Urban God-Level Tall, Rich And Handsome

Chapter 624 Lin Luo Is Angry

Lin Luo watched TV outside for an hour before Chen Duling came out of the toilet after taking a shower.

Anyway, girls take a long time to take a bath. If it is Lin Luo, it will be done in less than 20 minutes.

"Honey, why have you been taking a bath for so long? Did you do something in the toilet?" Lin Luo said as he walked over to hug Chen Duling who was wrapped in a bathrobe.

"Go away, you haven't taken a shower yet. It stinks." Chen Duling said with a look of disgust.

"Oh, you think I stink, so I'll go." Lin Luo pretended to be angry and prepared to leave.

Chen Duling became anxious now, thinking that Lin Luo was really angry and was about to leave, so he hurried to the door and opened his hands to block Lin Luo from going out.

But Chen Duling, who had just come out, didn't wrap the bathrobe tightly. As soon as he opened his hands, the bathrobe slid off, and stood naked in front of Lin Luo.

Chen Duling's face instantly turned red like Guan Gong's.

"This is too embarrassing." Chen Duling thought to herself, picked up the bathrobe to wrap herself up, and ran into the room.

Lin Luo was amused by Chen Duling's cute behavior. She has a really good figure. Compared with Huang Ruotong, she is relatively plump.

Lin Luo deliberately shouted: "It's okay, it's not like I haven't seen it!"

"Damn it!, I hate you Lin Luo." A voice came from Chen Duling's room.

Lin Luo shook his head and went to take a shower.

In less than twenty minutes, Lin Luo finished washing. Wrapped in a new bathrobe and came out.

Chen Duling blushed even more when she saw the bathrobe on Lin Luo's body.

Isn't this what I wore after I took a shower last time? I haven't washed it yet.

Chen Duling has a habit at home. After taking a bath, she likes to wear a bathrobe naked and doesn't know how to wear underwear.

Thinking of this, Chen Duling lowered his head, not daring to look at Lin Luo anymore.

"What's the matter?" Lin Luo asked puzzled.

"No...it's nothing." Chen Duling said hesitantly.

Lin Luo sat on Chen Duling's bed naturally, with a natural look on his face.

"What are you doing?" Chen Duling said embarrassedly.

"Ah, can't I sit here? Then I'll go." Lin Luo said and got up and pretended to leave.

Chen Duling was frightened by Lin Luo again, and pulled Lin Luo's clothes, only to realize that he had been fooled the moment he pulled the clothes.

"I hate this Lin Luo to death." Chen Duling cursed inwardly.

Lin Luo directly kissed Chen Duling's lips this time, and grabbed Chen Duling's waist with one hand.

Chen Duling's waist was suddenly hugged tightly, and he lost his balance and fell into Lin Luo's arms.

Lin Luo's kiss was very aggressive like a wild beast, and Chen Duling's heart was instantly ignited.

The two fought until late at night before going to sleep.

It was only seven o'clock the next day when Lin Luo's phone rang.

"Love is not something you want to buy, you can buy it if you want it

Lin Luo picked up the phone sleepily and said, "Who is it?"

"It's me, Brother Luo."

It turned out to be Zhuang Yi, he remembered Lin Luo's bet with Shi Long last night, and he came here to remind Lin Luo.

"You kid, you don't need to sleep. Get up so early." Because Lin Luo fought until late at night last night, he still wanted to sleep for a while, so he hung up the phone after speaking.

Chen Duling was still sleeping soundly, as if she didn't hear Lin Luo's voice at all.

Soon, Lin Luo's phone rang again.

"Love is not you...  

"Ah, what's the matter!" Lin Luo got angry now.

"No, I don't want to either. Brother Luo, that Shilong called to harass me at half past six. If you don't get up and get ready, I'm going to be bored to death." Zhuang Yi said innocently over there.

It turned out that after Zhuang Yi arranged the hotel for Shi Long last night, he also bought him a mobile phone so that he could contact him conveniently.

Cultivators like Shi Long used to go to bed early and get up early, and when they practiced on the mountain, they always went to bed early and got up early.

Shilong actually got up as early as five o'clock, because in the early morning, the air is the freshest, and the breath at this time is the strongest and purest. For Shilong, a physicist who wants to practice eye skills, this Time to practice is the best.

But this practice time is very short, only half an hour.

Therefore, Shilong's cultivation is very difficult, he has to get up early every day, and practice for such a short pitiful half an hour, and only by practicing day after day can he achieve something.

Otherwise, why is Shi Long so arrogant? As far as his kung fu is concerned, it cannot be practiced overnight.

(To Li Zhao) "`~Okay, okay, let me tidy up briefly, you tell him not to worry, the Jade Festival doesn't start until nine o'clock, why don't you take him to have breakfast first." Lin said Luo hung up the phone and woke up Chen Duling.

Chen Duling's whole body was sticky, so he went to take a bath if he felt uncomfortable. Chen Duling didn't put on makeup at this time, and went out with Lin Luo after putting on some sunscreen.

"My wife is naturally beautiful, and she looks so good-looking without makeup." Lin Luo deliberately teased Chen Duling when he was free.

"That's needless to say." This time Chen Duling is not modest, although compared with Huang Ruotong, he is a little worse, but compared to most girls, he is already very good.

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