Urban God-Level Tall, Rich And Handsome

Chapter 505 Lin Luo Ascends The Throne

Boom boom boom!

The knock on the door interrupted the pleasant conversation between Lin Luo and Mr. Kunling.

"Come in!" Lin Luo said to the door.

"Chairman, representatives from major banks are here!" The secretary opened the door and reported to Lin Luohui.

"Oh? So fast?" Lin Luo was a little surprised. He stood up and turned to the old man and said, "Old man, I'll go there first, you can continue to drink tea here, and I'll chat with you after I finish this matter.

"It doesn't matter... I'm free anyway, so I'll go over with you and have a look." Mr. Kun Ling also stood up.

"Alright then!" Lin Luo didn't stop him, and let the old gentleman follow him out of the chairman's office.

When they were about to reach the hall, Wang Linjian appeared.

"Hey, Lin Luo, I heard that you called the representatives of the major banks, what's the matter, are you trying to give up on yourself?" Wang Linjian said sarcastically, as if he didn't see the old man behind Lin Luo at all.

"Hmph, just wait and see!" Lin Luo cast a glance at Wang Linjian and didn't pay him much attention.

When Lin Luo walked past Wang Linjian, Wang Linjian saw the old man behind Lin Luo. He felt that the old man looked familiar, but he couldn't remember who the old man was?

"Mister, may I ask who you are?" Wang Linjian asked respectfully.

"Tongtian Qianzhuang Kunling!" The old man introduced himself slowly. After speaking, he didn't look at Wang Linjian any more, and continued to follow Lin Luo and left Wang Linjian's side.

"Tongtian Bank`「!"

When Wang Linjian heard this term, he was instantly terrified. He didn't expect that Lin Luo could borrow money through this way, but in view of Tongtian Bank's high interest rates and Tongtian Bank's guarantee requirements.

He thought it was impossible for Lin Luo to borrow that much money, and it was impossible not to afford that much money.

"Hahaha! Lin Luo, I thought you would be so clever? I didn't expect that you borrowed money from Tongtian Bank. Isn't this tantamount to slow suicide? What will you do then?"

Wang Linjian laughed at Lin Luo behind Lin Luo's back frantically. He Linluo left without looking back, and went straight to the bank representative in the lobby...

Wang Linjian wanted to cry, although he managed to get Lin Luo to join him, but since Lin Luo asked Tongtian Bank to borrow money, it meant that Lin Luo had already solved his urgent need.

It also means that he will not be able to get back the shares that belonged to him in the short term, unless it is time for Lin Luo to pay back the money, he will be able to get back the shares.

But in his opinion, with the flexible guarantee ability, it is very likely that the shares have been given to Tongtian Bank as a guarantee, and Lin Luo has been given enough time, plus his 80% shares in Shinhwa Group... ..

He might be able to repay the loan. He felt very uncomfortable, but after thinking about it, since it is the matter of Tongtian Bank, then everything is easy to handle...

"Everyone from the bank is here!" Lin Luo looked at the group of people in the lobby wearing brightly colored clothes to show that they were representatives of major banks.

The representatives of the major banks looked at each other in dismay, their faces were very unhappy, we are here to ask for money, why did you make it look like you have to queue up for roll call.

Lin Nuo picked up the phone and made a call: "You can come in!"

Afterwards, a group of strong men moved boxes of hundred-yuan bills out of the car and piled them up in the hall...

The entire hall of more than 3,000 square meters was filled with money.

The representatives of the eight big banks were terrified. This is more than 60 billion yuan. How high will it take to pile it up? It seems that Lin Luo told them to drive a truck to pick it up, not because joke.

Several shareholders other than Wang Linjian heard that Lin Luo had called the representatives of major banks to come over, and they also rushed to join in the fun and see how Lin Luo solved this tens of billions of big problems.

As soon as they entered the door, they were shocked by the formation of hundred-yuan bills as high as mountains. Seeing this formation, they undoubtedly did not believe that the new chairman had great abilities, and that he could lead them to greater glory.

Lin Luo strenuously walked up the stairs that were previously piled up with money, climbed to the top of the money mountain, and sat on the grand master chair piled up with money. At this time, Lin Luo was like a king

Everyone under Qianshan wants to bow down for him.

When everyone was looking up at Lin Luo, Lin Luo (Zhao Dezhao) spoke, although his voice was not loud, but it was loud enough to resound throughout the audience: ~ How are the representatives from the major banks coming in trucks?"

This sentence was full of sarcasm but with a hint of solemnity. The representatives of the major banks were frightened and sweated profusely when they heard it. Everyone thought Lin Ruo was joking. Who knew that he really gave tens of billions of money to moved out.

"Yida Group Surprisingly Found a Mountain of Money!!!"

"The new emperor of the business world of Shanghai has ascended the throne!!!"

In an instant, similar news headlines were massacred in the major search boards, and people all over the world knew that there was a business emperor in Shanghai!!!


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