Urban God-Level Tall, Rich And Handsome

Chapter 634 Make Up A Story

"Without surgery, how could the blood clot disappear! As an atheist medical worker, you must believe in science," the doctor said inwardly.

"Don't make trouble. Although I don't know why you woke up, it doesn't mean that your illness is cured. If the blood clot has not been taken out, you will be in danger at any time. I am a doctor, and I must treat my patients Responsible." The doctor said seriously.

Lin Luo and the others didn't know what to do at this time. In fact, Chen Yanan didn't quite believe Lin Luo's words that he had dealt with his blood clot, so he wanted to check it first.

"How about this, doctor, I just want to make sure if there is really a blood clot in my brain, so I will go for another check. If there is, I am convinced, and I will immediately agree to the operation." Chen Yanan said.

The doctor had no choice but to agree.

After the examination, the doctor got the result and found that the blood clot that was under the brain had disappeared.

Chen Yanan was also very surprised when he saw this picture.

She knows about this disease.

If I don't know, it may be that the doctor made a mistake, but I go to check every year to see if the blood clot is getting bigger.

Now in this X picture, the thing under the brain has disappeared. At this time, Chen Yanan was surprised besides excited.

"He didn't lie to me, my blood clot has been treated? And he really did it?" Chen Yanan said in his heart, with a very complicated mood.

Chen Yanan ignored the doctor, and walked back to the ward while thinking about what kind of person Lin Luo was.

The doctor took the picture, looked at it again and again, and couldn't believe it. Could there really be miracles in the world?

For some so-called miracle cases, for example, some people feel that they have cancer, and then they get better. In fact, it has something to do with the patient’s beliefs and mood. The patient’s mood is good, the body is in good condition, and the cancer cells have not reproduced as they should. , so it's fine in the end.

But there is a blood clot in the brain, how could it disappear for no reason? There must be an expert present.

The doctor thought of the only reasonable reason, got up and walked to Chen Yanan's ward immediately.

When the doctor walked to Chen Yanan's room, there was no one there.

Lin Luo had already expected that the doctor would come back to find him, so it was better to leave early to avoid trouble.

After leaving the hospital, Chen Yanan had a chance to ask what happened.

"Are you still a doctor~`?" Chen Yanan asked curiously, judging from Lin Luo's appearance, he doesn't look like a national doctor of Chinese medicine.

"My Brother Luo is everything." Zhuang Yi said proudly.

"Huh? What?" Chen Yanan didn't understand what Zhuang Yi meant.

"Stupid, whether you know how to speak or not, you can do anything!" Chen Duling blamed.

Zhuang Yi and Chen Duling are already used to these things. In their eyes, Lin Luo is omnipotent. He can be a medical expert, a musical talent, a golf expert, a Xiangshi master, etc. Anyway, there is nothing Lin Luo doesn't know.

"It's just that when I was in my hometown, there was an old Chinese doctor who taught me some skin care, so I gave it a try. Who knows, it will be fine." What Lin Luo said seems to be true, it seems that he really wants to be an actor Yes, even a director can do it.

Chen Yanan has never seen Lin Luo's other abilities, so of course he is dubious.

"Really, you dare to treat me just like that, wait a minute!" Chen Yanan seemed to understand something.

"Did you try me out?" Chen Yanan stopped and said.

Lin Luo didn't know that seeing Chen Yanan think so, he naturally believed the story he made up and didn't deny it.

"You!" Chen Yanan is still very angry. Although this man has eliminated the hidden dangers in his body, but thinking about how dangerous he was, he became a'

~Experimental product", I have no feeling of gratitude to Lin Luo in my heart.

"You, you, if it wasn't for my family Lin Luo who saved you, you would still be lying in the hospital, and you still want to forget your grudges, right?" Chen Duling said with his hands on his chest.

"Eh..." Chen Yanan was completely powerless to refute, who told him to save him.

"Thank you." Chen Yanan said thank you lightly and left.

"Lin Luo, look, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have saved her!" Chen Duling complained to Lin Luo angrily.

Lin Luo patted Chen Duling's head and said comfortingly, "Haha, it's all right, don't be angry with my wife." Lin Luo said.

Zhuang Yi is not (Wang De's) easy to talk to, all this is because of himself, without his help, there will be no such things.

Seeing that Zhuang Yi was blaming himself, Lin Luo patted Zhuang Yi on the shoulder and changed the subject, "Zhuang Yi, why didn't the director Feng Dagang you mentioned come over? Nothing happened to him, right?"

Speaking of this, Zhuang Yi remembered.

You are right, why has there been no news for so long, Feng Dagang has always kept the agreement before, this time I don't know why he temporarily said that he will come later because of something, and so many days have passed, and there is no news.

"I'm going to call him and ask him."


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