Urban God-Level Tall, Rich And Handsome

Chapter 330 The Stupid Dog Of The Island Country

Watching his companion cut open his stomach with his own hands, the man passed out immediately, and his intestines flowed out of his stomach!

The man who fainted fell down immediately, and his stomach left the knife immediately.

After seeing his companion's stomach being thrown away, the man's desire for revenge became more serious at the moment. Then he ignored his companion and stabbed Lin Luo again.

But Lin Luo is not so easy to bully, I saw him turn sideways, and then directly dodged the Daoguo knife.

Then, without any accident, the knife "Nine Six Seven" of this stupid island man swam towards his companion's belly again, because he didn't realize that there was someone behind Lin Luo at all.

The man who was stabbed spit out a mouthful of blood, and then fell to the ground.


After seeing that he stabbed another companion, the man from the island country wanted to kill Lin Luo immediately. In his opinion, Lin Luo did all of this, and if it wasn't for Lin Luo, he wouldn't have stabbed him for no reason. to his companions.

Then he drew the knife again, but this time he was smarter. When he stabbed Lin Luo with the knife, he directly controlled his own strength. He didn't use too much force, for fear that he might hurt himself accidentally. Companion's.

However, Lin Luo doesn't make it so easy for him to follow his own ideas.

Then, after the man from the island country stabbed him with a knife, Lin Luo turned sideways again and dodged away.

After the man from the island country saw this scene, he silently rejoiced in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't use all his strength just now, otherwise he would accidentally injure his teammates by waiting.

But who is Lin Luo? Immediately, after Lin Luo dodged the man's knife, he immediately grabbed the hand of the island man holding the knife with his hand, and slapped him directly, giving the man a smooth push force,.


Another one, this island man stabbed one of his companions again.


This man is going crazy, seeing that he didn't even touch a hair on the opponent, but he has accidentally injured three of his teammates, this man from the island country is going crazy

Immediately afterwards, he drew out his samurai sword again, ready to slash at Lin Luo again.

After the teammate next to him saw him holding the knife again, he turned around 180 degrees and fled immediately, keeping a distance of at least three meters from him.

After seeing these people retreating, Lin Luo felt that it was meaningless, "Aren't these islanders so funny, this one is too good? This seems to be different from their style just now? Didn't they just return?" Are you arrogant?

329. See if you dare

Lin Luo is really speechless to this group of people. Is this the island spirit that their country has been promoting?

After seeing this man coming with a knife, and there was no one around him to play with, Lin Luo gave up immediately.

He didn't know how to get out of the way, it seemed like a split second, and then with a backhand, he directly grabbed the island man's knife, and then a handsome arc left a beautiful line in the sky bloody rainbow.


Now it was finally my turn. This man from the island country directly suffered the tragic experience of having his throat cut, and the moment he grabbed his neck, he fell down, twitching on the ground...

"Baga! Are you all a bunch of trash?"

After seeing his subordinates fall down one after another, Qianben became angry and ashamed, and directly took out a pistol from his waist.

"Hehe, these people are all carrying pistols, as expected, don't these people know that guns are banned in China? It seems that I can do it with confidence this time. Pleading guilty to possession of illegal firearms is enough to get them the death penalty!"

Lin Luo thought in his heart, aren't these people too bold? They really regard this place as their own island country. Look at them.

"Why are you still standing there? Take out your things! You don't need to keep him alive today, since he won't surrender, just kill him!"

After Qianben saw that Lin Luo was a difficult character to deal with, he adopted the idea of ​​killing Lin Luo with a gun without hesitation.

After seeing their boss pull out a gun, the stupid dogs of these island countries couldn't bear it anymore, and directly took out all 3.9 guns from their waists and pointed them at Lin Luo.

"Haha~ Lin Luo, weren't you awesome just now? Then you pull me now! I want to see if it's your gun that is faster or my gun that is better than me."

With a pistol in his hand, Qianben's waist straightened a lot, after all, he has lived for so long and has never seen anyone who can dodge the gun in his hand!

"Really? Then you can try it! Let's see who wants to fall." Lin Luo said rather jokingly.

After being strengthened by Bloody Mary many times, his body can already resist the pistol.

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