George Dennis did not speak.

Instead, he looked calmly at Beirut.

Including several other magicians, and the Golden Knight also looked at Beirut.

Hopkin Maxon asked: "May I ask Mr. Beirut, how many fire magicians are there in the Western cultivation world?" Beirut

: "Only old and old." "

There are few magicians themselves.

To be a believer.

Must have the strength of a high-level magician.



The fire magicians in the Western cultivation world were all disciples of Beirut.

Hopkin Maxon continued: "Since Mr. Beirut admits this, then I want to ask, when did you accept an oriental man as a disciple?"

Beirut frowned: "Old Immortal has only accepted seven disciples in his life, but they are all Westerners.

"You're clearly lying!" Hopkin Maxon shouted angrily, then looked at George Dennis and said, "Lord Sect Leader, last night I was ordered to calm down the direct fight of the Blood Clan and seize Liangzhou Ding by the way!"

"At a critical moment, kill a fire magician."

"Who is that not Mr. Beirut's apprentice?"

Beirut got up angrily: "Just because the other party can fire magic, you want to plant the old man?"

Hopkin Maxon: "Magic must have a teacher, and since that person has mastered the fire mage, there must be a teacher to teach." Could it be that he can learn without a teacher?

Beirut snorted angrily, he looked at George Dennis, his face full of humiliation: "Lord Sect Leader, I, Beirut, am loyal to the Light Church, and please seek justice for the old age!"

George Dennis looked at Hopkin Maxon: "What else did the man say?"

He agrees with Hopkin Maxon.

After all, magic has a heritage.

If you want to become a magician, you need to be taught by famous teachers.


He did not doubt Beirut's loyalty.

Hopkin Maxon gritted his teeth and said, "This person not only killed ten knights of light under his subordinates.

"He even said wildly, asking me to look for Yongzhou Ding and Jizhou Ding."

"And half a month later, let the cultivators of the Western World send Sanding back to the Eastern World."

"Otherwise, raze the Holy See of Light to the ground."

As soon as the words came out.

There was a burst of angry cursing in the main hall.

"A child in the Eastern World doesn't put my Light Sect in his eyes, this kind of person should let him go to Hades!"

"Lord Sect Leader, I am willing to kill this person and let him know how powerful I am in the Western cultivation world!"

"Destroy my Holy See? Shameless, did he think he was God? "

These experts of the Light Sect were all enraged.

You must know that the Holy See of Light has existed for thousands of years.

Always above all living beings.

Now despised by an Oriental, can they not be angry?

George Dennis's eyes were full of killing intent: "How is that guy's strength?"

Hopkin Maxon said sadly: "This person snapped his fingers, and a lot of fire fell in the air, and my people couldn't resist it at all, and they died in an instant!"

Everyone's faces changed drastically.

It seems that he didn't expect Chen Nan's strength to be so strong.

Beirut asked, "Did he ever chant a spell?"

Hopkin Maxon: "No!

Beirut sneered: "Oh, my dear Mr. Hopkin Maxon, you must have water in your head." And it is smelly water, swill, sewage, otherwise he would not have framed the old man for accepting an oriental disciple.

Hopkin Maxon was furious.

Beirut also laughed angrily: "Old Immortal is only a high-level magician, and he must silently chant spells before casting magic." And the person you are talking about can cast magic without chanting a spell, which is the ability of a holy domain magician!

"You don't want to say that a high-level magician of mine has taught a Saint Domain powerhouse, right?"

"It's not that the head is in the water, and what is it?"

Speaking of this, his tone suddenly became cold.

There is a strong anger.

Hopkin Maxon's mouth opened wide.

He was angry and was told that his head was in water.

But now.

I don't know how to refute it.

As Beirut says, magic takes a long time to accumulate.

A high-level magician can't teach a holy domain magician at all.


He was upset that Beirut scolded him for having his head in the water.

He asked a question that left Beirut speechless: "Even if he is not your apprentice, is that your master?" "

A high-level magician can't teach a Saint Domain powerhouse."

"But the Saint Domain powerhouse can teach a high-level magician!"

Beirut's face is green!

This question is too sharp!

Leave him speechless.


High-level magicians can't teach Saint Domain powerhouses.

But the Holy Domain Magician can teach high-level magicians.

This moment.

He felt that Chen Nan seemed to be his master...

"Stop arguing!" George Dennis's voice sounded: "I believe in Beirut's loyalty to the Holy See of Light, and he will not betray the Holy See of Light."

"As for the guy named Chen Nan..."


A disciple of the Bright Sect respectfully walked into the main hall and said, "Lord Sect Master, the Blood Clan sent someone to send Liang Zhou Ding over. "




Everyone frowned in unison.

Obviously, he didn't expect that Liang Zhouding could return to the Bright Church.

"What did they say?" George Dennis frowned.

The disciple said respectfully: "Liang Zhou Ding was sent by Chen Nan, but Chen Nan did not say anything else.

The golden knight spoke: "Could it be that Chen Nan knows that Yongzhou Ding and Jizhou Ding are in my Bright Sect?"

They recalled what Chen Nan had said before.

Half a month later, let the powerhouse of the Western cultivation world send Sanding back to the Eastern World.

George Dennis snorted heavily: "This son is really too arrogant, if I don't kill him, what will be the face of my Bright Church?" "

Lord Sect Leader, I am willing to capture Chen Nan alive and put him on trial!"

An old man in a white magic robe took the initiative to ask.

His name is Thomas Yale.

He is a water system holy domain magician.

In terms of strength, it is far above Beirut.

George Dennis nodded slightly: "Water and fire are incompatible, if you make a move, you can completely defeat that guy named Chen Nan." "

Speaking of which.

He looked at the young man of the Bright Church: "Investigate Chen Nan's entry records, see who he came to Country M with, and find out his purpose in coming to the Western World."

"The important thing is to find out where he is."



the small town of Flint.

After breakfast.

Chen Nan returned to the Norton family's castle.

Of course.

This time I came to the Norton family to find fault.

Instead, I borrowed a convertible.

Then Chen Nan drove Xu Qianxin towards Los Angeles, 4,500 kilometers away!

There are two reasons why I didn't fly.

One, driving with the beloved woman, this is a very romantic thing.

You can see a lot of great scenery and eat a lot of food.

Second, let the Holy See of Light know where he is going.

Thus sending people to stop themselves.

And what he has to do.

It is to smash the power of the Light Sect little by little, so that they know their strength.

Only in this way, after half a month, they would willingly lead the powerhouses of the Western cultivation world and send Sanding back to the Eastern World.

Just before Chen Nan took Xu Qianxin's front foot and left.

The Holy See of Light also learned where he went.

Immediately sent Thomas Yale, a magician of the Water System Holy Domain, to suppress Chen Nan...

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