Urban God-Level Tall, Rich And Handsome

Chapter 654: Script Completion

Feng Dagang deserves to be a genius in directing, and his ability as a screenwriter is also top-notch.

Feng Dagang has already written a work within this week, and is about to tell Lin Luo the good news.

Love is not something you want to buy, you can buy it if you want it...

Lin Luo is watching the news, now turn on the TV, the streets are full of reports about himself.

"Feng Dagang?" Lin Luo saw that it was Feng Dagang's call.

"It's me, Director Lin, I have compiled a work, as long as you allocate funds and time, we can start filming anytime.

Lin Luo thought to himself: As expected of a genius, three million is not a loss.

"Can I decide on an actor?" Lin Luo asked.

"Of course, you are joking, Mr. Lin." Feng Dagang said.

"What kind of movie is this, please tell me the general plot." Lin Luo said.

"It's about a car god 290 story. The protagonist was an ordinary tofu delivery man on Qiuming Mountain. Because he often walks on mountain roads, his skills are very good. Later, a group of team members came to compete there. Later, I discovered the protagonist's technology, so I challenged the protagonist and so on." Feng Dagang briefly talked about the outline.

After listening to the outline of the story, Lin Luo thought it was very good, but he wanted authenticity instead of shooting with special effects.

"You find some professional racing drivers to film this movie, and we have to try our best to be 100% real." Lin Luo said lightly.

"100% real? It's not necessary, Mr. Lin, with our current technology, we can take pictures without actually driving at all." Feng Dagang quickly explained.

No one has ever acted like Lin Luo.

"No, I must be real. I firmly believe that the effect of real shooting will be better than that of special effects." Lin Luo did not change his mind.

Besides, Lin Luo has a system, so he doesn't have to worry at all, he can become a racing driver at any time, and kill some professional racing drivers in seconds.

"Is there a heroine?" Lin Luo asked.

"Yes, of course." Feng Dagang said.

"Well~ You should prepare for this drama as I said first, and I will start filming after the Huaxia Good Music program is over.

Lin Luo thinks this way, he wants Wang Sisi to make a movie with him after participating in the competition, so that it is considered as his debut, and he will debut with him, but it is not yet determined whether Wang Sisi wants to become a star.

Wang Sisi's current strength is because she has untied her heart knot, and her singing ability is getting stronger and stronger. This change can be felt.

The second phase of Good Music is about to start recording, this time it is the knockout round.

This time, Lin Luo's students came to the stage. To be honest, Lin Luo has been busy recently. Except for tutoring Wang Sisi, no one else has tutored, so these days it is the students who improve themselves.

In the end, two students from Lin Luo's group entered the top eight.

After the recording was over, Wang Sisi wanted to invite Lin Luo to dinner. If it wasn't for his help, how could he improve his prosperity (aec) so quickly.

But think about it, during the game now, you should avoid suspicion, otherwise others will gossip when they see it.

When Wang Sisi was about to leave disappointed, Lin Luo grabbed her.

"Let's go eat together." Lin Luo didn't think about these things.

There is no need to avoid risks and not to avoid suspicion, strength lies here.

"But..." Wang Si thought that he wanted to avoid suspicion, but he really wanted to be with Lin Luo.

"It's okay, everyone will see your strength, don't worry." Lin Luo saw Wang Sisi's worry, so he took Wang Sisi and left.

"By the way, there is also Yang Mi." Lin Luo thought of Yang Mi, and it would be good to have dinner together, as if Yang Mi didn't know Wang Sisi deeply yet.

Lin Luo took Yang Mi and Wang Sisi to a restaurant for dinner.

Yang Mi was obviously a little jealous and said, "Not bad, Lin Luo, now even the students are hooking up."

Lin Luo rubbed his head in embarrassment [as if he realized that it was a mistake to call Wang Sisi to have dinner with Yang Zheng.

"Hi, my name is Wang Sisi." Wang Sisi first introduced herself to avoid embarrassment for Lin Luo.

"Well, I know, no need to introduce." Yang Mi looked serious.

"The song you sing is pretty nice. You're not the champion, you're also the runner-up." Yang Mi said with a sudden change of style.

Wang Sisi didn't know how to respond to the sudden compliment, but Lin Luo interrupted and said, "Of course, it doesn't matter who the mentor is."

"Cut!" Wang Sisi and Yang Mi rolled their eyes together and said.

The two women also looked at each other and smiled for the tacit understanding between each other, and the relationship between them began to become active.

After eating, Lin Luo found that there were many people watching in the distance of the square.

"What's interesting here, let's go and see." Yang Mi said, holding Wang Sisi's hand.

After speaking, the two women ran towards the crowd.

"It's over, now I'm redundant." Lin Luo said to himself, and then followed.

"Here hey, don't miss it when you pass by, these are all treasures."

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