Claude's appearance made the atmosphere of the scene become solemn.

Everyone knew that Chen Nan came in with Murhad.

Although he has Monet's harvesting work in his hands.


They couldn't understand why Claude valued Chen Nan so much.

He even threatened to destroy Kejet's family.

The Saul family has an extraordinary influence in New York, black and white.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a bully.


Nor is it an absolutely invincible existence.

At least in front of the Rockefeller family, it is a bit of a witch.

"Mr. Claude, it's clear that this guy hit me first." Cajet's face was full of nervousness, and he had no doubt about Claude's words, he could bankrupt the Thor family with a single word.

"Mr. Claude, it was he who disrespected me first, and my husband will start beating him." Xu Qianxin looked nervous, she didn't know that Chen Nan saved Claude, and she treated him a little carefully.

Claude said, "Miss Xu, rest assured, since you have come to participate in my exhibition, you are my Claude's distinguished guest."

"I will never allow anyone to hurt my distinguished guest!"

Said and took out a revolver.

Facing Kejett's knee, he directly pulled the trigger.


Gunshots rang out.

Kejett screamed and fell to the ground.

Blood stained his knees red, like a blooming rose.

This scene made everyone gasp.

A strong uneasiness rose in his heart.

Everyone knew that Claude was a kind old man.

Word of mouth is good in the circle.

But who would have thought that he would be furious today and even pull the trigger on Keyjet?

This does not fit his previous persona.

Kejett sweated like rain.

The pain in the knee is intense.

But it was far less shocked than the shock in his heart: "Mr. Claude, I am wrong, I am wrong, please raise your noble hand and let me live." "

At this time.

He had no doubt that Claude would kill him to give Chen Nan an explanation.

Although he didn't know why Claude respected Chen Nan so much.

But it's right to admit mistakes.

Claude was expressionless: "I will call your grandfather and inform him of your behavior today." "

Get out!"

"Yes, yes, I'll get out!" Kejett winked at the two bodyguards.

The two injured bodyguards quickly stepped forward and carried Kejett out of the exhibition hall.

The eyes of the others looking at Chen Nan were also filled with deep jealousy.

They didn't know why Claude respected Chen Nan so much.

But one thing is obvious.

This man from the East is going to be famous in the Western world.

As long as he can get the support of the Rockefeller family, he will be able to establish himself in the Western world.

"What happened?"

"I heard that someone is disrespectful to Miss Xu?"


Murhard came over in a slight panic: "Damn, who is so bold and dares to be so disrespectful to my guests?" "


Against all odds.

Chen Nan actually slapped Murhard in the face: "Old thing, do you think I'm blind, didn't you see you hiding in a corner before?" "

Chen Nan doesn't get angry very much on weekdays.

But women, loved ones are his counterscales.

If Kejett bullied Xu, it would be okay if Mulhard wasn't there.

But he obviously hid in the corner and did not dare to appear.

It is obvious that he is afraid of the power of the other party.

Chen Nan had no right to blame him for this.

After all, they are only meeting each other.


At this time, Murhard ran out full of benevolence and morality.

This is clearly to press Chen Nan's IQ to the ground and rub and humiliate.

The corners of Murhad's mouthed were bleeding and his face was pale, but he still hurriedly said: "Mr. Chen, you misunderstood, I was calling just now..."

The words of the phone did not come out.

He saw a pair of contemptuous eyes.

Everyone saw him as a fool.


He also realized that this was a space ten meters underground.

Here the phone does not have any signal at all.

It's clear.

Calling is rhetoric and not convincing.

"Mulhad, you are really disappointing!" Claude did not hide his anger in his heart: "Mr. Chen and his lover came to the exhibition with you, even if this is the case, you should ensure their safety."

"Instead of being bullied!"

"You can get out, from now on you will be on my blacklist!"

"Mr. Claude, will you please give me a chance?" Murhad's face was full of horror, he regretted it, he should have stepped forward when Xu Qixin was troubled before.

If this is the case, he is bound to be appreciated by Claude.

And not on his blacklist!

Once included in Claude's blacklist, he will not be able to gain a foothold in this circle!

"Get Mulhard out!" Claude was expressionless.

Soon a bodyguard came forward and carried Murhard out of the exhibition hall.

No matter how he shouted, it did not make Claude change his mind.

Then Claude looked at the rich and powerful people present: "Everyone, Mr. Chen Nan is my distinguished guest.

"In the future, in this circle, I hope you can give me Rockefeller Claude a face."

He added his last name.

It's grand.

Willing to pave the way for Chen Nan with the dignity and honor of the Rockefeller family.

The big people present also handed Chen Nan business cards.

Although they didn't know why Chen Nan attracted Claude's attention.

But Claude's face must be given.

"Mr. Chen, you can watch today's exhibition casually, and you can take anything you like." Claude's posture was very low, and Chen Nan saved his life and turned him into a normal person.

Even if all his assets were contributed to him, he would not frown.

If others knew that he had changed from a vampire to an ordinary person, they would definitely scold him for getting water in his head.

After all, mortals only have a few decades of life.

Vampires, on the other hand, can live forever.

But for there is faith.

He who believes in God speaks.

To be a vampire is the greatest blasphemy against God.


Even if he only lives for a few decades, it is not far from betraying his faith.

Chen Nan and Xu looked at it carefully, and finally selected several antiques from the eastern world, two of which were exquisite blue and white porcelain.

There is also a Tang Sancai, as well as two ancient paintings.

These items are very well preserved and were previously bought by Claude at a high price at Sotheby's.

They belong to Bactria Dynasty.


Chen Nan planned to bring them back.

After that, Chen Nan and Xu Qianxin left first.

When he came to the gate of the ancient castle, Chen Nan looked at Claude: "Hurry up and act on your side, I will arrange for someone to accept Liang Zhouding at the airport."

Claude said respectfully: "Mr. Chen, rest assured, I will arrange a vehicle tonight, go through the relevant procedures, and strive to let Liang Zhouding return to Daxia as soon as possible." "

Right now.

A Rolls-Royce Phantom stopped in front of Chen Nan.

Claude reached out to pull the door like a servant.


A white Rolls-Royce appeared in the distance.

Seeing the license plate number, Claude gasped, his eyes full of fear: "It's not good, the prince who bit me is here!"

"As long as he gets close to me, he can sense that the blood spell in my body has been cracked!"

"At that time, he will kill me."

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