Urban God-Level Tall, Rich And Handsome

Chapter 314 You Just Agree!

Hong Zuxian took Lin Luo to the side and said quietly. "Da...

"Just agree!" Hong Zuxian said coquettishly.

"Hey, get in the car.

"Do you live near here? Which one? We'll take you home."

"This..." Li Ruotong hesitated a little, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Get in the car, or what if we meet bad guys again later?" Hong Zuxian's words reminded Li Ruotong. "That will trouble you." Li Ruotong did not refuse Lin Luo's kindness.

After all, she didn't know if the two men just now would be so bold that they called more people over to take revenge. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, it's better to leave as soon as possible.

Li Ruotong pointed the way to Lin Luo, and Lin Luo drove the Budiga Veyron in the direction Li Ruotong pointed.

About ten minutes later, Li Ruotong stopped in front of a dilapidated house, which looked worse than the most dilapidated slums, but even though it was dilapidated, it was still very tidy.

Lin Luo found it unbelievable that there are such crappy houses in this world, no wonder Li Ruotong hesitated when he said he wanted to send her home.

"You live here?"

"Yes." Li Ruotong nodded.

"I'm really sorry, although this place is a bit dilapidated, if you don't mind, why don't you go in and have a seat?"

When Li Ruotong said this, his expression was open and frank, without any inferiority complex. The reason why he felt unnatural was because Lin Luo and Hong Zuxian were dressed in noble clothes, which were incompatible with the environment here.

Lin Luo and Hong Zuxian naturally felt it too.

"good". "

A look of surprise flashed across Li Ruotong's face. She was just out of politeness, and she was already prepared in her heart to be rejected by them. At the same time, she felt warm in her heart. These two are really good people.

This place is like an unfinished building that has not been demolished. There are very few people living here. Friends who met Li Ruotong before, when they saw these places, they immediately found reasons to shirk, and finally broke up with Li Ruotong. got in touch.

Li Ruotong's mood immediately improved due to being harassed by the two gangsters, and gradually he took the initiative to chat with Lin Luo and Hong Zuxian.

Only then did Lin Luo know the full version of the story he heard from the crew.

Li Ruotong's opera troupe is called Lanhua Opera Troupe, which is mainly based on opera sketches and juggling. Under the step-by-step leadership of the veteran troupe, it has gradually become international and has a strong reputation in China.

Originally, I thought that the troupe's journey would be easier. After all, they have worked hard for many years, and their hard work has finally paid off.

But the good times don't last long, and with a big reputation, there will naturally be people who are jealous, and in the face of interests, there will naturally be some strange things that don't look good to others.

Jiang Li, an old man from the Lanhua Opera Troupe, came out to work alone, and brought his troupe dream to venture into the rivers and lakes. In the process, he also met partners from all corners of the country.

Among them is a fellow of Jiang Li. As the saying goes, when a fellow sees a fellow, his eyes are full of tears. Naturally, this fellow Li Hua became Jiang Li's friend who talked about everything. After getting to know each other, Jiang Li found that Li Hua and him had similar tastes and even similar ideals.

Originally, Jiang Li wanted Li Hua to work hard with him, but Li Hua was arrogant and said that he didn't want to stay in other people's troupe and listen to others' instructions, and politely rejected Jiang Li's invitation.

The two parted ways with their ideals, and gradually became one of the most famous troupes in the troupe world.

If it really needs to be subdivided, the Lanhua Troupe is slightly better, perhaps because of Jiang Li's down-to-earth attitude.

Seeing the prosperity of his old friend's theater troupe, Li Hua's heart was in trouble. The fuse of this farce was the invitation of the Sidney Opera House.

The invitation of the Sidney Opera House can be described as a big event in the West China theater circle.

And this performance at the Sidney Opera House was the starting point for the Lanhua Troupe to fall into hell in an instant.

The performance at the Sydney Opera House was very successful, but just one month later, rumors came from unknown sources, saying that the Sydney Opera House originally planned to invite the Lanhua Opera Troupe and the Blue Bird Opera Troupe under Li Hua's school to perform on the same stage. But the Lanhua Opera Troupe cut off the invitation of the Blue Bird Opera Troupe because of their connections.

The Lanhua Troupe, which had attracted much attention, was pushed to the tip of the fishing boat.

People who are familiar with this troupe, of course chose to believe, but there are also doubting and hostile parties.

Maybe someone is behind the scenes, Lanhua Opera (Zhao Qianhao) troupe was exposed a lot of negative and false news. The rumors were terrible, the cooperation and performance opportunities of the Lanhua Troupe were cut in half in an instant, and the troupe began to disintegrate.

After Li Ruotong finished speaking, he sighed deeply, with tears in his eyes.

Hong Zuxian looked at her with pity in his eyes and anger on his face at the same time:~ These ignorant people are really too much. "

"Ding dong, system task: help the Lanhua Troupe out of the siege."

The long-lost system sound appeared in Lin Luo's mind.

Lin Luo was stunned. Since returning from Myanmar, the system seems to have disappeared, and no tasks have been released. What is the situation now?

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