Urban God-Level Tall, Rich And Handsome

Chapter 431 Huang Ruotong's Invitation

"beep beep"

Lin Luo returned home after the entanglement during the day, covered his head and fell asleep, and he didn't know how long it had been.

He only heard the ringing of the phone on the desktop, like a ripple in the air, saying that he had a few chamber pots, and instantly got into his earphones, which made her, who was still asleep, startled in an instant.

The past career has made Lin Luo develop a cautious habit. Even in a deep sleep, a mosquito flies by next to everyone, even if it is nimble and light-footed, a kitten stays by the side He can hear it clearly, not to mention the beautiful ringtone...

"Huh! Huang Ruotong? What is this chick doing on the phone? This is that girl, why don't you let her sleep!"

Lin Luo saw the phone number that appeared on the caller ID, and kept asking himself a question mark in his heart, thinking, why is it so important for Dong Ruotong to call at this point in time?

However, he still picked up the phone without any hesitation.

"Lin Luo233, the activity (Run! Brother) that we will start the day after tomorrow is quite interesting, are you ready?"

As soon as the phone was picked up, the other end, through the weak electric sound, instantly played a sweeter tone.

Huang Ruotong obviously seized this opportunity. After all, the agreement between the two has passed for a long time. That box, this plan has not been held in Shanghai for a long time.

Moreover, Wang Ruotong also knew that it was impossible for him to accompany him to other places to participate in this activity without any major matters.

Therefore, seeing this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity right in front of her eyes, she didn't want to let it slip away.


"I'll sleep for a while, let's talk about it later. I went shopping in the mall today, and I'm really tired!" (aefg) However, Huang Ruotong didn't expect that in his expectant tone, he waited for Lin Luo to be so contemptuous. Answer, upon hearing the latter, the interpreter was in a deep sleep, with that confused tone, Wang Ruotong knew that this guy hadn't woken up yet.

"Still sleeping, do you know that it's already the next night..."

Huang Ruotong couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable for being shy and expecting this.

After all, no matter how you say it, she can be regarded as a beautiful woman who fascinated thousands of men, but she never thought that she could not get Lin Luo's consent to the request she made today.

The always strong self-esteem was obviously covered with a layer of mist, and the disappointed eyes hung on the fragile skin. Even if Ling Luo didn't appear in front of Ling Luo, the latter knew Huang Ruotong's expression at this moment.

"Ah! Didn't I just sleep for a while? Why is it the next night!"

Lin Luo didn't mean to be perfunctory, after all, she was physically and mentally exhausted from running around for days, and he himself didn't expect that he slept through the whole night

While speaking, Lin Luo casually turned over his watch, and after confirming that the date displayed on the watch and the clock hanging on the wall was correct, he suddenly became enlightened.

"Uh... Ruotong, I'm really sorry, it was still gloomy just now, since it's hard to carry out this event in our magic city, then I'll accompany you to play, maybe I can give you something Bring some unexpected surprises, hahaha!"

In fact, Lin Luo is quite bored with himself, being bored in the house and around all day long, and going back and forth day-to-day activities. Thinking of Huang Ruotong's request this time, Lin Luo is not as good as being with him and agreeing to the latter a few days ago He hesitated and agreed.

For a time, the two hit it off...

There was a hahaha smile on the other end of the phone again. At this moment, Huang Ruotong was fine on the other end of the phone, provoking his own man to answer in the affirmative, like a little girl on the street, longing for toy boxes and lollipops.

In the end, my wish came true, and I couldn't hold back my emotions on the phone.

"Oh, this silly girl, I really can't do anything about him, well, I'll go with you."

Before the phone was hung up, Lin Luo could clearly hear the laughter on the other end of the phone. At this moment, she was sitting on the sofa, with a confused look on her face, and sighed helplessly on the spot.

At the same time, he also began to tidy up his clothes, and walked out of the courtyard in the dead of night again.

At night on the street, you are the legendary city that never sleeps, and the bizarre scenes flashed in Lin Luo's eyes. But for Lin Ruo, these changes are not new.

For this trip, Lin Luo did not make any preparations for the event he will participate in the day after tomorrow. After all, for him, this is all dispensable.

And he is confident that with his own ability, he can win the championship of this competition. When he walks on the street, he is undoubtedly filling his stomach.

On the side of the street, the quiet street at night looks very peaceful, it seems that the forest and the branches and leaves on the roadside have also become peaceful

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