Under Tarzan!

The onlookers were full of anger!

"Damn it!"

"They do a lot of evil, why can such people still soar?"

"Is there really no justice and justice in this heaven and earth?"

"These people should go to hell, not ascend to immortals!"

Learn what the Quartet God of War did!

Everyone was indignant!

They also felt distressed and aggrieved for the tragic deaths of those cultivators in their hands.

This is not how it should be.

Chen Nan should kill them and defend the justice between heaven and earth!!

Right now.

Four miserable, unwilling, and terrified cries came from the Nine Heavens!

"Why is that?"

"Chen Nan, who are you? Did you make us fall into the dust? Four

figures fell in the air.

Heavy fall on the top of Mount Tarzan.



The sudden appearance of four figures made the people stunned!

The Quartet God of War has clearly soared!

But why did it fall into the dust?

It's a pity.

They simply could not climb Mount Tarzan.

I don't know exactly what happened.


"Who am I?"

For this answer, Chen Nan thought for a moment and said, "You have all been to my world, and you still ask who I am?" Don't you think it's naïve to ask this question?

"You... Are you the Lord of the Immortal Realm? Mo Yuan looked at Chen Nan in horror.

He thought of what Chen Nan had just said.

Without my permission, Hugh wanted to ascend to the Immortal Realm.


Outrageous open the door to outrageous, outrageous home!!

"No, no, no, it's impossible!"

"When you rescued Wuyang City two years ago, it was still Jin Dan period cultivation."

"You can't become the Lord of the Immortal Realm in just two years!"

"Mo said that you are an ordinary person, even if you are the chosen son, you can't have this kind of creation!" Dai Song's mentality collapsed.

He can accept death!

But he definitely couldn't accept that Chen Nan was the master of the immortal world.

"Perhaps, he is really the Lord of the Immortal Realm." Su Zhibai's face was full of miserable laughter.

He thought of what those four seventh-level immortal emperors had said before they died.

Although I don't know Chen Nan's status in the immortal world.

But those seventh-level immortal emperors were extremely in awe of him.

Plus they felt Chen Nan's breath when they entered the immortal world...

That is Chen Nan's breath?


That's the rule of heaven!!

Mo Yuan cried bitterly: "Senior Chen, we are wrong, we are really wrong, you are the lord of the immortal world, give us a chance to make up for it?"

Su Zhibai knelt on the ground, his eyes full of pleading: "Senior Chen, I admit that we are at fault, we should not kill those cultivators under you.

"However, there is one thing you can't deny."

"Even if we don't kill them, with their cultivation in the Golden Pill Period, they can guard the Demon Domain for three months at most!"

"It's only a matter of time before they are killed by demons."

"No matter how you calculate it, we have been guarding the Demon Domain for more than a year."

"It is said that the Heavenly Dao is ruthless and people have mercy, you can't deny the contribution we have made, right?"


Chen Nan slapped him away, his eyes indifferent: "Why, do you still want to move with affection and reason?"

"You still have the face to say that Heaven's Dao is ruthless and people have affection?"

"When the Truth Cultivators Association committed evil in the world, did you ever think about this sentence?"

"Do you know how many people have died because of the rise of the Truth Cultivator Association?"

"Do you know how many ancestors you ruined?"

That's it.

The Quartet God of War also did not admit it.

Dai Wei blushed and said, "Chen Nan, what do you think you are a good thing?" You keep saying that you want to abolish the Truth Cultivators Association and restore the old system, but you still exterminate my three clans in accordance with the new law proposed by the Truth Cultivators Association!

"You are full of moral benevolence, but you are actually a sinister villain."

Feng Ye clenched his fists: "Actually, you can kill us when you come back and overthrow the Truth Cultivator Association, but you didn't do this, you forced us into a cornered situation step by step, making us desperate!"

"You played this trick of killing people very well!"

"Chen Nan, you will be retributed one day."

"It's going to be a good death!"

Chen Nan looked at the firmament: "People are watching the sky, I don't deny your merits, and because of this, I decided to execute you with my own hands." The

words fell.

The power of his soul surged out.

The bodies of the four people instantly turned into flying ash and disappeared between heaven and earth.


Their souls have not been destroyed.

Suspended in the air.

"My reward and punishment are clear, since you have meritorious service in guarding the Demon Domain, then I will personally send you to reincarnation!" Speaking of this, he opened his reincarnation and instantly devoured the four people!

The Quartet God of War never expected it in his life.

Chen Nan is not only the Lord of the Immortal Realm!

Even mastered reincarnation!

So far!

The era of the Quartet God of War is completely a thing of the past.

Peace in the world!


Will the world really be peaceful?

Chen Nan's heart was like Mingjing.

Since the appearance of the true cultivator, the situation in the world has changed.

The fairy road, which was originally not in a hurry, seems to have traces to follow.

People's worldview has long been changed.

Of course.

This is also the meaning of the existence of the Taoist Academy.

Collect and absorb some strange things.

Cultivate talents, eliminate demons!

"I have a proposal."

Li Mu appeared behind Chen Nan: "We can appropriately let some alien demons enter the world, after all, the alien demons attack the earthly world to kill the reincarnated heavenly gods."

"As long as we keep an eye on the movements of those alien demons, we may be able to find out those reincarnated gods."

Chen Nan told him about the origin of the scale.


He knew that Chen Nan was looking for the reincarnated Heavenly God.


How easy is it to find a reincarnated god in a country with more than a billion people?

That's why.

He will only bring up the idea just now.

To put it bluntly, it's fishing.

Chen Nan shook his head: "It's not appropriate!"

"The threat of alien demons is too great, and once it gets out of control, it will be a disaster for the world."

"We can't ignore the lives and deaths of the common people just because we are looking for the reincarnated heavenly god!"

Actually, he knows.

If you let the alien demon enter the world, you may be able to find those reincarnated gods in a short time.


You have to have a bottom line to be human.

Some things must not be messed with!

Ordinary people cannot be plunged into crisis!

And now.

The most important thing is to find Liangzhou Ding, Yongzhou Ding, and Jizhou Ding!

As long as you gather Jiuding, you can completely guard the four directions.

At that time, it will not be too late to calm down and look for the reincarnated god.

Right at this moment.

Chen Nan's mobile phone rang.

I received a call from my second sister Chen Xiazhi: "Brother, hurry back to eat reunion dinner and mooncakes, and the food will be cold if you don't come again."

A gentle smile appeared on Chen Nan's face: "Okay, I'll go back." "

After hanging up.

He looked at Li Mu: "I'll go home for the reunion dinner first, and remember to summon me at any time with the news of Yongzhou Ding and Jizhou Ding!" Saying that, the figure turned transparent and disappeared on the top of Mount Tai.

Next moment!

Chen Nan appeared at Jeju Banshan Villa!

The reason for coming here.

The main thing is that Mom and Dad are also back.

After all, the Mid-Autumn Festival is a festival of reunion.

This is the first real reunion after two years apart.


After coming home, Chen Nan was directly dumbfounded!

The scene in front of him was too shocking, so he didn't come to his senses for a long time!

There are not only parents and two little sisters in the family.

There were a lot more people he didn't expect!

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