Urban God-Level Tall, Rich And Handsome

Chapter 528: Really Awesome

When the director said these words, all the stars in front of the camera exploded.

First of all, Huang Ruotong immediately hugged Lin Luo and said, "You can! When did you learn music theory? I didn't expect you to be so awesome! Seeing that you are usually so silent, you are so awesome." ability, you must teach me two tricks when you go back!"

Huang Ruotong was so excited that she was about to dance on the spot, because she couldn't believe that she could win once in the show Brother Running.

"Haha! Then it depends on how you reward your big baby me! I am very happy! It depends on your performance!" "Four nine seven""

Lin Luo raised his right hand, then raised his right hand, and kept drawing circles in the air, which meant to let Huang Ruotong think about it for herself.

"Cut! Isn't it enough for me to take care of you? You are still bullying me here."

Huang Ruotong pouted and said.

But before Lin Luo could continue to speak, all the celebrities beside them ran over.

"Sure! Lin Luo, I didn't expect you to have such amazing skills! It's a pity that you don't want to be a singer!"

First of all, Li Chun patted Lin Luo on the shoulder and said, as if he was very familiar with Lin Luo.

"Hey! No! I'm just learning the surface! I haven't reached that point yet!"

Lin Luo said in embarrassment.

"Hey! Don't be embarrassed! It's really amazing! By the way, what's the name of your song? Even if it's improvisation, it should have a name, right?"

Yang Ying looked at Lin Luo with adoring eyes and said.

"Haha! That's right! But according to the style of this song, I think it's good to call it a confession balloon, so let's call it that!"

Lin Luo silently sweated for himself in his heart, but he didn't expect that all the problems considered by the system could be used here.

"Confession Balloon? The name doesn't seem very good, but the song is really good. But overall it's pretty good!"

Li Chun gave Lin Luo a thumbs up, which means that Lin Luo is really awesome.

"Haha! Small things, small things, if you want to learn, I will teach you next time, these things are very simple."

Lin Luo said perfunctorily.

"Drip! System gang task, if the owner can defeat Li Chun in the part of tearing up the famous brand [then you will get a share of running Brother's Day and ten copies of the game cracking technology.

When Lin Luo was intoxicated by the admiration of others, the system suddenly issued a task.

"Defeat Li Chun? Isn't that contemptuous of me? Defeating him is a matter of minutes. It seems that I will definitely get this big gift package for running brothers game cracking!

After Lin Luo heard the news, he sat on the game chair, laughing so hard that he couldn't close his mouth.

"What are you doing? Could it be that you are still intoxicated by the victory just now?"

Huang Ruotong patted Lin Luo on the head and asked.

"Ah? Has the game started? Why did it start so soon?"

After waking Huang Ruotong up from the silence, Lin Luo was a little confused and said to Huang Ruotong.

"Come on, what were you doing just now? You were smiling so brightly."

Seeing Lin Luo's bright smile, Huang Ruotong was a little confused...

"Ahem! It's okay, it's okay! Hurry up, the game starts again [Let's all get ready!"

Lin Luo touched Huang Ruotong's head and motioned her to sit down quickly and prepare for the next round of the game.

"Okay, I believe everyone is almost ready, then let's start preparing for the next link!"

Seeing that everyone had almost sat down to their seats, the director immediately announced the start of the game.

"Okay! Now the game is about to start. Please pay attention to the question. The question now is to ask everyone to create a song about the campus. Everyone has five minutes to prepare. After five minutes, we will unify the answer."

After speaking, the director started the timer.

"The system is creating, please wait patiently, it will take about 30 seconds."

After hearing the director's words, the system immediately started the creation task autonomously.

After Lin Luo heard the system's words, he knew that he was sure of winning now, so he crossed his legs, whistled slowly, and waited for the system to give him an answer. 5.7

"I'll go! This kid can do it! He is here with his legs crossed and whistling. Doesn't he know that time is precious? Just five minutes, for the creation of a song

It's really hard!"

Seeing Lin Luo's leisurely appearance, Li Chun had to cast doubtful eyes, is this kid really that awesome?

However, only Lin Luo knows the inside story of this, because not everyone who owns the system has such good luck, maybe Lin Luo stepped on shit luck in his previous life, so he has such good luck.

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