Urban God-Level Tall, Rich And Handsome

Chapter 238: My Opening Method Must Be Wrong

"Then why don't you exchange that 88 elixir for me?!" Lin Luo almost roared out this sentence.

Lin Luo feels that his heart hurts, a problem that can be solved with 88 God Points, he spent a full 980,000 God Points

More than 10,000 times the magnification.

"You said to choose the most expensive..." the system said innocently.


It seems that I really said that when I was anxious at the beginning, but I didn't know there were such expensive things at the time...

Fortunately, what comforts Lin Luo is that no matter what the disease is, God-level medicine has a cure, and that set of silver needles can also be used as a weapon.

Although these 24 are useless

Lin Luo was unable to complain about the system again.

Somewhat helplessly, Lin Luo smoked a cigarette, but what Lin Luo smoked was not the kind of cigarettes worth tens of thousands, but the low-quality cigarettes that he bought casually on the roadside.

To be honest, there are many cigarettes given to him in Lin Luo's bedroom, such as Red River Road, Yellow Crane Tower limited edition [even the special edition of the ten heaviest giant pandas.

But Lin Luo still likes the smell of this cigarette, maybe he has been smoking it for several years, and he can't change it.

There was a puff of mist, and curls of white smoke drifted in the villa.

After smoking three cigarettes in a row, Lin Luo's mood eased a bit.

The whole person felt refreshed, it was eleven o'clock in the noon, Lin Luo opened his Weibo, and prepared to do a wave of publicity for Chen Yifa.

Go to Weibo at one point, countless private messages appear, and there are many Weibo of Ai Chi's fans.

As for private messages, there are at least hundreds of thousands of them, and it is impossible to reply all of them. It is impossible in this life. Lin Luo replied two or three Weibo messages casually.

When Lin Luo saw Weibo on the third day, his face froze. This is a screenshot of his 10th anniversary of joining Douyu, which perfectly captures his handsome appearance.

The angle is just right, at least Lin Luo thinks so.

After looking at the photo for a few seconds, a sentence popped out of my mouth.

"Handsome, how can you be so handsome if you're so fucking handsome."

Lin Luo couldn't help but took a photo of himself with his mobile phone and posted it on Weibo. It is worthy of the mobile phone of the future, and the pixels are really good.

It fully shows Lin Luo's handsomeness.

Lin Luo also attached a paragraph below the photo.

"Today I saw a handsome man, his handsomeness made me restless for a long time, I wanted to have sex with him so handsome, I looked at him affectionately, and felt that the only thing left in this world was me and him

It's like falling in love at first sight, time seems to have stopped, I was thinking, why is there such a person in this world!

Finally... my hands were tired, so I felt relieved of the mirror in my hand. "

As soon as Lin Luo posted it, there were more than 10 billion people in China, and his Weibo followers reached 1.5 billion.

Just a light refresh, there are hundreds of thousands of low comments, close to one million.

The corner of Lin Luo's mouth twitched, his Weibo hasn't been updated for more than ten days, could it be that they have been staring at their Weibo... how idle are these people?

With a painful mentality, Lin Luo began to look at the densely packed comment area.

"Fuck, Luohuang has updated Weibo, don't care what he says, occupy the front row on the first floor and talk about it, I'll be popular~"

*233333, this wave of operations by Luohuang, Xiu, Tianxiu, Chen Duxiu, Dihua Zhixiu, Fortune Zhongshenxiu, Desperate Saburo Shixiu, Victoria Underwear Show.

"Student Chen Duxiu, please sit down. Do you know that you hurt me and sprayed water on the computer star screen."

"666666, the first time I saw this Weibo post, I thought Luo Huang had become a gay man, but I found out later that this is another shameless person who was caught off guard."

"Such a handsome Luohuang must be a girl. Only a girl can be so handsome in men's clothing, yes."

"Damn, what are my hands doing, why I can't help it, I can't control myself, I was actually bent by a man... 400"

"I've now discovered that boys are true love. Do you think that a boy as handsome as Luo Huang is true love?"

"MMP, I actually looked at Luo Huang's photo. Shameless Shi Geng, it must be because I opened it in the wrong way. No, I have to re-enter Weibo."

Lin Luo was just about to brag to them, but suddenly remembered that he seemed to be posting on Weibo to promote Chen Yi......

Quickly sent another Weibo.

"Give me a face, open the Douyu live broadcast at 12:00 noon, room number 012138, my cousin Chen Yifa wants to live broadcast, if I can't reach the Luo family army, I will drag them out and chop them up!!!"

Weibo is low, and it is all over the place.

"12:01 noon 012138 live broadcast room, we must go." "Looking forward to the live broadcast of my cousin. "Is my cousin beautiful?" "Luohuang's cousin actually wants to live broadcast" and other words.

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