"Uncle Chen, can I take a look at the painting behind that suit of armor?"

Chen Nan endured his excitement and looked at Chen Zhongguo, who was smoking a cigarette bag pot.

He had a hunch.

That painting is definitely a treasure.

Chen Zhongguo took a look, took the cigarette bag pot, and moved a fork ladder: "Treat this place as your own home, and watch whatever you want."

"The premise is that you have to do it yourself."

"It should, it should."

Chen Nan smiled and climbed the forked ladder and removed the silver knight's armor hanging on the wall.

Then an oil painting appeared in the eye.

The painting is about two meters high and about one and a half meters wide.

The paper is yellowed and looks like it's been a long time old.

The painting shows a house in the Western architectural style.

The chimney of the house has green smoke.

There is a huge garden in front of the house with countless flowers blooming inside.

In front of the garden is a large lake.

At the end of the lake is a continuous mountain range.

At this time.

The setting sun hangs over the mountains.

The golden afterglow turns the lake red.

"This painting is a typical Impressionist style, and it is an early Impressionist style, looking at the painting style, it should be imitated by the French painter Oscar-Claude Monet." Xu loved to see the exhibition and recognized the painting as an impressionist work at a glance.

She looked at Chen Zhongguo curiously: "Uncle Chen, who painted this work?"

Chen Zhongguo smiled and asked: "I feel that this is Monet's own later work, do you believe it?"

Xu was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "Monet is good at the experiment and performance techniques of light and shadow, and there are no clear shadows in Monet's paintings, nor can I see prominent or flat contours." "

The color drawing of light group photos is the biggest feature of Monet's paintings."

"The painting in front of me is in line with the characteristics of Monet's painting, and I believe it if you say it is his scroll."

"It's just that the overall color of this oil painting is too intense."

For Western culture.

Xu Qianxin still understands some.

Among them is the knowledge of the attribution of picture scrolls.

It's different from the masters of the Eastern world.

Especially in modern times.

Before the Western Renaissance, artists in the West rarely signed their works.

If you want to determine who the scroll comes from, you need to locate it according to the style of the work.

Of course.

I also need to know a little about the lives of artists in the Western world.

Chen Zhongguo said, "This painting was collected by an old lady for thirty dollars when I first came here.

"Although I also think that this work was painted by Monet himself, no one believes it."

As a modern art master in the Western world.

Monet's work is invaluable.


There is no mention of the painting in the literature about him.


Even if the style of this painting is very similar to Monet, no one cares.


The painting became an ornament.

Chen Nan couldn't help but ask, "Uncle Chen, how do you sell this painting?"

Chen Zhongguo thought for a while and said, "If you want it, give five hundred yuan."

Chen Nan smiled and said, "What if this oil painting is a real treasure?" So are you old?

Chen Zhongguo also smiled: "The antiques world is sure to buy and leave, this rule is still understood by old age."

Chen Nan expressed his opinion: "Uncle Chen, let's put it this way, I feel that this oil painting has a great origin.

"I believe Monet's real work, but whether it is or not, I have to go back and study it."

"We are all descendants of Yanhuang, and we can't pit you when we are juniors."

"I now have 430,000 on me, and I will give you all this money."

"What do you think of the gains and the losses that are mine?"

Chen Nan once had more than 100 billion.

But all of them went to the state.

Now these 430,000 are still the hard-earned money these days...

Chen Zhongguo hesitated: "In this way, don't give it all to me, you can keep 30,000 on your body." After all, in a foreign country, you have to have a little money on you.

Chen Nan smiled: "It's okay, it's easy for me to make money." "

Hear this.

Xu Qianxin's face instantly turned red like a ripe peach.

This guy is really sensible.

See if the evening is great.

If it is good, you must wrap him a big red envelope as a reward.

That's it.

Chen Nan bought the oil painting for 430,000 yuan.

Then he and Xu left the antique shop.

"Do you really feel that this work is a treasure?" Xu Qianxin held Chen Nan's arm, his eyes full of curiosity.

With his understanding of Chen Nan, this man was definitely not the kind of person who spent money indiscriminately.

Usually in addition to buying packs of cigarettes.

And today.

However, he spent a lot of money and spent 430,000 yuan of hard-earned money to buy an oil painting.

Is this normal?

Chen Nan smiled: "Actually, I have also studied the works of Western artists, and only by collecting the strengths of a hundred schools can we promote the name of a hundred schools."

"You know that Monet pioneered Impressionism and was one of the most famous painters in France, do you know how many paintings Monet painted in his lifetime?"

"Still want to test me?" Xu Qianxin chuckled: "If you can stump me, I will bite you tonight."

"As a master of modern oil painting, Monet painted 2,130 oil paintings in his lifetime, leaving behind 512 sketches."

"And two thousand seven hundred and twenty-five letters."

Chen Nan nodded undeniably: "You are right, this information can be found, and even if you have the heart, you can find the names of those works."

"But do you know Monet's character?"

Xu Qianxin: "I know a little, but not much."

Chen Nan: "Monet doesn't like to study and has poor grades. However, he only had a soft spot for painting, and from a young age, he showed and sold his works in stationery stores.

"Moreover, whatever he does has a beginning and an end."

"Since you know Monet, you should know one of his masterpieces, which is also the famous work 'Impression Sunrise', right?"

Xu Qianxin: "It was because of 'Impression Sunrise' that I liked his work. "

Impression Sunrise is Monet's famous work.

It is now in the British Museum.

It belongs to the British national painting and is worth a lot.

Chen Nan and Xu walked side by side on the bustling streets of New York, and he looked up at the night: "Monet is a man with a beginning and an end, and since he painted his famous work 'Impression Sunrise', it is natural to have a work to bring his life to a successful end."

"Although the color of the painting in my hand is a little stronger."

"However, in his later years, Monet committed an eye disease, and even died because of an eye disease!"

Xu Qianxin suddenly stopped and looked at Chen Nan incredulously, his eyes full of horror: "You mean, this painting is Monet's harvesting work?" "


at the same time!

An old man entered Chen Zhongguo's antique shop with a group of bodyguards.

Chen Zhongguo stood up enthusiastically: "Mr. Moore, which wind blew you?"

Murhard looked at the empty wall and exclaimed: "Even Maika, Mr. Chen, why is the painting that was originally hanging on the wall missing?" "

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