But what made Lin Luo very strange was that he couldn't feel Tian Song's pulse, but in Lin Luo's opinion, this was also very normal.

Tian Song has long been obese to this point, maybe her pulse has been covered by her flesh, and it is very normal that she can't feel it.

Perhaps it can only be explored through other methods, whether there is a way to find out the principle of this disease.

After Lin Luo touched Tian Song's pulse, he immediately retreated, then shook his head with a very serious expression.

"I can't feel her pulse at all, let alone see her doctor through the pulse. It seems that I can only find other ways to see if I can find out where her illness is?"

After Lin Luo exited, he quickly took a deep breath of air, because he was holding his breath just now to check Tian Song's pulse.

"Then do you have any other ways to help me treat her? Xiao Lin, I beg you, please help me!"

After hearing Lin Luo's words, Mr. Wang felt very anxious. He had already put everything on Lin Luo. He thought that Lin Luo would help him this time. After hearing Lin Luo's words After saying those words, Elder Wang felt very disappointed.

"I beg you, help me! Kobayashi, save my granddaughter! Do you have any other way? Help me treat her? She is my only family member here, I can't let Does she have any problems!"

Elder Wang felt very helpless, and he didn't know what to do. His mood at this moment seemed to have fallen from the sky to the ground, plummeting.

So Wang Lao's tears kept shining in his eyes, but he never (aeee) shed them, maybe this is the strength of his family! But Lin Luo looked at her helpless eyes, he didn't know What should I do.

In fact, Lin Luo also wanted to help Mr. Wang, but he didn't know how to grasp Tian Song's pulse, so he didn't know how to help him.

"Don't worry, Grandpa Wang, let me think about whether I can find out the cause of his illness from other places? Don't worry, I will definitely cure her. I guarantee it with my personality."

Seeing the helpless look in Wang Lao's eyes, Lin Luo had no choice but to stabilize him temporarily, not to make him feel too sad.

Then Lin Luo took a quick breath and moved forward, trying to see the principle of Tian Song's illness from other places.

Lingluo was first observed from Tian Song's head. However, apart from excessive fat, Lin Luo couldn't see anything wrong, so he ruled out the problem of the head first.

As for the body part, Lin Luo knew that men and women could not get close, and because Mr. Wang was here, Lin Luo was embarrassed to take off Tian Song's clothes to observe the reason for her body part.

However, from Lin Luo's appearance, he thinks that there should be no big problem with his body. If there is a problem, it will be partly swollen at most. He couldn't move, and he had a constant stench.

So Lin Luo had no choice but to give up the way of observation. He felt that he couldn't find any faults in this way.

"Xiaolin! Is there really no other way to save her? My granddaughter, you are really pitiful."

When Wang Lao saw that Lin Luo had stepped down again, he knew that there was no play, otherwise Lin Luo would not have stepped down so quickly without saying a word.

"Grandpa Wang, don't worry, first let me think about it and see if I can find it in other ways. These are just two of them. A real good doctor can be seen in many ways. Where is the patient's pathogen, you can rest assured! I will definitely find him."

Lin Luo couldn't bear to see Mr. Wang so depressed, so he had to pretend to be very powerful to comfort Mr. Wang.

In fact, he was not very sure whether he could cure the disease, so Lin Luo kept wandering here.

"What to do, what to do~ What to do here!"

This is the only thought in Lin Luo's mind now, what should I do? How can I cure this woman's illness?

I saw Ling Luo wandering around in this room. At this moment, he had already forgotten the smell of this room, and the only thing left was to think deeply.

"You can try the resurrection medicine!"

Just when Lin Luo felt very helpless, suddenly this voice came from his ear.

"The system is talking? Is the system prompting me?"

After hearing this voice, Lin Luo was a little strange at first, Mr. Wang didn't seem to speak, and why is this voice so familiar?

Only later did he realize that the voice was systematic, and that he hadn't told Mr. Wang, otherwise he would have exposed his secret.

"Rejuvenation medicine? Is it the two before?"

After hearing the sound of the system, Lin Luo was still a little confused. He didn't know if it was the two pills before.


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