Urban God-Level Tall, Rich And Handsome

Chapter 611 The Secret Of Billiard City

"Oh~" Everyone suddenly realized.

"No wonder I couldn't catch it with all my might, and my girlfriend broke up with me because of it!"

"Keep us money! Lose money!"

The onlookers booed. Everyone is blaming these unscrupulous merchants.

Lin Luo didn't speak, but gestured for everyone not to make noise.

"Come here." Lin Luo casually pointed to a machine and said, "Check it out, it hasn't been tampered with."

The man went over to take a look, thinking in his heart that Chairman Lin in front of him must have said that on purpose, even if he waited to see the traces of destruction, he couldn't really say that there were, if he embarrassed this big man, he might lose his job No guarantee.

After observing it, the fact was beyond the man's expectation. There was no trace of damage on the outside, and everything was intact.

"Could it be that there is a program error inside?" The man began to feel scared at this moment. If it is really a program error, then it is his dereliction of duty, and he will definitely lose his job.

The man who was stunned was not reconciled, and quickly checked several other machines, but none of them were as he thought. The few machines were all intact, just like new.

I came here in a hurry just now, and I didn't check my program beforehand to see if there was any error, because I was quite satisfied with what I wrote.

In this way, he not only offended Lin Luo, but also offended his boss.

The man looked like he had just come out to work. Facing such pressure, he began to crouch on the ground with his head in his arms and was at a loss.

Lin Luo looked at him very pitifully. Although the program he set up to cheat consumers out of money was not good, he did use cheats to cheat and tie the game. Lin Luo didn't want to embarrass this young working class, so he said.

"I fished these dolls, I can't return them, so let's treat them as bought by me." Lin Luo took out 2,000 yuan and handed it to him.

The hand holding the two thousand yuan trembled slightly. The man really couldn't believe that Chairman Lin would be so understanding.

"Cut, it's money again, it's a big deal to have money!" Chen Yanan said with contempt in his heart as he watched the farce end.

"Okay, let's share these with you." While Lin Luo walked away with his arms around Chen Duling, Chen Duling said cheerfully, the crowd swarmed up, and the dolls on the ground were also snatched up.

"Lin Luo, you are amazing." Chen Duling said, looking at Lin Luo with a smile full of joy.

"Is that a reward?" Lin Luo bent down and put his face in front of Chen Duling while talking.

"mua~" Chen Duling kissed her without any hesitation, and her elastic red lips felt a little cold on Lin Luo's face.

As I was walking, a voice came from behind.

"Oh, I said Mrs. Lin Donglin, don't openly show your affection on the street, please take care of us protected animals, okay?"

It was Zhuang Yi who came, and Zhuang Yi chased him from behind, holding two dolls in his hands, and it seemed that he took them back to spend for the two sisters.

"What protects animals?" Chen Duling said, staring at those big watery eyes.

"Single dog." Zhuang Yi said.

"Pfft~" Chen Duling was immediately amused.

"What's the matter, Mr. Zhuang, have you been kicked out by the old man because you have nothing to do at home?" Lin Luo said with a smile.

"That's right, no, if you go out for a stroll, you can also meet Mr. Lin. Do you think we are destined?" Zhuang Yi suddenly said in a strange way.

0...asking for flowers...

"Fuck you." Lin Luo kicked Zhuang Yi's ass.

"Anything to play?" Lin Luo looked at the time, it was still early, so he asked Zhuang Yi what else was on.

In Lin Luo's eyes, Zhuang Yi knows how to play better than himself, so he still needs to ask Zhuang Yi for advice on this aspect.

"I want to play billiards, it's in the billiards city." Zhuang Yi said, pointing to the billiards city not far away.

"You still like to play billiards? Okay, come on, let's have a PK with me." Lin Luo said.

"How can I compare with you, Mr. Lin, I don't know your perverted talent, so strong in everything, maybe your level has gone to the level of raging me again." I have seen it before. Lin Luo's perverted Zhuang Yi complained.

"Then let's go." Lin Luo saw that Shiism didn't dare to fight with him, and when he was about to leave, Zhuang Yi held Lin Luo back.

"Don't go, Lin Dong."

"Why? Aren't you afraid to fight?" Lin Luo looked at Zhuang Yi strangely.

"Whoever said billiards city must play billiards." Zhuang Yi leaned close to Lin Luo's ear and said, trying to keep his voice as low as possible so that Chen Duling could not hear him.

"Oh? Otherwise, what else can we do?" Lin Luo looked at the mysterious Zhuang Yi and said.

"It's okay, that..." Zhuang Yi's voice was even softer this time, but Lin Luo could hear it clearly.

"Oh~" Lin Luo responded perfunctorily, then turned around and put his arms around Chen Duling to leave.

"Don't, don't, Lin Dong, you just go with me." Zhuang Yi pulled Lin Dong and begged.

"What's the matter Lin Luo, what did he tell you just now? Why didn't you go with him?" Chen Duling asked, not knowing what was going on.


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