"Hey! Anyway! I still want to thank you first!"

Tian Song touched his head in embarrassment, and said to Lin Luo.

"Okay, I got it, you should hurry up and take a shower first! Look at your stink, don't let others dare to approach you!"

Lin Luo reprimanded Tian Songdao, and it is true that she smells all over her body, and it is really difficult for others to get close to her.

"That's right! Xiaosong, you go take a shower first!"

After hearing Lin Luo's words, Mr. Wang realized that Tian Song should go over and take a bath first, otherwise it would not make sense to continue like this.

"Okay! Then I'll take a shower first! Grandpa!"

After hearing Lin Luo and Wang Lao's words, Xiao Song ran out bouncing around, but Lin Luo could tell that many things about this girl had changed in bed for so many years.

Even the way she walked changed.

"Hey! Mr. Wang.....Who is that girl who just walked past? She doesn't know how to wear young lady's clothes!"

Just when Tian Song ran out, he happened to bump into the nanny who served her, but she didn't say hello to her.

Seeing the girl in front of her was quite familiar, but she just didn't know who she was, the nanny looked confused, she couldn't believe that anyone would be willing to wear this fat woman's clothes.

So the nanny couldn't help her curiosity, so she couldn't help going over to ask Mr. Wang.

"Oh! Xiao Li! You came just in time! This girl is Xiao Song! Her illness has been cured"!"


This nanny named Xiao Li couldn't believe that the woman he just passed by was actually the lady he had served for many years.

It's hard for anyone to believe that it's been less than four hours since the nanny left Tian Song. Four hours ago, Tian Song was a very fat girl, but she didn't expect that this woman would be so fat now. It has become so thin, and it is still a bit good-looking.

"That's right, Xiao Li! You read that right, this is from your lady!"

Old Wang said with a smile.

Now Xiao Li's nanny began to worry, because his attitude towards Tian Song was not very good. He usually treated Tian Song with cold eyes or punched and kicked her.

In order not to worry Mrs. Wang, Tian Song endured it silently for so many years, swallowing all the bitterness and oil into her stomach silently.

So after Tian Song got well this time, the nanny became nervous. She was afraid that she would lose her job.

"Then... my lord! What about the soup?""

At first, when the nanny named Xiao Li was still in a daze, she immediately returned to her original appearance and said to Wang Lao.

"Haha...Xiao Li! Miss went to take a bath! This meal! You don't have to send it to her room every day from now on!"

Mr. Wang smiled, he understood Xiao Li's surprise, "It was very difficult for him to recover from this incident just now.

"Okay! Master! I'll take the soup back and heat it up first! Let's eat it after the lady comes out of the shower!"

After the nanny heard Wang Lao's order, she had no choice but to follow.

"Yeah... Oh! That's right! Xiao Li! You can go to the housekeeper to get your salary today! From tomorrow onwards, the lady will not need your service!"

Suddenly Wang Lao remembered, he said to the nanny.

"Old Wang! This... did I do something wrong?"

After hearing Wang Lao's words, the nanny immediately became anxious, she knew that her moment was finally coming.

"`~No! Xiao Li! Miss, she has regained her mobility! Some things have to be done by herself! There is no need for servants to do it. So you should find another family!"

Mr. Wang knew that his family had always been frugal, so now that Tian Song was healed, he felt that there was no need to hire a nanny to prevent violating the ancestral precepts.


Originally, the nanny wanted to continue to refute, but when she thought of her usual attitude towards Tian Song, she thought it would be better for her to go.

"Okay! Then Mr. Wang, I'll go clean up now..."

The nanny is cured, and if I leave voluntarily, there will still be part of the liquidated damages, but if I am fired by Xiaoqing at that time (is it okay), then there may be no liquidated damages.

So the nanny agreed, anyway, the salary I get now is three times that of others, if I add liquidated damages, the liquidated damages for two months is equivalent to half a year’s salary of others, so this nanny is still very acquainted.

So after she finished putting away her things, she immediately went to get the money and leave, to prevent Tian Song from coming out and giving her a fatal blow.

Seeing so many people in Tian Song's house, the nanny didn't dare to act recklessly for a while, so she could only sneak away, so as not to leave any bad phenomena to embarrass herself... ․

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