And Chen Duling was already used to facing this kind of best friend of hers, so she smiled at Huang Ruotong without any surprise.

"It's here! Baby, your hot pot city!"

Lin Luo stopped the car and said to Huang Ruotong.

"Okay! Thank you, big baby!"

Seeing Huang Ruotong like this, Chen Duling couldn't believe it, she kept asking questions along the way, this woman has really changed a lot recently!

"How do you do, sir, how many of you are there?"

"Give us a box!"

Before Lin Luo could speak, Huang Ruotong spoke first.

"Okay! Please wait a moment!"

"By the way, I want the first-class box here!"

Huang Ruotong immediately went up to add something.

"It's just a meal! Do you want to be so grand? Tongtong!"

Seeing Huang Ruotong's wasteful appearance, Chen Duling was not used to it, she was usually a very frugal child.

"Oh! It's rare for you to come and get along with me. I invite you to come and have a good meal and enjoy life! Is there anything wrong? Besides, you don't have to worry about this money, this money Could it be that Mr. Lin Luo, chairman of the dignified Shinhwa Group and Yida Group, can't afford it?"

Huang Ruotong put his arms around Chen Duling's arm, and then gave Lin Luo a sinister smile.

Huang Ruotong's meaning was very clear, because she must change her image in front of Chen Duling.

"What? This is the chairman of Shinhwa Group and Yida Group, right? I remember that the position of chairman of Yida was not held by Wang Linjian~?"

Chen Duling couldn't believe it, she couldn't believe what she was seeing, she didn't know how Huang Ruotong knew this dignified chairman.

"How is it possible? Haven't you read the news recently? It's the cash incident in the Yida Building, which was done by the handsome guy in front of you. Don't be surprised! Sixty billion, the bank staff are still there what about work!"

Huang Ruotong was very proud, that's right, anyone would be like this, after all, such an awesome character came from his boyfriend.

But Huang Ruotong's purpose this time is not to show off himself, and the focus is to win this Chen Duling and help his boyfriend.

"Could it be, could it be that you are the big man who is very powerful in the news recently?"

After hearing Huang Ruotong's voice, Chen Duling couldn't believe her eyes. She felt that Huang Ruotong had picked up a treasure.

"Yes! Are you envious? If you are envious, we can share it! You don't have to be polite to me, I am not stingy with girlfriends!"

Huang Ruotong squinted at Chen Duling, her meaning was very clear, it might be a joke to outsiders, but Chen Duling knew that this joke was half-truth and half-fake!

"Go to hell! Tongtong!"

Chen Duling's face was flushed, she really wanted to go up and say yes, but she still couldn't open her mouth, she knew the agreement they made when they were young, but she couldn't take it seriously, because this is not very common in modern society, She didn't want to hurt their girlfriends' friendship because of this.

"Hello, sir and miss, this is your room!"

The waiter took them to the door of a room, opened the door and spoke to them.

"Haha! Alright, alright! Let's go eat hot pot!"

Huang Ruotong walked in holding Chen Duling's hand, and Lin Luo could only follow behind silently.

He didn't know what kind of medicine this little girl was selling in her heart, but it seemed that the meaning was quite clear, that is to help him get rid of Chen Duling.

`~Hey! Waiter, you can cook us a super spicy pot, and then give us all your signature dishes like beef!"

Huang Ruotong picked up the menu, pointed to it and said, she crossed all the signature dishes on the menu.

"Hmm, yes! Please wait a moment! Miss!"

The waiter went out and was very calm, but Chen was not calm anymore!

"Tongtong! Are you serious? This will be hot!"

Chen Duling quickly said that she didn't want to have pimples on her face.

"Oh! Just don't worry, I'll ask our Mr. Lin Luo to send you a special nutritionist this afternoon! Is this all right? It's just a little spicy hot pot! Isn't it! My little baby!"

Lin Luo didn't know how to answer, but Huang Ruotong's meaning was already obvious, so he could only answer yes.

This girl's way of assisting Lin Luo is really rare, but who cares! Now Lin Luo feels that with this girl by his side, he just sits and waits for many people to fight.

Lin Luo was thinking happily in his heart.

"Yeah! That's it! Could it be that the chairman of Shinhwa Group and Yida Group, who have a lot of money here, can't afford it?"

Huang Ruotong pretended to ask Shen!

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