See Eden III approaching the castle with his people.

Both the people of the Morgan family.

Or people from the Norton family.

Their eyes all showed shock.

I didn't expect that Aiden III would dare to bring his clansmen here.

You know, the Aiden family is very weak.

People who usually see any of their families behave only promises.

And now.

But they were on their toes, and their eyes were full of disdain.

This made the people of the two major families have a sense of foreboding.

"Aiden III, what do you mean?" Morgan Blair clenched his fists and asked in a low voice.

Aiden III grinned: "Don't pretend, I'm in a showdown." "

Morgan Duncan was killed by me."

"The purpose of this is to provoke a fight between your two families."

"So as to reap the benefits of the fisherman."

"In this way, not only Liang Zhou Ding is mine, but your two families will also be destroyed by me."

"And my Aiden family will become the only blood clan in the Western world." Speaking of this, I laughed.

He had thought of being a fisherman.


Morgan Blair was full of disdain for him, saying that he was timid as a rat.

That's why he confessed to killing Morgan Duncan.

In his opinion, even if he admits it, what is the big deal?

Anyway, the Morgan family and the Norton family are about to be trampled under his feet.

The dying are not worth mentioning.

"Blair, you old puppy, see?"

"It was Aiden III who killed your people."

"It was he who provoked the killing of our two major families!" Norton Scott angrily spewed out a mouthful of blood: "We were tricked by him, he wants to destroy our two families."

Morgan Blair's eyes were full of killing intent: "Aiden III, I underestimated you." Since you dare to kill my Morgan family, then die!" Speaking

of this, he was like a gust of wind, directly killing Aiden III.


He was also injured and could not use his strongest strength at all.

Seeing this, Norton Scott also killed Eden III.

Today's bureau, either kill Aiden III.

Or killed.


He chose to join forces with Morgan Blair.

As for the people of the two major families, they also started killing with the people of the Aiden family.


The Aiden family, the weakest of the three families, showed amazing strength at this moment.

Each of them held a silver knife in his hand.

However, the handle of the knife is made of wood, which can isolate the influence of silver items on the blood clan.


After they raised the knives in their hands.

The Morgan family and the Norton family are not their opponents at all.

Directly killed on the spot.

Morgan Blair and Norton Scott's angry faces turned green.

They didn't expect that the people of the Aiden family would be so despicable that they would kill their clan with silver items.

This vile means was something they did not come up with.

Over time.

People from the two major families fell to the ground one after another.

There was a pungent smell of blood in the air.

Looking at the people of the Aiden family, their faces were full of recovery and they never felt as happy as they are today.

"You can, die."

Aiden III roared angrily, and with both palms out, he blasted Morgan Blair and Norton Henry into the air.

And then.

He took the weapon handed over by his tribesmen.

Step by step, he walked towards the two.

Morgan Blair and Norton Scott felt intense despair and reluctance in their hearts.

I didn't expect to die at the hands of Eden III.

Even now.

They still find it incredible.

Aiden III was clearly a coward.

But why dare to kill Morgan Duncan.

And provoke the fight between the two major families, so as to reap the benefits of the fisherman???

Could it be that he learned the art of war in the Eastern World and thus gained confidence?

"Mr. Blair, Mr. Scott, we are all blood races, and we should support each other and grow together."

"But it's a pity."

"Over the past few thousand years."

"Your two major families have been suppressing my Aiden family."

"Restrict my Aiden family from entering New York."

"It's completely raising my Aiden family as livestock."

"So, don't blame me for destroying your two families." Aiden III stabbed the knife in his hand directly into Norton Scoot's body.


Smoke rose from Norton Scott.

A heart-rending scream also came out of his mouth.

His pupils instantly turned inky black, which was a manifestation of madness.


He felt as if his strength had been drained.


His knife slashed down!

Directly cut open Aiden Scott's abdomen.

Blood and intestines gushed out, looking shocking.


For the blood clan with the ability to recover against the sky.

This injury is not fatal.

Just give them time and say two more days to get back to normal.

Just as Aiden III raised the knife in his hand and prepared to cut off Norton Scot's head.


A hurried sound of horses' hooves came in the night.

Like a war drum.

It makes the heart beat faster and the blood boils.

The sound of horses' hooves is heard.

Aiden III, and all his people, changed their faces.

They thought of the paladins of the Temple of Light.

This is definitely the nemesis of the Bloods.

Morgan Blair laughed maniacally: "Aiden III, even if you kill us today, you will be killed by the paladins of the Temple of Light!" "

The Blood Clan is regarded as a race cursed and abandoned by the gods.

Their greatest natural enemy is the people of the Temple of Light.

Now the Temple of Light has sent paladins.

You can catch them all.

Norton Scott smiled wickedly: "Die, let's die together!" "


A group of knights in silver armor.

Riding a tall horse appeared in the night.

They all wore masks and held blades and shields.

There were only eleven.


They exude a powerful aura.

The knight at the head looked at everyone, and a cold voice came out of his mouth: "The Light Sect has a decree to prohibit blood clans from fighting each other!"

"Whoever dares to disobey, there is no amnesty for killing!"

As soon as the words came out.

The people of the three major blood clans were stunned.

All the time.

The Holy See of Light is suppressing them.


Advise them to stop killing today.

This is something they did not expect.

The next moment.

They seemed to understand the intentions of the Holy See of Light.

If nothing else.

They should want to use the blood clan to restrain the werewolves and thus ensure peace in the Western world.

And once the blood clan is completely destroyed, it will also be a very tricky thing for the Light Sect!

"Norton Scott, hand over Liang Zhouding, that kind of treasure is not something you can touch." Light Knight Hopkin Maxon made a cold voice.

"Yes, I'll let Liang Zhouding out."

It's time.

How dare Norton Scott go against the words of the Knights of Light?

Right at this moment.

Chen Nan was like a heavenly god, slowly descending in the air: "The blood clan can't get involved in Liangzhou Ding, can it be that your Light Temple can get involved?" "

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