Urban God-Level Tall, Rich And Handsome

Chapter 133 Iron Man's Armor 【Subscribe! Please Customize! 】

"Ding! The host can spend 58888 Shenhao points to exchange for Mark III Iron Man's armor"

【Mark III Iron Man Armor】

Function: A set of high-tech armor made and worn by the protagonist Tony Stark in the movie world "Iron Man"!

"Exchange it for me! It's important to save people." Lin Luo didn't care how much God Points he spent, after so long live broadcast, his God Points had already reached more than 500,000 God Points.

58888 points were spent by Shenhao all at once, and Lin Luo didn't have time for pain.

"Ding! The exchange was successful."

As the system's notification sounded, a box "Zero Two Three" appeared in Lin Luo's hand.

Lin Luo looked at the box with some surprise, it was smaller than the armored box inside Iron Man.

"How to use it?" Lin Luo asked the system suspiciously.

"Just press the button in the middle of the Mark 3 box!" The voice of the system rang in Lin Luo's ears.


Lin Luo pressed the button in the middle of the box with his fingers, the box became bigger, and a bunch of mechanical devices appeared inside, and there was a place for feet. Lin Luo tried to stand on it.

A set of golden-red steel armor appeared, and armed Lin Luo from bottom to top.

Within a few seconds, Lin Luo appeared at the door of the villa wearing a mighty and domineering golden-red armor.

"Welcome the master to use the Iron Armor Mark III, the artificial intelligence Ashe, is serving you!"

A mechanical loli sound sounded... It was Ashe again, but Lin Luo didn't care. Using Iron Man's mask, Lin Luo saw his mechanized hand, which was covered with red steel gloves, but he couldn't feel the weight at all. , Lin Luo lay in the steel armored Mark III, feeling very comfortable.

Lin Luo tried to take two steps, the movements fit well, and he did whatever he wanted, and the armor followed Lin Luo's body.

Lin Luo admired that the designer of the movie "Iron Man" in his previous life had such a big brain.

But sigh, just sigh, but time is urgent, Lin Luo is not studying this armor, and he is slowly researching it when he has time.

Ask the system to input the location into the Iron Armor Mark III, and then I hear Ashe's voice.

"Start the navigation system, target positioning, Earth, China, Taiwan, Jilong City, Chenguang Hospital, general ward 3601!"

Lin Luo was inside the armor and could see clearly. Ashe sent a message and connected to the earth's satellite.

The triangular light in the center of the steel armor Mark III worn by Lin Luo lit up, and the steel armor was officially activated.

"Ash, let's go." Lin Luo said with a smile.

"The flight system is activated!" Ashe's voice sounded.


After the flight mode of the Iron Armor Mark III was turned on, Lin Luo controlled the armor and flew out like a missile.

Since it was Lin Luo's first time to control the steel armored Mark III, several stones in front of the villa were shattered.

The voice was so loud that the Demon King and Yan Sheng who were in the live broadcast hurried out to check it out!

Lin Luo asked Ai Xi to send a message to their mobile phones, and the two of them went back to live broadcast.


The speed of the steel armored Mark III was a little faster than that of a supersonic aircraft, and Lin Luo almost couldn't control it. Fortunately, Ai Xi immediately helped and stabilized the armor.

The steel armored Mark III took off from the villa, and suddenly appeared in the sky above Modu.

The citizens of Shanghai looked at the golden-red figure flashing across the sky in shock, especially when they heard a "boom!" within a few miles of Lin Luo's villa area...

Looking up, I saw a golden-red figure rising into the sky. The speed couldn't be caught by the naked eye, and every citizen was stunned.

Wei Junzhi is a photographer. Although his name is a bit funny and a hypocrite, none of his colleagues dare to laugh at him. There is no other reason. His photography skills are among the best in the industry, except for some old masters. Basically no one can beat him for mobile photography.

It happened that he lived in the villa area where Lin Luo lived. Wei Junzhi was taking pictures of the flowing clouds in the sky, and happened to take a video of Lin Luo wearing a steel armored Mark III flying over Shanghai

Although it was only a few seconds, Wei Junzhi was astonished. He knew that this thing had no special effects and no PS video.

He tremblingly posted the video on his personal Weibo homepage. As a master in the industry, Wei Junzhi's fans also had hundreds of thousands of followers.

The uploading progress bar is loading, 1%...35%...861.6%...99%. Under Wei Junzhi's excited eyes, this ultra-clear video of more than 100M uploading.


The sound of uploading successfully sounded, Wei Junzhi was overjoyed, and attached a line of words at the bottom of Weibo.

"When shooting Liuyun, a golden-red figure appeared in the camera by accident. It was so fast that I only took a picture for 3 seconds. I hope professionals can analyze what the golden-red figure is (Note: This video No special effects, no PS, if you do the above, you will die!)”

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