When he arrived at the entrance of the hospital, Lin Luo saw a group of people surrounding a car, but he didn't know what kind of car it was.

But Lin Luo is a bit disdainful, he doesn't get too proud of his limited-edition sports cars in the world, Lin Luo thinks there is nothing wrong with these little gadgets!

Lin Luo looked at his body, and felt that this was just a little bit longer, and he could see that there was nothing strange about this!

But people are still pointing fingers here.

When he left the gate of the hospital, Mr. Wang walked straight to the side of the car, and then the subordinate next to him walked over immediately.

"Wow! Take a look! Hongqi brand extended version of the car! Have you seen it? Have you seen it!"

"Awesome! Whose is this? Could it be that someone from above came here to inspect it?"

"Wow! How big is the official position to be able to sit in this awesome car? If I can sit in it once, then I will die without regret 383!"

The people next to me kept talking, and they kept talking and pointing at the car, as if the car was pretty awesome.

However, anyone who has been familiar with it knows that no matter which model of this Hongqi brand car it is, it is very powerful. No matter who you are, as long as you own such a car, it proves that your status is very extraordinary.

Then when I saw this kind of car in such a small place, I couldn't let them point and point here.

Even some of them are still questioning here, could this car come from a licensed car, and it is not someone from above, because how could the people from above come to such a small place?

"Give way! Please everyone! Make way!"

After receiving Wang Lao's order, his subordinates ran up immediately, forming a human wall automatically, opening a path for Wang Lao to come over.

"Mr. Lin! Please!"

After his subordinates opened a road and came out, Wang Lao made a gesture of invitation to Lin Luo, with the intention of letting Lin Luo get in the car.

"Okay! Please go ahead, old man!"

Seeing Mr. Wang's polite appearance, Lin Luo felt a little embarrassed. He didn't know what to do, so he became very polite and helped Mr. Wang get into the car.

"It's out, it's out! It's really magnificent! It's no wonder that you are a person who rides in this class of car!"

"Yes, yes! It's really awesome!"

"Who said that this car is a counterfeit car just now! Fortunately, no one heard it! Otherwise, he would have a hard time."

After seeing Lin Luo and the others coming, these people immediately became excited again, because the scene was so spectacular.

On the scene, Lin Luo and the others formed a human wall surrounded by eight very tall people over 1.8 meters tall, opening a way for Lin Luo and the others to come out.

And they looked at Mr. Wang, who was wearing a typical Chinese tunic suit. This kind of clothes is not worn by ordinary people. Only very special people will often wear it. It can be seen that this suit (aeej) is not suitable for wearing. Simple.

"Come on, come on, old sir! Be careful!"

Lin Luo supported Mr. Wang, and under the attention of everyone, he slowly walked onto the red flag car.

When Lin Luo went in, he saw everything inside and felt a little strange.

Because the things in the car seem to be completely inconsistent with this car, and they are a bit out of place.

There was nothing in the RV except for the seats, including the desks which were not empty at all.

Most people usually have some relatively high-end drinks when they take this kind of car, but there are none, and there are no decorations in this car.

"Old man, be careful!"

Lin Luo doesn't care about these things, he feels that if Mr. Wang doesn't say anything, then he doesn't need to ask these things, it will be a bit impolite!

"Okay! Thank you, Mr. Lin Luo! You make me feel embarrassed, Mr. Lin Luo! Originally, you were invited by me to treat my granddaughter, but you have been so polite and caring to me along the way. I am very sorry!"

Seeing Lin Luo's enthusiastic appearance, Mr. Wang was a little embarrassed. He didn't expect that Lin Luo was so approachable.

Wang Lao felt that for a person like Lin Luo who possesses such superb medical skills, ordinary people would be a little airy, but this time today, he was wrong, really wrong, he did not expect that Lin Luo Luo Hui is so approachable.

Mr. Wang felt that maybe he had found too many highly skilled doctors in the past few years, and he had already gotten used to their airs.

"Old man, you are too polite! You will make me very uncomfortable! And if you don't call me Mr. Lin Luo again! After all, I am younger than you! I feel very sorry to call me Mr. Or call me Xiao Lin or Xiao Luo! Old Mister!"

Lin Luo didn't know how to deal with such a polite old gentleman. He felt that his age was indeed younger than this old gentleman, and it would be a bit awkward if he kept calling himself Mr. Lin Luo.

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