzhou Ding, Yongzhou Ding, and Jizhou Ding missing.

Not the slightest clue.

Now that he has Jiuding's clues, why isn't he excited?

Just as he finished breakfast and drank coffee.

Li Mu came.

"I got news that Liang Zhouding is abroad." After Li Mu came, he was straight to the point: "It was said that it was in a private museum of a collector in country M, and I had already asked people to contact the other party.

"However, the other party has no idea of returning it at all."

Li Mu also had a headache about this matter.

Although everyone knows that the Kyushu Ding is the supreme artifact in the mythology of the Great Xia Dynasty.

But most of the things about Jiuding appear in myths.

Even in the historical records, there is no record of Jiuding.


You don't say that Liang Zhou Ding belongs to the Great Xia Dynasty, let alone force others to return it.

Chen Nan glanced at Xu Qianxin and said, "I'm going to go abroad next week, find a way to bring Liang Zhou Ding back!" "

He really didn't want to go abroad.

Although Xu devoted himself to taking him to consume.

But now Liang Zhouding is abroad.

Anyway, I have to take a trip.

Li Mu hurriedly said, "No, no, no, you can't go!"

"Why?" Chen Nan looked puzzled.

Li Mu thought for a while and asked, "Have you ever seen a vampire in China?"

Chen Nan shook his head.

Li Mu asked again: "Have you ever seen a werewolf?"

Chen Nan shook his head.

"Have you seen a magician and a paladin?"

Chen Nan still shook his head.

Whether it's a vampire.



Or paladins, both originated from Western movies.

For ordinary people, it may be fiction.

But with Chen Nan's vision today, the pattern.

He knows.

That is the cultivator of the Western cultivation world.

Li Mu said, "Then the question arises, why are no people from the Western cultivation world entering our Eastern Ancient Kingdom?"

This question stumped Chen Nan.

Not within the scope of knowledge points.

"Although we are all on Earth, there is a world of difference between Eastern and Western cultures."

"Moreover, who divides the Eastern and Western worlds?"

Seeing that Chen Nan was speechless, Li Mu grinned.

It turns out that there are also things you don't understand!

Coming, coming, coming!

The opportunity for Xiao Ye to pretend to be forced came.

"Actually, I don't know who divided the Eastern and Western worlds, but I went abroad once last year."

"It's just that the moment I appeared in the sky of the Western world."

"My strength has been suppressed."

"Although my brother only cultivated during the foundation building period before, I was just a mortal there."

"Therefore, if you go there, your strength will also be suppressed, and you will even become an ordinary person."

Chen Nan was relieved, and then said, "I understand what you mean, although the Eastern and Western worlds are in the same plane, there are two completely different rules of the Heavenly Dao.

"If our cultivators in the Eastern World enter the Western World, they will be suppressed by the Heavenly Dao Rules of the Western World, or even driven away."

The corners of Li Mu's mouth twitched, and his eyes were full of unhappiness.

You're awesome!

You know more!

You have a high realm!

I just want to pretend to be forced.

But you use the rules of heaven to say things?

Is it okay to give some face???

"Even if the rules of the Heavenly Dao of the Western world will suppress my cultivation, it is not a big problem." Chen Nan said lightly: "You give me the clues about Liang Zhouding, and I will find a way to bring it back." "

He also wants to learn about the Western world."

Li Mu was stubborn, but finally gave Liang Zhouding's clues to Chen Nan, and said seriously: "The Western world is different from the Eastern world, you must keep a low profile after going there, don't make trouble."

Chen Nan gave him a roll of his eyes: "How can I be such an honest person, how can I make things blind?"

Li Mu was stunned.

He felt.

Chen Nanyi said this.

The Western world will definitely be messed up by him...


time flies.

In the blink of an eye, it was the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Today was supposed to be a day of family reunion.


Everyone knows.

Chen Nan wanted to compete with the four gods of war on Mount Tai.

Under Mount Tai, hundreds of people gathered to watch the battle.

Night falls!

A bright moon rises in the east.

The bright moonlight fell above the nine heavens, as if covering the Venerable of the Five Mountains in front of him with a thin veil!

Right now.

Four figures broke through the air and appeared on the top of Mount Tai.


A huge thundercloud also appeared in the night sky!

There is heavenly thunder echoing in the depths of the nine heavens!

Someone exclaimed: "Are the four gods of war going to cross the tribulation and ascend to immortals?" If this was the case, how could Chen Nan defeat the four of them? "

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