Xiao Hei has already helped Lin Luo take care of the jewelry department, and now Shilong has taken over the management. From the mining of stones to the final processing into jewelry, all are contracted by his own department.

"Stone Dragon!" Lin Luo shouted.

Shilong is studying a stone, which was sent by the CEO of another company to celebrate the establishment of this department.

"Director Lin, you're here." Shi Long was surprised when he saw that the woman beside him was not Chen Duling, but a practitioner like Shi Long was more traditional, and felt that it was nothing for a man to have three wives and four concubines.

"Who is this?" Shi Long asked.

"This is my wife, Yang Mi." Lin Luo said with a smile, embracing Yang Mi with his right hand.

"Hello." Yang Mi said with a sweet smile.

Shi Long looked at Lin Luo with a smile, and his eyes seemed to say: "Not bad, Chairman, there are many beautiful women around you."

Shi Long came back to his senses and said: "Director Lin, come quickly, I have a piece of stone in my hand, you can also take a look.

Thinking of Lin Luo's Xiangshi ability, Shilong wanted to see it one more time. Can't wait for Lin Luo to meet Shi in front of him again.

"Okay." Lin Luo said with a smile.

This stone is really good. Judging from the external outline and the texture on it, there should be relatively good jade inside.

"Turn on the Xiangshi system." After Lin Luo turned on the system, he looked at the stone again, and a thin layer of blue halo shrouded the surface of the stone. The inside should be sapphire, and the quality is about medium.

"What do you think, Shilong?" "." Lin Luo didn't rush to say his answer, but asked Shilong.

Shilong stroked the surface of the stone like a stone, as if he was feeling the breath of the stone, and said: "This jade, just like people, in the eyes of our physiognomists, they are also alive and breathing. I can feel it, and this texture is peculiar, not an ordinary stone, but I can't see its fineness at such a close distance, it should be below medium jade, I have read a lot of records, there may be a blue in this texture Or purple gems."

Shi Long explained his thoughts and analysis word by word.

Lin Luo nodded. As expected of a professional physicist, the analysis was well-founded.

"Then what do you think of Director Lin?" Shi Long said.

This is very embarrassing, Lin Luo can't come up with this kind of analysis, how can he have so many analysis, and judge directly by the complexion seen by the system.

"Well, this should be a sapphire." Lin Luo said simply.

Shi Long said dumbfoundedly: "No, Mr. Lin, I've said so much, but you haven't analyzed it, so you just give the answer directly, isn't it because you are afraid that I will steal your teacher?"

Lin Luo was also very helpless. He couldn't tell Shilong that his system was still capable, so he could only say: "No, I just have a special method to directly see the color inside the stone. This method is related to vision, and I don't care about that." It's easy to reveal..." Lin Luo made up.

"Okay." Shi Long also knew that in their line of work, it is not allowed to disclose the technique of Xiangshi to outsiders. This is the rule, and Shi Long did not continue to ask.

"Then let's cut it open and have a look?" Shi Long said.

After the establishment of the Jewelry Department, there were also professionals in stone calculus, but there was only one machine, and only one stone calculus master was under it.

This scale, because small.

This was Lin Luo's first thought when he saw it.

Lin Luo thought for a while, he should be able to buy the gambling stone market in Shanghai, the resources of the gambling stone market, the source of the stone and the master who explained the stone.

"Master, help me cut this stone." Shi Long said.

Shi Long is very respectful to people who are professional in astrologer, because he loves jade and stone from the bottom of his heart, so he has a special affection for people in this industry.

When Lin Luo didn't show that kind of Xiangshi ability before, Shi Long also looked down on him, but since Lin Luo showed a strong Xiangshi ability, Shi Long admired Lin Luo from the bottom of his heart

The stone was not big or small, but after cutting it, a blue light appeared, and Shi Long showed a gratified smile.

Lin Luo was even more happy, he had not misjudged the person, and the fledgling Shilong's judgment could be so accurate, which showed that he really worked hard in this area, so with the support of strong theoretical knowledge, his actual skills would not be bad.

Yang Mi looked at it in surprise, and couldn't help shouting: "`~ Sapphire! Wow, this color (excellent), so beautiful."

Yang Mi had never seen this kind of gambling stone, and it was the first time she had seen jade cut out of a stone, and it was also the first time she had seen Lin Luo's astrologer ability, but she was not surprised, because in her heart, Lin Luo had long been an omnipotent man.

"After this gem is made into jewelry, I will give you one." Lin Luo said looking at the happy Yang Mi.

"By the way, I asked them to turn my top-quality green jadeite into jewelry that day at the Betting Stone Market. I don't know if it's finished. Come with me and talk about buying their Betting Stone Market." Lin Luo Say handsome to Shilong.

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